Sunday, December 18, 2022


 I'm not a numbers person. Now, I can count, add, subtract and multiply. I can also divide and cypher the median, mean and average. However, I was never any good at word problems. I didn't care when or where, the two trains, traveling at different speeds, actually meet. I wanted to know what happened to the people who were riding, in the trains, at the point of collision. Did they survive? Did someone record their reactions to the crash? What was the real story?

Numbers. Well, we've got a pretty good football team in Kansas City. So far, this season, their won-loss record is 11 wins and three losses. The team, as a whole, has a ton of statistics.  One player, named Kelce, must pay a fellow, who does nothing but assign numbers to his biography. I mean, you look him up and you can see that in 2022 alone, you can find out his number of receptions, receiving yards, average yards per reception, longest reception, reception yards, and rushing yards. Now, he has been playing a few years, so you can also see the same stats, for his entire career.

The Government has a lot of statistics, too. Available on the net, you can find data for National Gun Violence, Spending, Crime, Energy, Poverty, Immigration and Employment. The same goes for each of the 50 states, and territories. Then, individual communities have their sets of statistics, too.

That a whole lot of numbers, folks. I once heard a famous third baseman brag about his Sa-tis-tics. Bless his heart, he knew he had them, and probably knew what the numbers were, but he couldn't pronounce the word. 

So, are you a "number person", or are you a "word person"? Maybe you are blessed to be both. My number this year is 52. I have written 52 blog posts, in 2022. My statistical average, for the last 14 years is 46.29 posts. I guess, I am above average this year. That's about all I can hope for. I'm actually proud of my achievement.

Gracious and All Knowing God, you know all that there is to know. We are your humble followers, always seeking to learn more. Sometimes we need reminding that You are number ONE.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Cookies and Cards

 Christmastime reminds us of tradition. Christmas Cards, baking lots of homemade goodies, and going home for the holidays. But, when your life is suddenly changed, it's okay, to alter a few, tried and true traditions. Adaptation is a fine way to cope.

#1. Like the Grinch, who for 53 years, put up with Whoville's Noisy Celebration, the Kincaids, for 56 years, sent out Christmas Cards. Let me state that differently. I bought and addressed the cards.  Because, Scott felt that everyone in the family (not the dog) had to sign the cards, the number of signatures varied over the years. Most years, I nearly had to beat the children, in order to make them hand-sign every card. I can't help but think, that the reason all four of them were so eager to leave the nest, was leaving home meant they would never have to sign another Christmas Card.  After I got Scott to sign them, which was only slightly less difficult, I took the cards to the Post Office and mailed them. 

Bottom line....., no cards this year. Yep, consider this your card. I don't love or treasure any of you any less, I'm just choosing to say "Merry Christmas" in another way.

#2. My Christmas baking has, for years, consisted of those, oh so difficult to make, Rice Krispie Treats, other no-bake desserts, and plastic wrapped candy canes. This year, I baked 6 plus dozen Pizzelle cookies. Pizzelle's are a tradition in my hometown, and I've always loved them. So, when I snagged an iron from a friend (too much work for her, she said) I proceeded to bake my own Pizzelles. Well, one batch took me a couple of hours, and I had dough from one end of the kitchen to the other, but I just sang Carols, at the top of my lungs and had the best time. I think, I will do another batch before Christmas!! That is, if I can afford another dozen eggs. 

#3. My four Christmas Trees are still in their boxes, in the closet. I decorated, of course, using a dozen Santas, tinsel, candles and elves, but no trees. I think it looks very festive, and I won't have to dismantle the durn things, by myself!

#4. I will not be singing, "I'll Be Home for Christmas", because I won't be. I'll be off to far-away places. My bags are already packed. I'll leave, just as soon as I make sure to have paid all of my yearly bills. New Traditions!

Dear Lord. It will be a simple Christmas. I'm going to celebrate Your coming, in a new, less traditional manner. But, the stable is still there, the shepherds can see the star, and the angels continue to sing. The meaning of Christmas stays the same. We are blessed by Your Coming.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

"Oh by gosh by golly, It's time for mistletoe and holly."

Holiday Music, provided to us, nonstop, between Thanksgiving and New Year's, is becoming increasingly annoying to many folks. You know, it's piped into all the retail stores, and it's everywhere, on your car radio. It's at the airport, and where I do my volunteer work. However, MOI, aka: "Santa Baby", proud possessor of the, "lyrics-memory-of-all-times", actually likes it. I mean, since I've memorized, word for word, at least the first two stanzas of every Christmas Carol and Jingle Bell lyric, known to the English Speaking World, I think this music barrage is great. After all,  "It's the most wonderful time of the year." 

Now, I'm not bragging. Well, maybe I am, but in all honesty, I do have a talent for remembering lyrics. But, I'm wise enough to realize, that my gift isn't what you might call amazing, or outstanding or even the least little bit marketable. It's just something I do.

I love almost every Christmas tune. I will sing right along with Bing Crosby and Mel Torme. I can do Burl Ives and Gene Autry, too. And, actually McCartney's "Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time" and that, perfectly awful, "All I Want for Christmas Is You", are both only the slightest bit mind numbing....because, however bad they are.....I can still sing along because, I know the lyrics, of course!

This morning, I was doing my best version of "I Want a Hippopotomus for Christmas", when my 10 year old granddaughter, just looked at me and shook her head. What, do you think she will be telling her grandchildren, 50 years from now, about her crazy old grandma? She'll probably wish that "Grandma got run over by a Reindeer." 

Well, there you go, I thought, as I began to sing "Feliz Navidad", in my finest Spanish! Let it be said, that I am doing my best to get with the Spirit of Christmas. 

Dear Lord. Faith in You, is the real reason for the season. However we sing it, we glorify Your Holy Name.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

"Jolly Old St. Nicholas......"

 "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" and of course my shopping isn't anywhere near finished. But, I have been doing a lot of thinking about shopping. THINKING, is the key word, here.

I didn't leave the house on Black Friday. I've always been slightly offended by the name, given to the madness of sales and excessive buying! And, I missed out on ordering anything on Cyber Monday, so no packages arrived on Porch Pirate Tuesday. Oh, I'll get around to buying a few things, but "slow and easy", kind of like Bing singing "White Christmas". Soft and slidy, will be my melody, this year.

Christmas Shopping brings to mind lots of great memories. The lighted Christmas Decorations strung across Broadway, down several blocks of stores, are a great memory, of my little home town.  Most of my childhood shopping was done at Kresses and Woolworth's, because they had the best stuff, within my budget!

Shopping in downtown Kansas City, was pretty amazing, too. The Jones Store and Harzfelds were my favorites and the city always erected huge crowns over the intersections, in the shopping area. But, as far as decorations go, the Plaza Lights, have always been spectacular. As they hype incessently..... for 92 years. I understand that the stores, in the "world's first planned shopping center", are now open during and after the Thanksgiving night "lighting". This, no doubt, increases holiday sales. Years ago, we all went home after the big show, and ate leftover turkey, instead of spending money!

Bottom line, I'll be gifting homemade items again, sprinkled with a few extras. Oh yes, I know, that my friends and family already have closets full of crocheted scarves and hats, but "lean your ear this way", because whatever I give, will be packed with love and hours of attention.

"As for me my little brain, isn't very bright. Choose for me, dear Santa Claus, what you think is right."

Happy Birthday, Jesus. We will not forget that we are celebrating Your birth.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

"More than Famous"

 The other day, I started thinking about fame. Besides talking to myself, these days, I do a lot of un-meaningful, internal thinking. My thoughts were running along these lines, "Am I acquainted with any famous people?" Sure, I thought. I was married to a Grammy Award winner. And, a newspaper columnist, who won a Pulitzer Prize, used to live down the street. (I'm really thinking now...) I went to school with a successful professional baseball player (Dodgers) and I know someone who has patented his inventions. Several of my friends have written and published books. My friend, Anita, has a city park and a public building, named for her.  (Then, I started stretching relationships, a tiny bit.) My aunt went to school with Mickey Mantle, and I went to school with a girl, whose brother, often appeared on Oprah. (No, I don't think those should count....) I once stood next to the artist, Thomas Hart Benton, at a local bar, but was too much in awe, to engage in any type of conversation. Oh, and once, I sold a pair of shoes to Len Dawson!

As I continued to muse, I thought about these "famous" folks. What makes a person famous? (Continuing, with my train of thought) My belief is that a person becomes famous, only because other people think they are extraordinary.... pretty special. There you go. Fame in a nutshell!

So, actually I know hundreds, maybe thousands, of famous people. All of my friends, and many casual acquaintences, brighten my life every single day.  To me, each and every one is terribly important and famous! Quite humbly, I am blessed. 


Great and All-powerful Lord. Your Grace is a gift to all of us. Thank you for all of Your gifts. Each of us is unique and our talents are God-given.  Lord, help us to use them wisely.

Monday, November 21, 2022

I'm Thankful For.......

Church services and elementary classrooms have an unusual thing in common. Around Thanksgiving, both always ask you to share  "What are you are thankful for?" Well, for me, that's extremely unfortunate grammar and an hugely uncomfortable bit of confessing! I hated that assignment, as a kid, and I'm none to fond of it, as an adult.

The truth is, I'm thankful for a multitude of things, however, I'm not comfortable sharing those things, aloud, in a group. Talking, incessantly to friends who will listen, is one thing. In a crowd, however, I'm often silent.

So, here are some things, I wish I could share:

1. I'm thankful that I didn't follow through, with my childhood dream, to become a cowboy. I discovered, quite early, that it was not at all romantic, and I probably would have screwed up my ovaries and never have become a mother of four remarkable adults.

2. I'm thankful that I didn't become a nun. Same reason as above.

3. I'm thankful that I have lived almost long enough, to be an embarrassment to my four children. It is a blessing that, for the most far, most of them think I'm just fine. 

4. I'm thankful for my many life experiences and challenges. The ups and downs, of a long life, make us who we are. Thanksgiving does not always come from abundance, it is built by adversity.

5. I am thankful for my kids, my many grand kids, relatives, good friends and acquaintances. People are, not like the song says, all "crazy".

Good and all knowing God. We may not always express it, but we are thankful.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Nanners Redux

 The following, is a post I wrote in 2018. As everyone, who speaks of the past is now noting,  it was pre-pandemic. Times have changed and change is inevitable. Even the though the 9 grandkids now total 13, and I am, for the first time in my life living alone, life goes on, and I am constantly blessed.


In a current TV commercial for something (I can't recall just what the product is), an actor makes a statement, something like "our Thanksgivings used to be small" and immediately a mob of folks, presumably family, rings his doorbell. Then the same actor makes a follow-up comment about how times change.

Change is a fact of life. In reality, the only constant in life is change!
I remember thinking that the babies were never going to get out of diapers, and then that the afternoons and evenings watching little league baseball and soccer were never going to end, and on and on. Now, I wish I had taken the time to really enjoy all of those rites of passage, instead of wondering how and when we could move on.
Now, we have nine grandchildren. We certainly have many blessings for which we are so thankful. If I had one gift to give to all the teenagers and young parents of today, it would be to enjoy the journey.  We will never have enough time to experience all of life's joys and sorrows, but take time to enjoy the people and events of your life. No one knows just when we will reach our final destination.

Lord, I am thankful for the life I lead. Life is not a bed of roses but it isn't a mattress of prickly pear cacti. It's a journey and we are blessed to be on the road. We are all fellow travelers.
Guide us and show us every opportunity to share our blessings.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Mrs. Smith

 My life has been blessed with some special longtime friends. Growing up in a relatively small town, I have a few, probably 10 or twelve, folks that I have known since Kindergarten. It's hard to believe, but that has been over 70 years ago.

My friends and I have a special bond. We were the first Kindergarten class to attend a brand new grade school. All of us, and to this day, we visit quite often, remember the large room, at the end of the new, blond brick building, which included, of all things, a slide, tiny wash-up sinks, a bathroom, and a working fireplace. All wonderous things, to little folks used to tiny two bedroom, one bath homes. All of us shared bedrooms with siblings, and no one, I knew had a TV, or two cars.

Kindergarten was full of experiences, that most of us remember, to this day. We learned to play together. We learned to share. Carrying chairs and scissors (hands gripped around the closed blades pointed down) correctly, were stressed skills. 

But, the activity that I remember most vividly, was our Rhythm Band. Our instruments were shiny new. There were triangles, with little wands to make the sound. Drums, with sticks. There must have been bells and cymbals, too. We believed we made marvelous music, playing together with great enthusiasm.

However, I don't remember playing any of those glorious instruments. I was relegated to playing the lowly sticks! Now, there were many more stick players, than anything else in our band. I wasn't alone, but I truly envied those kids who got to play the "real" instruments. 

It was never to be. Lesson Learned. 

It's okay to be just one of the average folks. Life has plenty of times to shine and be special, but mostly we must learn to be part of the whole group, caring for others, like ourselves, and blending in. A group that makes beautiful music, needs stick players. We are the back up singers, the family, the crew, the army, the support for the triangle players, of this world. We are needed. It's not a band, without us.

Dear Lord. the opportunities that you give us are vast. Learning is a never ending activity and lessons learned are part of our life long journey. Being supportive of others is, perhaps, the most important lesson of all. Teach us patience, understanding and, of course, show us how to love our neighbors. 

Monday, October 31, 2022

Just Cover Your Ears

 So, I've had a few thoughts about Harmony and Discord, lately. It all began with a Fortune Cookie quote. "Harmony cannot be made, if everyone is singing the same note."

Simple, but true. If I were a tattoo-kind of girl, I'd have that inked on me, someplace. It would be perfect to display, when I am accosted by someone who questions my intelligence, because I don't subscribe to the same exact political beliefs, as my accoster!

But then, I thought about Discord. In truth, I've heard a lot of discordant music in my life. After all, I'm the proud surviving mother of four beginning violin students. It's true, I guess, that most folks don't know good music from bad. But, there are folks who can tell. Once, I witnessed a Grammy Award winning choral conductor, stop a performance in mid-note, because some tenors had erred, on a minute series of notes.  Much to everyone's embarrassment, he made the whole group sing the song again. I don't think anyone, but the conductor (and the composer, who happened to be sitting right in front of me) realized the mistake, but the show went on, red faces and all.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg, is quoted as having said (or written), "You can disagree without being disagreeable." In fact that exact quote, and a few similar ones are attributed many other famous and infamous people. There's a bit of irony for you.

So, as we approach, yet another, contentious election, can we remember that there are going to be some winners and some losers. Just vote, everyone who possibly can, then please, shut up. Don't whine if your favorite lost and don't boast if you backed a winner.  We don't all sing the same note.

Lord, you are all powerful and all knowing. We aren't. Thank you for holding us close and protecting us.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

UNFORTUNATE New Traditions

There is a relatively new tradition out there called Trunk or Treat. I'm sure it was created by someone, who was trying to make this ancient holiday, safer for our youngsters. For those of you who do not know, organizations, churches, schools and even some neighborhoods, amass candy (donated from who knows where) and kids, instead of going door to door, go to advertised places, moving from open car trunk to car trunk, collecting candy. Weird but true.

A little Internet research will tell you that only one Halloween candy poisoning death has occurred, since the 1970's, when we all started freaking out about EVIL TREATS. And, that was an actual father who gave his own kid, Cyanide laced candy. There have been no real cases, of razor blades in fruit and glass imbedded candy bars. Look folks, strangers giving out candy from car trunks sounds dangerous to me.

So, I ask you, in an age when parents refuse to let their kids walk to school, (there are designated days when schools encourage walking...with parents and police escorts!) why are the same parents allowing their kids to take treats, out of stranger's car trunks? The new phrase of wisdom might be, "Don't take candy from strangers, unless it's from their car trunk."

Remember, when we cautioned our kids, about folks dealing drugs and stolen goods, out of their car trunk? Remember, when kids went Trick or Treating in their own neighborhood. When, they asked for treats from people, they or their parents knew. Times have changed.

I hope and pray that every child has a safe Halloween. 

Monday, October 24, 2022

One small step for mankind......

 How long does it take to un-learn a habit? For the last 41 years, in my home, I have been using two teeny-tiny steps to come, in and out, of the attached garage. Last week, in a fit of handyman-ism, I decided to rebuild the steps and fashion my entrance into ONE, normal sized step. 

All went well. With the help of a power jig-saw, an electric drill, wood and L-shaped brackets, the step turned out beautiful, functional and quite nice looking. That's my opinion, you realize. And, what's more important, no one was injured in the making of the step!

Since the completion of this fine new entrance, I have fallen out of the door, at least a dozen times. Thankfully, catching myself without totally hitting the garage floor. I realized that I had to make some serious adaptations. Now, I slow down, tell myself to watch my "step", read the two large signs that say STOP and listen to the set of Christmas bells, that are now attached to the doorknob.

I am trying to reteach my muscle memory and my brain to use the new height, on the step. Can I successfully teach an old dog a new trick? If so, how long will it take? In the meantime, my insurance is paid up and I am taking BABY STEPS!!!!

Good and gracious God, we are so thankful for the talents, which you have given each and every one of us. We are different. Remind us of our limitations, your gifts to us and your Holy Grace. Give us good sense and the ability to use it. We praise your Holy Name.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

What on earth?????

 Just when you think you have seen it all, something happens that puts you down a peg or two, on your experience "road of life." You know, the type of event that completely gob smacks you, and you are totally dumbfounded. 

I don't want to brag, but recently, I have complemented myself on a distinguished group of friends that, for the most part, exhibit what I consider to be the best of mature couth and manners. My friends, new and old, can behave themselves in almost any circumstance. Big events, small events, lunches for a hundred or dinner for two, I'm proud to be with them. 

However, what is it that we say about proud? Yesterday, while supervising a coffee/donut event for a small gathering of ladies, I proceeded to see a well-dressed matron, stick a fork, in each of nearly three dozen donuts. May I help you, I asked? She replied that she was looking for a raised one. After I shut my gaping mouth, I told her that they were all cake donuts. So, disappointed for sure, she picked out one and went on her merry way.

Who does that? I mean really! If she had been a three year old, I would have smacked her hand and yanked the fork out of her paw. Didn't we just spent the greater part of the last to years, avoiding contact with EVERYONE. What was she thinking? Oh My Goodness.

Dear Lord. Give me patience....but, could you please work on good sense for everyone. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Joy to the World

 One of the most annoying facts about aging, is downsizing. We all have to do it. The stuff that we spend a lifetime collecting, can't be taken with us, to our final destination, so we all need to let a bunch of it go. 

The first thing that I chucked this week was the stack of papers, downloads from my computer and several books, about decluttering. One author wrote, " Get rid of everything that does not give you JOY". I tried that for a while, but honestly, some mornings my only JOY items, would be a full coffee mug, my ratty KU sweatshirt and paint-spattered jeans! 

Oh, and I have tried the "If you didn't wear it last season, it needs to go to the thrift store" theory. Sincerely, I have one, less than six-foot long closet, for my clothes, I don't think that's excessive. The nearest thrift store, knows me by name! And, For years, I have subscribed to the adage, "Nothing comes into the house, unless something else goes out." However, I have recently altered that to, "One thing in...10 things out."

There has been one helpful suggestion, that I recently saw on the Internet. Downsize by not buying any new holiday decorations. In my case, Christmas is not an issue. It's those pesky, cute pumpkins that are on shelves everywhere. 

So, I have sworn an oath to myself. No more pumpkins. "Nancy", I told myself, "do not buy any more ceramic, wood, papier mache, or real pumpkins. Don't carve any fresh pumpkins, and stop creating any more crocheted pumpkins. You have enough! And, furthermore, start gifting them to your friends and neighbors. Give them a little of your JOY"!

All knowing God. Joy does come from giving to others. Show us how to deal with our selfishness. Help us to be more giving.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Tis the Season to be Spicey

Happy Pumpkin Spice Season. I used to think of Autumn, as the season of Halloween and Thanksgiving, but folks, the world is changing my thoughts. Everything imaginable, now comes  Pumpkin Spice flavored. The obvious being coffee, tea, donuts, ice cream and cake mix. But, there are some odd newcomers on the shelves that might or might not surprise you.

There are Pumpkin Spice Cheerios and Pumpkin Spice Granola Bars. How about some tasty Pumpkin Spice pancakes? Or, Pumpkin Spice Oreos (Oreos with bright orange filling)?And, you can wash your hair in PS Shampoo, use a PS Moisturizing Face Mask or daub on PS lipstick. There are even Pumpkin Spice dog treats! 

Just what is Pumpkin Spice? It is actually a mixture of ground Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Ginger, Allspice and sometimes Clove. That simple spice mixture (if you cook, you will have all, or most of them, in your spice rack) is the flavor combination used in pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread. It's the perfect spice mix to cover up the horrible taste of pumpkin. It also works wonders with zucchini, which is another nasty tasting vegetable.

Some crafty ad executive just tacked on the word "pumpkin" to spice up (get it) a new twist on the season. Just like there is no crying in baseball, there is no pumpkin in Pumpkin Spice.  

But, go ahead. Drink up. That Pumpkin Spice Latte won't be around, forever.

Great God. Aren't we just the funniest creatures you created? Keep us safe from our silliness. We are so thankful for our many blessings. 


Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Conversation and Controversy

 I've started, edited, restarted and deleted several posts this week. Just when I think that I have something outstanding and earthshaking about which to write, upon reading, my words just seem inane and fairly divisive. I guess a better word might be, MEAN.

My opinions, are just that. Opinions. We all have opinions. But, the problem with opinions, is often, how we share them. How many times have we begun, a conversation, by saying, "Of course.." or "You can't be foolish enough to believe.."? Isn't that the same as saying, "I'm right and you are wrong." And, what's more, "Because you don't believe what I believe, you're just stupid!" No wonder this country is on fire!

Remember when people could have civil discussions? Conversations were had, without hate and vitriol.  What ever happened to "you vote for your candidate and I'll vote for mine"? Honestly, sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Why do we continue to make the process so hurtful? 

Why can't we all just get along? 

From now on, I intend to stick to the facts.  The wise policeman, Joe Friday, cautioned us all....."The facts ma'am. Just the facts". Oh yeah, I'll continue to offer my opinions, but those opinions are going to be tempered by first checking to see, that I am not personally attacking anyone, in the process.  

Dear God. Your children are so very foolish. Why do we try to force our opinions and or beliefs on our fellow travelers? Keep us on the straight and narrow, as we aim for the prize.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Do You Hear What I Hear, II?

I have been told, more than a few times, that I have a song for everything. Astonished people remark about this, because I have been known to burst into song, for any reason. My songs are usually one or two stanzas of musical nonsense, that just happen to pop into my head and my mouth, simultaneously. I belt them out, usually to an stunned audience, of two or three. And, after their mouths close, we continue our conversation, moving back to whatever we were doing, previous to my outburst.

Take for instance, the state of Montana. Whenever, I meet someone from Montana, I sing, "My Home's in Montana, I wear a bandana....". Or, sometimes it's, "There once was a Lady named Hannah, who was in a flood in Montana."  Or, just yesterday my daughter went to a Paw Paw Festival. I just could not get the words and tune to "Way Down in the Paw Paw Patch", out of my mind.

Now, if you are having trouble, picturing this phenomena, recall the comic George Burns. My, on the spur of the moment performances, are just like his, about as musical, but without the cigar! 

Being a Kansan, by birth, I have a repertoire of 9 or 10 Kansas songs, in my musical memory bank. Missouri...a couple. Hats...several on that subject. Cats.....sure. Spiders...yes. You get the picture.

Singing makes me happy and recalling those little ditties, keeps my mind working. Life is spectacular, if you are a little bit quirky. I know!

Dear God, joy is a blessing. Keep us mindful of the joys in our life and help us spread that joy to others.

Friday, September 9, 2022


 Had any photos taken lately? As I approach, yet another birthday, I find that I am startled by the sudden appearance of a little old grey-haired lady, in all of my recent photos. Frankly, I know it's me, but how did I get this way? I certainly don't feel like an old person, but by golly I must be.

Renewing my Driver's License, required a photo. I've never had a decent photo taken at the DMV, so that one didn't bother me. Deranged and disheveled are what the clerks are aiming for, at that particular agency.

However, the recent Passport Photo, I had taken, was another matter. "Don't smile, or show any teeth", she said. "Take off your glasses and look straight at me." Okay, I followed the instructions, paid for the two photos, and OMGoodness, the worst possible results. That photo won't do much, in identifying me. I wear glasses. I smile. I have teeth! Well, that crabby, unhappy likeness is not the real me.

I believe, that old doesn't just mean how you look, appearance wise. Mostly, I think, it's how one feels inside, that ages a person. I'm healthy and have more blessings than I can count. I try to look forward, not backward. I am enjoying life. It's a new adventure every day.

Dear Lord, thank you for our many blessings. Every morning, you give us the opportunity to improve our lives and the lives of others. Life is good.


Friday, September 2, 2022

I've Been Everywhere Man....

 Well, not exactly. Recently, however, I did have an extended visit, with relatives, out West. I loved everything about my trip.  My goal, for my remaining years, is to make the most of any experience and try to make every day an adventure. 

The first adventure, is travel itself. Employees of the airline, on which I chose to travel, all seemed to think that every passenger is an experienced traveler. However, they are wrong! I can't be the only person in this wide world who hasn't been anywhere, but locally, for the last 2 and a half years! We oldies have forgotten a lot of our travel savvy. Sorry folks, some of us need specific instructions, not just "get in line lady." (There were three lines.) Upon discovering which queue was the right one, a surly young person inquired abruptly, "Where's the metal in your body?" I replied that I didn't have any. To which he barked, " Well, you're in the 70 years and older line, you have to have metal...pacemaker? knee?..." I replied that I indeed had no metal. He, with a disbelieving scowl, waved me on.

My first experience with air travel, was in 1954, when I boarded an Ozark Airlines, DC-3, flying first to Wichita and then on to Los Angeles. I wore a brown and white checked suit, and a hat. My patent leather Mary Janes and tiny purse, were brand new. As I bucked my seatbelt, on the return trip, this week, I noticed that my seatmate, to the left, had more holes in her jeans than denim. OMGolly, times have changed.

Ending on a very positive note, due to my hearing loss, I had checked the impairment box choice, "deaf", on my on-line ticket. Because, I was truly concerned, that I would not hear my boarding number being called. Voila! Deafness allows a passenger to Pre Board. Just call me "First On/First Off Nancy"!

Dear Lord. Thank you for keeping me moving and enjoying life. We all have our good days and not so good days, but we are truly thankful for the days we have. We are blessed.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

"With A Little Help From My Friends"

 I've made a whole lot of decisions, in the past 9 months. Thank the Lord, I have been offered lots of thoughtful and experienced suggestions, from friends and relations, about the most important ones. Decisions regarding money matters and major life-style changes are best made, I am discovering, by asking for the opinions of others. Then, I can sort those out, settle on a decision and move forward. 

Clearing out the clutter, of a lifetime in one house, has been difficult, but I now have numerous empty shelves, three sparsely furnished bedrooms and a relatively clean basement. Thrift stores and the municipal trash service have helped me downsize, in a big way. However, there is more to do.

The biggest obstacle currently standing in my way, is the collection of more than 50 boxes of photographic slide trays, each one full of Kodak slides! I know I should go through all of them, but I can't seem to arrange the time to do it. Okay....I know it's not the time, keeping me from doing it. It's the memories, of course. The slides cover a period, beginning in 1965, through the early 2000s. They've been in their individual storage boxes for decades, and no one has looked at any of them, for at least 20 years. Now, is the time to make a decision.

Or maybe not. You see, I still have the big box of slides my husband inherited from his parents. (Slides were a family thing.) I really don't know how many thousands of slides, are in my possession.  But, I think I owe it to future generations, to do something.

What should I do, with the slides?

a. Sort through, all of them, and have the remaining photos put on a disc or something.

b. Throw all of them out, without looking at them.

c. Leave them for my children to deal with, after I pass on....Suggestions, anyone? Please, let me know.

Good and all knowing God, You are my strength and guide. Help me make the best choices for my journey through this life.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Going Rogue

 Remember, as teenagers and way beyond, when we used to call our friends and ask them, "What are you going to wear (to the party, prom, dinner party, or a luncheon)? I haven't done that in a very long time, and I wonder why?

Have we aged into becoming confident that we can choose just the right outfit and look appropriate in whatever we wear? Maybe. Or, do we just not give a hoot, how we look! Unfortunately, I think it is, predominately, the later.

Whatever happened to trying to look our best? Years ago, folks used to dress for dinner. Even if they were "dining in". Go to a sit-down restaurant, these days, and you can only count on someone wearing shoes and a shirt! Well, we should be grateful, for the small things, I guess. 

I have been taught to wear "my best to church". Many of my ensembles came from K-Mart, but my clothes and I were clean. Now, we're a "come as you are" kinda denomination. Somewhere along the line we got "God loves you no matter what" confused with "Saturday's yard-work outfit is good enough for Jesus!"

Our idea of "dressing for the job" has evolved into Casual Friday, every day of the week. Teachers, these days, wear holey jeans and T-Shirts (women and men) to instruct our young folks, No wonder those kids are losing respect for their teachers and other authority figures. Why try to learn anything from someone who comes to work looking like they are unprepared and just rolled out of bed? Kids cannot distinguish a teacher from the guy on the corner, with a Homeless sign.

I know I'm sounding critical, but I swear I am not asking for much. Use a comb. Be clean. Wear something that fits, for Pete's sake. Show up like you meant to be there!

Mirrors, in homes, must be going the way of analog clocks. 

Dear God. Forgive us for being such slobs. We honor our environment. We care for our pets. Remind us to care for ourselves. We are created in Your image and we honor You, when we do and look our best. 

Monday, August 1, 2022

We Aren't in Charge

 I'm going to step out of the air conditioning, on this 100 degree day, and take a bold stand, on the truth of climate change. It's my humble opinion that, yes, it's hot, but we can't do a darn thing about it.

That duly noted, I can truthfully say, that I try to recycle everything, that I possible can. I lug out, my tub of plastic and paper, every Trash Day Tuesday. I rinse, save and recycle my glass trash, when my bin gets full. However, I do have to drive my gasoline powered car to the recycle bin, at the nearby grocery store.

 I am not wasteful. I try to buy only things, that I need, and I take what I don't need to the thrift stores, for use by others. I am careful with my use of energy. I keep my lights turned off during the day and I keep my curtains closed, to shut out the heat. I would rather die, than litter!!!! I care about the environment. We all should.

This is what I believe. We've had hot summers, before. I remember trying to fry an egg on the sidewalk, in the fifties (nineteen fifties...sixty years ago). If I remember correctly, it actually cooked. Weather is cyclical. We can, forever, worry about, complain about and talk about it. But, we can't control it!

Hey, sometimes it rains. If we could control the weather, it would never rain on any parade, any where, any time! It snows and we, in the Midwest, have tornados. Seriously, who really thinks we can control those things. Have you ever witnessed the power of tornadic winds? Sorry folks, but all of the shut down pipelines, wind farms and electric cars that we can manufacture, cannot stop a tornado. 

To my Water Loving Friends. If you build, right on an ocean, chances are, the ocean is going to, someday, ruin that house, built upon the sand. If you build in a flood plain, I'll guarantee, you are going to need an Ark.

Weather happens, just like "you know what" does.

Dear God. You and only You have the power. Remind us that we have choices and we should also use common sense.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Risky Business

My recent change in life circumstances has forced me to become a little bit bolder. I'm inching out on that shaky limb, ever so slightly. And, you just might find this information interesting. Here's what has happened:
  • I painted my toenails, lime green, this week! Maybe that's not bold to you, but it is to me. I've always been a soft pink, or on occasion, sometimes red, kinda girl. Why did I do it? Well, why not????? I'm going to try glitter polish, next.
  • I booked an airline flight. I did it, even though I fear I might get stranded, at a strange airport, I think I can handle the wait. I'll take a portable pillow, and put a toothbrush in my purse!
  • I went to a new church, by myself. Participated in their Sunday Worship and survived the experience. I've been back twice.
  • I bought 2 quarts of Eggnog. Yeah, I know it's not December, but if it's fresh, and on the shelf in July, why not buy it? I like Eggnog, even if it's not the season. (I froze one....for September!)
  • I signed up for, attended and finished training, for a regular volunteer position, at a local museum. I was sincerely surprised, that they took me on. 
Small steps, folks. But, after all, I am on a journey, and who knows how long that trip will be? Life does not stand still. And, we are called to keep moving. We need to keep changing and charging forward. Being stagnant is not an option! 

Dear God: I get least for now. With Your help, I'm going to do this. Continue to be with me as I take these risks. You are my constant.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Prepositions, Tense Usage and Spelling Lessons

 Okay. I am beginning to channel Brittany Spears. This morning, after hearing a well paid, well known, Two Star General of the United States Army confuse, yet again, the word cavalry (which I am sure he intended to use) with the word Calvary (which he didn't), I said to myself, "Oops. He did it again."

I do not pretend to be a stellar student of perfect grammar, but I do have some particular quirks. The language, of the above mentioned general worries me, because he has his finger on the BUTTON!  And, his lack of education seems obvious, in my book. What is the US Military Academy teaching? Certainly, not the Holy Bible......or diction!!!!!

I had a boss, once, who kept asking clients, "Where did you go to school at?" I just kept wishing, just once, that someone would have replied, "Well, thank God, it wasn't the same one you attended." And, our current governor regularly uses improper verb tenses. He seems to be forever quoted as saying,  "I seen it" and "He done it". His grammar rivals that of the late Dizzy Dean. Was he absent from school, the day the rest of the class learned about irregular verbs?

Judging is not a gift of the Holy Spirit. I honestly try, to be a kind and caring individual, accepting the differences of others. But, these things drive me crazy. I know, that I can't change the speech of others. I might as well adopt, as my motto, "It makes no nevermind. I ain't gonna change a thing."

Dear Lord, help me to be a more accepting person. Remind me that I am not in charge. Remind me to calm down. Life is short. Teach me patience.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Little, Life Lessons Learned.

 If there's one thing that I have had a hard time learning, over the past six months, is that I cannot fix everything. And, it's been a hard lesson.

  • I've learned to to mow the yard, and in the process frightened myself, quite thoroughly, numerous times. It's not possible to mow sideways, on a slope, and tree branches do not necessary bend when struck, with the front end, of a John Deere. Both good lessons......NOT to be repeated.
  • I've learned that I do not want to use a chain saw. Violent machines are not to be handled by slightly timid old ladies. It will stay in its case, until someone comes around, who can use it safely. Mother nature can take care of my dangling tree branches!
  • I've learned to go to unfamiliar places by myself, and more importantly sleep alone.
  • I learned to talk to annoying folks, on the phone, who don't speak slowly and clearly enough for hearing impaired persons, like me. "Kill them with kindness" and tell them it's MY fault, that I cannot hear them. They always change their tunes, after that.
  • I've figured out how to use a cell phone (sort of) and made use of the driving map icon. I can text, now, and occasionally send a photo. Sometimes, I still have to ask my grandkids for assistance with other features.
But, I cannot turn back the clock, and do certain things differently, or even make things the way they were. I cannot take away the sadness, that I often feel. Those things are not fixable. 
However, I can choose to appreciate the life that I currently have, and am blessed to live.
I can smile. I can count  in my blessings.

Dear Lord. I appreciate your goodness.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Nansense Nonsense, or something like that

 Everyone, these days, communicates by text messages. My grandkids can text. My adult children text. And, believe it or not, this old lady can send text messages, to her many, equally mature, associates. I have learned how to capitalize, use numbers and add punctuation. I can even throw in some text speak, like u for you, r for are and don't forget to add a thnx or 2! I've got this!

I do however have one small question. What's up with this auto-correct thing?. Tonight, I tried to sign my text ( Yes, I know it's not necessary, because my name appears at the top of the message), with my initials, and here's what happened.

I texted (past tense) my friend. Signed off with NKK, and it was sent as "Nell".  So I typed nkk (lower case letters, this time) was sent as "No.". Lordy, I thought. Next, I tried NKK, again. "No.", was sent, one more time. So, I wrote my whole name, Nancy K. Kincaid, checked for correct spelling, tapped the arrow and off it went, correctly.

What am I doing wrong? I'm befuddled and mystified. This new fangled stuff is hard.

Dear Lord. Sometimes, just sometimes, it's easy to feel old and inadequate. Adjusting to the new is hard. No one wants to feel left behind, but sometimes we do. Our one constant is you. You are our rock and our redeemer. You are with us at all times.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Peace, Man

 My son, the musician, invited the family to a free, outdoor concert on Sunday afternoon. A man of very few words, he informed us that the concert would be held, in a park near the Art Museum. Could that be Volker Park, I queried? Many years ago, the park had been the site of Kansas City's summer-long version of Woodstock. I was remembering photos of (because, we never went down there) hundreds of "hippies" smoking you-know-what, fooling around naked, in the nearby creek and grooving on folk and rock  music. Maybe, he replied.

We are a adventurous, supportive bunch, so, we packed up a blanket and drove downtown. It was a bit of a hike to the open field, but we arrived and found a nice shady spot to sit, close enough to see and hear the band. The son, gave us a wave and we settled in, for the show. Looking around, I studied the gathering audience.

"Wow", I remarked to my adult daughter, "this certainly is a mature crowd". (In truth, I was thinking, these folks are all senior citizens...average age of about 75!) One by one, or in pairs, the crowd sauntered slowly around the field, looking for a good spot, to view the show. The footgear was predominantly Birkenstock, and I was surprised to see that quite a few of the women had fashioned their graying locks into braids! I even saw a few tie-dyed tee shirts. Odd, I thought. 

The concert ended with a Jimi Hendrix-like, version of the "Star Spangled Banner". Even odder!

Later, when we met up with our musician, I mentioned my observations. It was then, he informed us, that we had just attended the first concert, held in that park, in fifty years. Obviously, many of the attendees were back for the reunion! It was, in his word, "Historic".

Man, did I feel old.

Holy Lord. There is truly nothing new under the Sun. We keep making the same mistakes, over and over. Lead us, guide us to do Your will. Direct our peace making.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Weather or Not

 Springtime often brings severe weather, to the Midwest.

In the past week or so, the National Weather Service has issued several Weather Alerts, for the Kansas City Area. For those of you who are not living or have never lived in Tornado Alley, please note that a Tornado Warning and Tornado Watch (our two most frequent Spring alerts) are not the same thing. Here is a brief lesson in the difference.

A Tornado Watch means to be alert and aware that the weather conditions, in a certain designated area, are just right for the possibility of a tornadic disturbance. It's a call to keep an eye on the sky and be aware. Oftentimes, a Watch will be issued for a couple of hours or a whole day or night.

But, a Tornado Warning is more serious. Sirens hopefully sound, and police cars may roam your neighborhood, with lights flashing and horns blaring. It's an alert to get to the lowest spot possible and cover your head, immediately! A Tornado is coming your way, and it could be arriving, within a few minutes.

Now, I have lived in Missouri and Kansas, my whole life. I've seen a couple of twisters and I know what kind of damage they can do. I know about Watches and Warnings, but I'm living in a changed world now. I am alone, and I cannot hear! The sirens have gone off, in my neighborhood recently, and I haven't heard them. Like many audio-challenged folks, I take my hearing aids out at night and I am oblivious, to most sounds. Therefore, night time Tornados are the most deadly kind. Thankfully, although the Tornados were spotted, sailing overhead this week, they did not touch ground and I didn't see the Wicked Witch of the West! 

I am not afraid of not waking up, you understand, I just do not want to be painfully swirled around in  the air, before I cross over into eternity. Sensibility reigned, and I asked for and promptly received a weather radio, from my D.C. family. The weather radio has put my mind and body at ease. Now, thank goodness, I'm going to be able to be alerted, via a really loud and obnoxious alarm, to head for the safety of my basement.

For this lovely gift, I am truly thankful.

Dear Lord, we thank You for keeping us safe. Remind us to be watchful and ever thankful for Your many blessings.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Opening a Door

Lest my readers start to think that I am only reporting the bizarre and unpleasant happenings, in my new life, here's a tale with a happy ending.

What does the average person know about door hinges? If you are anything like me....very little. I mean, most doors have at least two and they are used to open and close the door, to which they are attached. Hinges are the two metal things on the side of a door. 

So, to continue, the average door hinge consists of three parts. Two flanges and a pin piece that holds the two flanges together, allowing the door to swing. One flange is attached to the door frame and the other to the door, itself. The pin holds the two pieces together. Door hinges are usually mounted so that the pin is removable, from the inside of the room or house or wherever the door is located. This keeps a thief from removing the pin, taking off your door and hauling off your flat screen TV! The pin is always removed from the top, of the hinge.

So, yours truly, Mrs. Do It Herself, decided she wanted to remove a bathroom door. I had in mind  staining and adding a piece of decorative trim. After watching a couple of U Tube videos on  "How to Remove a Hinge", I discovered that antique door hinges are not featured on any existing video. I couldn't "just use screw driver and tap the safety cap off the bottom of the hinge". (Most modern door hinges don't even have bottom caps, I learned.) But, my hinges (and I am taking this personally by now) have pretty little round caps on both the bottom and the top of the pin! 

The bottom round caps would not come off the hinge! I tried prying they off and screwing them off, to no avail. In desperation, I grabbed the pliers and yanked on the pin, from the top, and TA DA, out popped the pin. That dumb little ball on the bottom was decorative. Now, we know!

Success! My son helped me rehang the door (seems like solid wood doors, aren't designed for old-lady handy persons to be toting around.) And I'm back in business.

Dear Lord. Where there is a will, there's a way. Your infinite wisdom and guidance makes all things possible. Remind us to listen to Your directions and grant us the ability to use the common sense that You have given us. We praise Your Holy Name.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Nature Strikes Again

 Residing in a home that sits atop a river bluff, definitely has its perks. Although, I have not done any specific research, I may live, in a neighborhood, that is possibly the highest point, in the entire metropolitan area. The obvious perks are...I can see two states, from my front yard, watch the wide, Missouri River meander below and view the skylines of the two Kansas Citys. I have great seating for the occasional Air Show and holiday fireworks displays. Storms approach with frightening clarity. And, until recently,  I believed that flooding would never be an issue.

Wrong, again.

Huge downpours, have been occurring quite frequently.(California folks can stop reading, now. I am going to complain about rain.) And, our neighborhood elementary school has been undergoing extensive renovation, including the removal of the existing parking lot and driveway. Now, the school sits slightly higher than our street, and apparently, the contractor didn't realize that water normally runs downhill and silt fences need to be anchored, in order to prove effective.

So, I awoke, the other morning, with a giant, orange "ROAD CLOSED" sign, erected in my front yard. Upon further investigation, the whole school yard, or what appeared to be, is now blocking the street in front of the school.

Now, if you live on a mountain top, you instantly realize that there are limited roads up and down.. Luckily, I have two. Progress marches forward, and I am taking the long, circuitous to the finish line.

Now, there's a metaphor for you!

Dear Lord. You have never promised us a garden of roses. Life has it's obstacles, but You remain our constant. Show us the path.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Platinum Perfection

 About once a year, or so, I get dubbed to perform as a internationally known, famous person. This year is no exception. I say perform, but because this person is instantly recognizable, all I have to do is dress like her, nod occasionally, smile and wave. It's an easy gig.

In order to perform my duties, as this famous personage, I don a curly white wig, prim hat, sensible-closed toe shoes, a vintage pink lace dress (once owned, in the 1950's by a dowdy woman, celebrating something very important) and of course, I always carry a purse. There have been times when I have worn a tiara, instead of a hat. It depends on my mood, and the particular event.

Pretending to be this auspicious person, is loads of fun. This year, I will be the honored guest at an afternoon tea, given to celebrate my character's unbelievable 70 years, working at the same job. 

As we age, my character and me, I am noticing some subtle similarities between us. We are both just over 5 feet in height. We are both widows, have four children, a bunch of grand kids, and share a wicked sense of humor. Whilst out walking, on her property one day, this famous person was asked, by tourists, if she lived in the area? She answered yes. Then they asked her if she had met the royal landowner? She replied no, but that her driver had!

Dear Lord. Thank you for giving us a sense of humor. Help us always to find the blessings of the moment. Living long and working hard is a blessing. Life is sweeter, when we smile.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Just Take a Deep Breath

Yesterday, per my sensible son's request (because he didn't want me on a ladder, in a tree), I called my trusty, or so I thought, electric company, to ask for a "look-see" on some vines, growing on their wires. . The company representative said, no problem. Then, we started to have, what I would describe, as the interrogation of the century. Well, who was I? Well, the account isn't in your name. I'm sure, I told him that it was in my dead husband's name. Well, in order to check on the problem, we will have to put you in the computer as the Account Holder, he said. Okay, I replied, with all the charm I could muster.

My husband died in January, I told the pleasant young person. This January, he asked? Yes, I said, and several clicks later, he proceeded, without a word from me, to supply me with the death date, Scott's SS number, and his birthdate. Then, he asked for my SS number, which I gave him. Oh, he said, we can't get an Experion Number for you. Your account is blocked. What are you talking about, I asked? Well, in order to open a new account, I need a credit score. I told him that we don't use credit, haven't for years, so I don't think I have a credit score. 

Look, I said, we have been paying you monthly, for around 50 years. At least 40 of them from this address (where the vines are!!!). We are current on our Electric Bills, sir. Just change the name, I reiterated. Well, he couldn't do that without a Credit Score.

Are you going to turn off my electricity, I asked? No, he assured me. So, I told him, don't bother to change anything, I'll just continue to give your company (with the made-up imaginary name, of EVERGY) money, every month, until I die! 

So, I'm sitting here today with vines on the wires, to my house, and I do not know when, or if they are going to come and cut them down! And, now, I don't know how long I will have electricity!

I need a break!

Dear Lord, along with my many blessings, please remember to send along a little patience. I really do need help, in dealing with my fellow sojourners. I will be truly thankful.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Having fun, yet?

 I noticed a photo posted on Facebook, today. It showed a group of grade school students, walking around a line of chairs. Musical Chairs, course. The game was a staple of every elementary music class. I liked playing it, but I don't think I ever "won". And, I didn't like all the pushing and shoving, trying to get a chair.

Remember Dodge Ball? I was never very good at that particular game. Quickness was never my best skill. And, I don't care what you say, those big, red rubber balls hurt, when you got hit. And, whoever followed the rule of "below the belt"?

Spelling Bees. I was better at those. I could remain standing, at least longer than most of my classmates. But there always seemed to be one, three or four syllable killer, that put me on my butt.

Red Rover, Red Rover. My wrists were too weak and damaged, to successfully keep folks from "breaking in". I was the weak link, and it seemed like everyone knew it.

All of those games, are based on elimination. Were they good for us, or not? They certainly didn't do much, for the self esteem, of most of the kids who played them. For the survivors, those games were a lot of fun. Being the first one to sit down, wasn't fun at all.

Life often times seems like a kids' game. Have you thought about your journey, through life, being like one long game of Dodgeball? Life is hard and sometimes it hurts. But, you know, every once in a while and sometimes quite often, you get the word spelled correctly, you get the last chair, or you step out of the way, at just the right time. And, being strong enough to hold on to a loved one's hand, through a really tough time, is one of God's finest blessings.

Dear Lord, I'm ready. I am feeling like I can play all of the games, that come my way. With Your help, I can hang on.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

........Jiggetty Jig!

What a difference a week makes! I have just completed my first solo trip, in quite a few years. And, in spite of my travel trepidations, I turned into my driveway last night, a little tired, but so very happy.

My visit with my relatives was a great deal of fun. We were five female cousins, ages spanning a couple of decades, talking, laughing and having a great time. I think, that if a stranger would have walked into the gathering, she would have recognized that we were all related. We don't look alike (some of them have naturally curly hair!!!), but we all share the familial trait of speaking our minds and being frightfully honest. And, oh my golly, we are laughers!!!!!

We drove around my home town and located the homes of friends and family long gone. I noticed  changes in the burg, some good and some unfortunate. But, my cousins can tell you, that it is still a great place to live.

Then, of course, I got to visit with my childhood friends and their spouses. There is something, thoroughly basic, that happens to us, when we are able to be who we are, with people who have known us since grade school. After all, the guy who told me, "There's no such thing as Santa Claus", when I was seven, is still going to be as honest and truthful now, as he was nearly 70 years ago! And, if you rode in someone's first car. Well, how nostalgic and meaningful, is that? These folks have known me through decades of bad hairdos, for goodness sakes....and still like me! Shared memories are wonderful, nostalgic and healing.

Old friends and family are the best.  This trip was a blessing, to me. My first solo adventure was a success, and I am looking forward to many more.

Good and Gracious God: I know that You travel with me. Thank You, for my friends and family. Watch over them and be their You are mine.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Yes, I'm Scared

It seems that you can really teach an old dog, new tricks. Recently, I posted about venturing out of my "normal" comfort zone and choosing to live a more daring, day to day existence. Well, I'm taking those baby steps, but soon I hope to be charging forward, by leaps and bound.

These are my latest adventures, and yes, they were a bit scary:

  • Directions to several spots unknown ...the Internet and my phone can get me anywhere!!!
  • Operated a John Deere riding lawn mower. Again, the Internet had directions on how to get it to work. This scared me more than you will ever know, but by golly, I "got 'er done". Found out however, that the durn machine does not have a cup holder, for my beer. (Just kidding!)
  • From a cooking show on the TV, I learned how to roast vegetables, properly. Scott believed  that broccoli and cauliflower were nuclear waste, so, for 55 years, I never cooked them. Next, I will be trying turnips, and considering a mostly vegetarian diet.
  • With the help of a friend, sold a junk car, from a Website.
  • Located a place to have a window screen repaired, and took it there to have them do it.
  • Made and carried out two separate lunch dates, and had two more friends over for lunch.
  • Planned a short trip, by myself, arranging to visit friends and relatives, along the way.
Look out world, this old lady is on a roll.

Well, Lord. I know I cannot do this life without your help. I believe that you are my guide and companion. You do all the hard work. I just need to keep talking to you in prayer.

Monday, April 25, 2022

The Weather Report

Recently,  a friend asked me to read an essay, about Spring, to a ladies gathering. The author, C.W. Gusewelle, was a Kansas City journalist, known locally for his musings about the Ozark Region. 

In the article, Gusewelle writes about the differences among the four seasons. Spring, of all the seasons, he writes, best describes life. It's full of ups and downs. You never know, from one hour to the next, what it will bring. Winter and Summer are fairly predictable and from experience we know that life is never all freezing cold or blistering heat. Autumn, he writes is generally loved and enjoyed by everyone. And, it's perfectness isn't what life is all about.

As I go through this season, putting on my heaviest coat one morning, and wearing only a tee shirt the next, I realize old C.W. was correct. Life is just like Spring. We all have our warm afternoons, often followed by icy mornings. Snow flurries can be followed by sunshine, almost instantly it seems. Spring is full of surprises and so is life.

Dear God. Help us through our storms. Show us how to remember that Your Sunshine will triumph over the rain. We ask for Your guidance and grace. 

Monday, April 18, 2022


 Until recently, I believed that it was Eleanor Roosevelt who said "We should do one thing every day that scares us." She didn't say it. Actually, it was someone named Mary Schmich. And, no one knows who she is or was. Anyway, I like that attitude, written or perhaps voiced by Mary, and I am beginning to make some changes per that particular quote.

In recent weeks, I have found my braver self. I've had to make more decisions, by myself. I have ventured to a few new places and I am planning on taking several solo trips, soon. I am finding that, although I am not completely at ease, outside my usual routine, my baby steps away from my old "normal", are expanding my comfort zone by leaps and bounds.  

I know that is going to take a while. Change does not come overnight, but by this time next year, I believe that I will find myself in a completely different phase of my life. I'm looking forward to it. 

Dear God, I know that nothing stays the same forever. We all get complacent, until we are forced to make changes. Guide us in our decision making. Help us to make good judgements. 
We ask these things in Your name.                       

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


 Back in the 1950's, I don't remember anyone ever mentioning the game of football, in my family. My folks were not college graduates, so they didn't have an alumni connection to any particular college team. And, although my dad, who grew up in Illinois, may have checked Bears scores, I never heard him talk about football.

Baseball was the sport, of choice, in our home. As a teenager, my dad was quite a catcher. He made some money playing Summer ball, and he even snagged a try-out with the Chicago Cubs. They supposedly told him to go home and put on some weight! My dad, you see, resembled a very skinny, young, Frank Sinatra. 

My mom and dad had two children....girls. My dad would have loved to have had a son, with whom to play catch. I tried, really I did. He told me, in pure disgust, "You throw like a girl." Now, how does a young lady respond to that?

Anyway, listening to baseball games, on the radio, was my dad's form of entertainment. It was, I have discovered, the pastime of many men, in mid-century America. My dad sat on the porch on Summer nights, listening to Dizzy Dean, smoking cigarettes and drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon. That's a very vivid and fond memory of my childhood.

So, once again, Spring has come and Americans are still playing and watching baseball. Now, girls play softball and baseball. Fans watch games on their TVs, and they still go to the ball yard. 

There is a sweet simplicity, about the game of baseball. Throw the ball. Hit the ball. Catch the ball. Run to the next base. In the end, you either win, or you don't. Why can't life be more like baseball? 

Dear Lord. Between the beginning of the game of life and the last out, give us the wisdom to play the game fairly and with the grace that You give us. We praise Your Holy Name.

Monday, April 11, 2022

I've Got the Whole World.......

Counted among my many blessings, is the location of my current residence. My home is close to the center of Kansas City (maybe a 7 minute drive). Out my front door, I have a marvelous view of the Missouri/Kaw River convergence. In 15 minutes, I can arrive at our International Airport, and yet I am  rural enough to observe deer, daily, and an occasional fox or coyote. And, with all of these amenities, I have, within a five minute drive, the most amazing perk of all....the ultimate "whole life" strip mall.

At the amazing, Filger Plaza, in convenient Northmoor, Missouri, all the needs of a lifetime (with the possible exception of a birthing center) are sitting right there, side by side, on Vivion Road. At the far western end, of this plethora of retail commerce, is a good sized Mexican Restaurant. Next door, is a combination Auction/Thrift/Pawn  Shop. Stained Glass items are made and sold at the next store. A few doors down, is a Gun Shop, an Asian Restaurant, a Hair Salon (#1), and a Barber Shop. Moving on down the row, is a Sports Bar, yet another Mexican Restaurant (#2), and a really great Hamburger joint, featuring a 4-foot diameter plastic burger, atop a vintage Pac Man Machine. The Hamburger joint adjoins a full-service Liquor Store. Next is a Vape shop, or you may shop at an Afro Asian Market or get inked at a small Tattoo Parlor. Then, there is Hair Salon (#2), a 24 Hour Coin/Full Service Laundry ("free drying, all the time"), a cremation business (this one does seem a bit odd), and finally a catering service. Also, as with many retail establishments these day, several of the before mentioned places advertise and sell CBD products.  All that, in just one section of real estate! And, free parking is available in front of every store.

What else would a girl need? A Public Library? It's in the next block. A Gas Station or car repair business? Just as few blocks the other direction. Fireworks? Across the street, on the other side of Vivion Road. Housing? Next door, to the plaza, is a Mobile Home Park.

Good and all powerful Lord. Remind me to be thankful for the small things as well as the big blessings, in my life. I have so much.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

April 1, 1950

 Tomorrow is a big day. Beginning tomorrow, if you are interested, you will have a chance to take a stroll back in time to view data, from the long anticipated, 1950 U.S. Census. 151 Million Americans talked to a Census Worker that year, and finally, after 72 years, those of us who were alive, all those years ago, will have a chance to look back our own lives and the lives of our parents and grandparents.  

The previous 16 Census(es or i ?) have been really interesting, to those of us interested in history. Through that information, collected verbally by government workers, we have been able to name and locate our ancestors, some as far back as the early 1800's. But this latest one....Wow. Seriously, I can hardly wait. 

What am I looking for? Well, 1950 was a time, in America, when we as a nation were on the edge of big change. Dads were just home from World War II. Women were not a factor in the work force, and kids were (for the most part) not glued to TV sets. Folks lived in cities or on farms, because suburbs were just beginning to appear. By 1960, (the next census) the United States had entered the modern era!

Where were you living in 1950? Where was your dad employed? Were you going to school? Who were your neighbors? Did you live with your grandparents? You will be able to discover all of those things....if you take the time to look.

As an aside, the information from the 1950 Census, will be released gradually over the next few months. No one wants the Internet broken, on April Fools Day!

Great God: We are blessed to have so much information available, at our fingertips. W look with awe at Your majesty and creation. Thank You for our many blessings. May we use them wisely and to Your glory.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

What Did You Say?

Words are colloquial. That is, what you call something and often how you pronounce it, is related to geography....y'all. 

Last week, I was having a chat with my, somewhat older neighbor, Morris. We were standing in my front yard discussing the weather, when he said something that I, at first thought, was a foreign language. I did a quick check of my hearing aids, and began to listen a little more carefully. He was talking about the soon to be blooming floral border, between our homes. OMGolly, the man had said "pe  OHHHH nees". I hadn't heard that pronunciation, since I left Southeast Kansas, almost 60 years ago. 

Now, I knew my neighbor had been farm reared, in rural Kansas, and that got me thinking. So, I did some Facebook Research.....very scientific, of course. Throwing out the question, to my Facebook friends, I asked how the word was pronounced. Here is what I found:

If you grew up, more than 50 years ago, in rural Missouri or Kansas, you probably heard the word pronounced, "pe OHHHH nee". Now, since many of us have migrated to large metropolitan areas, we most always hear and say, PEE oh nee. It's classier and the preferred botanical vocalization.

I heard from several relatives, who grew up in California. Their preferred pronunciation is with the emphasis on the the first or last syllable. Folks emanating from the North and East, use that same pronunciation.  My childhood friends, whose parents had been from places, other than Kansas and Missouri, or who had traveled extensively, use PEE-oh-nee, also. 

But, my grandma and her contemporaries said "pe OHHHH nies", and they grew some awesome ones. They came in single (resembled poppies) and big fat double ones (like giant carnations). They were mostly pink, but there were red and white bushes, too. Putting them on family graves, for Decoration Day, was a family tradition. And, no matter what you call or called them, they are still pretty special.

Good and All-powerful Lord. Thank you for the awesome experience of the changing seasons. We are blessed.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

And Continues......

 First thing Tuesday morning, the "Big Trash" guys showed up with their huge Pinch-er Truck. They loaded all of my items and were getting back in the truck, when I ran outside to thank them. I handed one of the guys a package of Oreos and the other, a box of Triscuits. Told them that they were a blessing and wished them a good day. 

Thus, I have gotten rid of a load of trash, and believe it or not the neighbors did not rat me out as a scofflaw or hoarder! And, to top that off, on my latest trip to the Thrift Store, I arranged for my working tread-mill to be recycled and reused. The thrift store will even pick it up!

Then, with the help of a kind man, again on the phone, I was able to successfully install, a new Internet connection, complete with a new modem and router. ( I didn't even have to use my electric drill!)

My biggest coup, this week, was having a phone conversation with the U.S. Government. After two attempts and a total of 85 minutes on hold, I spoke with a real person. AND, she was delightful. I now know exactly how much Social Security Assistance I will receive monthly, when it will be deposited into my account and several other useful bits of knowledge. I'm on cloud nine!

Dear God. I couldn't do this without You. Your children are everywhere. You are my Rock.

Monday, March 14, 2022

What will the neighbors say?

 The saga continues. 

Today, my two youngest sons helped me take a bunch of junk, out of the house and drag it across our front lawn. We deposited the stuff, at the edge of my yard, by the street. The load included two giant TVs, one TV stand, a bunch of scrap metal, a brass headboard and a pull-along golf cart. These were items that the local thrift stores would not take, so I arranged for the city "Big Trash" truck to come and take them. The appointment was made a month ago, for a pick-up scheduled for first thing tomorrow. 

My sons were available and willing to help, today. Now the rules of  "Big Trash" say that you are not supposed to carry your items, to the curb, until the day of pick up, but my helpers are not available at six a.m. tomorrow. Needless to say, we've created an eyesore in my normally clean and uncluttered neighborhood.

I hope the trash police do not show up at my door, tonight. Trust me when I tell you that I'm not going to answer the door if they do. And, I hope my neighbors will give me a little slack.

Great and all powerful Lord. Please help those of us who are trying to do the right thing and forgive us when have to change the rules a bit.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Thanks Mike!

 As we get older, we hopefully get wiser. Little flash backs help us remember the good times and enable us to push forward on our journey.

I have jokingly referred, to the fact, that my father often referred to me as "domkop". I know he didn't mean it literally, but whenever I did something not too bright (up to the standard to which he thought any fool was capable), I was lovingly called "domkop". And, at the time, I was unfamiliar with the translation of the word.....but, I knew it wasn't sweetheart!

But, in spite of whatever he called me, I want it noted that this same man, also, taught me some of the best lessons a girl could learn. At the age of nine, I got my first electric drill, and he taught me how to use it. I have always known the difference between a wood screw and a metal screw, the difference between a Phillips Head Screwdriver and a regular one, and where and when to use most hand tools. I can drive a straight nail and I know the difference between a sharpshooter and a snow shovel. So on and so on. 

Now, Lord knows he always said that I threw like a girl (uh, duh), and I never did get better at that skill. But, this week I proudly repaired the storm door with my ancient handy "man" knowledge. 

Thank you, Dad.

Lord, we thank you, for the memories of people and times long past.

Monday, March 7, 2022


 Snowed in again! Not much to measure, but enough ice to keep me inside, for most of the day, I think. When you are forced to do without something or someone you are accustomed to, focusing in on little blessings and joys, is an extremely good exercise. So, amid the snow and freezing temps, of this early Monday morning, I am choosing to be thankful for:

  • Choices. I wasn't hungry last night, so I ate half a bag of expensive cookies and a flavored water, for dinner. The water had no calories or sugar, so it offset the calories and sugar in the cookies. Yummy choice, lady.
  • Relatives. My son and his lady friend took me to dinner on Saturday night. The food was great, but the company was the real treat. Another son checked in on me. He and my daughter call regularly. They chose to give me some of their time and talents.
  • Friends. A long time friend called yesterday. We had a long conversation, covering many topics. She chose to share with me.
  • More relatives. Cousin Mary has called me several times lately. She is a sweetheart and I know she chose to make the effort to check on me. 
  • Finances. I can pay my bills and live comfortably. I have food, shelter, clothing and most important today, HEAT. 
  • Faith. My worries are few. With God's help, I am going to survive whatever life throws at me. I'm choosing to look ahead.
Dear Lord. I am thankful. Life is good when I trust in God.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Cutting the cord

For years our choice of TV programming has basically been limited to one cable channel, Hallmark movies and selected PBS programs. After seeing the cable bill, for the first time in decades, I decided to cancel our subscription to Cable TV. After all, I reasoned, all of those hundreds of channels, we were paying for,  were basically repeated again and again. Why should I pay over 200 hundred dollars a month for what we were watching?

I called the provider. She didn't want me to cancel, and of course wanted to offer me a "better deal". I wasn't having it. I'll keep the internet, I told her, but I wanted to drop the cable.

Last week, I returned the little boxes and power cords and hopefully, I'll get a final bill, soon. I have arranged for the "Bulk Trash" folks to come and pick up my two huge tubed TV's. The thrift stores don't want them. I am still signed up for internet, which will be provided, for a much smaller fee. My sources say that I can stream programs, on my remaining TV, with some sort of device. That will be in the future, when some 11 year old comes to visit. Kids are the only people who understand electronics these days.

Thus far, I haven't missed cable TV service. I'm following news on the computer and radio. Local Weather I can get on the computer, too. It's a new, old fashioned idea. 

Dear Lord. Change is difficult. Stay with me as I navigate new waters. Be my rock.


Thursday, February 24, 2022

How Did This Happen????

 To add fuel to the fire, we got scammed. Or, at least we think we did. 

Occasionally, during this pandemic period, I have ordered large bulky items, to be delivered to my door, from a certain big box store. But, never groceries.

Backing out of my driveway, last week, I spotted around 20 grocery bags of stuff sitting on my front walk. Surprise! I wasn't expecting any large deliveries.  We brought the stuff inside and low and behold, someone...not me....had placed an order, using my card information and address. Now, we had over $200 of groceries, we didn't order. 

Walmart wouldn't take the stuff back. "It's a pandemic lady!" And, my bank assures me that they will get the charge off of my account. Meanwhile, I have gifted my many visitors with boxes of Cilantro Lime Crackers and cartons of Greek Yogurt. My granddaughter enjoyed some of the "you-bake 'em" soft pretzels. I haven't tried the gluten-free Oreos, yet, but the Cracker Barrel Mac and Cheese and the chicken flavored veggie burgers might come in handy, if I get snowed in. Maybe, I'll use the 6 boxes of Kodiak Muffin mix, before their expiration date. It was certainly a very strange grocery order.

So, it was a "come to a funeral and leave with a bag of groceries" kind of week. And, meanwhile, I'm still wondering how and why this stuff ended up on my doorstep.

Dear Lord. Life is a mystery. We are recipients of your many blessings. Bring on the surprises.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

I'll Never Buy Another Thing!

 For the past two and a half weeks, my daughter and I have been attempting to tidy the homestead. We have donated numerous stuffed boxes and full bags, to three different thrift stores. Our weekly trash has doubled and the recycling guys probably dread making our pick-up. I swear, we have jettisoned at least a ton of unnecessary items. 

There's more to do. In fact, I will quote one young granddaughter who said, " No offense grandma, but your kitchen is a mess."

Then, my good friend came by and basically said, "When are you going to start sorting through stuff?" I wanted to cry.

Accumulating stuff takes time, but the cleaning and the clearing out of that accumulation takes time, too. It's a full time job, and we're getting it done, box by box. 

Good and all powerful God. Give us strength and courage to weather our current storm. Remind us that Your presence is our bulwark.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Not Lost.....

 Years ago, I had a friend who got very upset when anyone spoke to her about her deceased spouse. When asked, "When did you lose your husband?" She'd reply that she did not lose him, he died! 

That particular sentiment has been on my mind lately, because I have just lost my husband. And, that's exactly what it feels like. He's gone. He is not anywhere around, and yet memories of him are everywhere. I just can't physically find him. And yet, I know, in my heart, that he is not lost. He is now in a much better place, and finally at peace.

The next few weeks will be horribly difficult. I'm overwhelmed by what needs to be done. It would be wonderful to have him here to help me, but that isn't possible. However, it is possible to remember the good times and embrace a totally new phase of my life. I have a wonderful and supportive family and a host of really good friends. God will work through those folks and I will survive.

Dear God: You are ever present and ever lasting. Be my vision into the future.

Friday, January 21, 2022

In Praise of........

Well, it's been one of those weeks. Three weeks into this new year and I'm thinking I would like to go back in time! We all know that last year was a doozy. But this year, well, it's shaping up as a possible rival!

However, in spite of many minor mishaps, I'm planning to focus on my joys. One of which is our public water system. Water flowing from the tap is a blessing. I know this, because for the majority of this week, we have been without water. Our water main, has operated without fail for the last 50 years, but three days ago, probably because of its age and the extremely cold weather, it broke or cracked. Who knows what happened, but all of a sudden, we were without water. 

From now on, we plan to have bottled water (I don't cotton to using too much plastic), stored in our fridge. Because, no coffee. No flushing, no showers, no washing hands, no hot tea, etc. No dish or clothes washer. Big deal lady, you think. Just go to the store and buy some. Not possible. Our solo car is in the shop, due to a hit and run (We weren't even in the car.) accident. No water, no car, and Scott's oxygen machine quit working yesterday. OM Golly.

But, we have electricity (heat and light), phone, and food. God is good. Life is good and it's going to get better.

Good God. We thank you for our many blessings. When time get tough, it helps to focus on the brighter side. Thank you for always be there for us. We praise your Holy Name.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Just do the right thing!

 What's bugging you? Due to the weather, we've been spending more time "in the house", than our normal lifestyle supports. This morning, I'm overtly irritated at the mispronunciation of common English words. It seems that I am constantly hearing these errors on television. If I heard these verbal errors in person, chances are, being the old fashioned teacher that I am.....I would correct them, on the spot. 

There's a national news commentator who repeated reports, that we need to "call in the Calvary". He does not mean to call in the hill, on which Jesus died, he means to call in military forces.....the cavalry! OH MY. And, this morning I heard a sweet young thing reciting a list and ending her rale with the word "ec-cetera"! It's ET-CETERA, ma'am. Just ask Yul Brenner!!!!! I'm not even going to mention the repeated mispronunciation of the just written, three letter word, Ask. It is not and has never been "AXE" !!!!!

Dear readers, most English words are pronounced exactly as they are spelled. Just a smidgen of effort would correct all of this nonsense. But, then since we all are addicted to "spell check", who knows how to spell anything anymore? And, if you can't spell, pronunciation is definitely a problem!

So, clearly. I need a nice warm day, and a long walk.  But, even more clearly, we need to re-establish correcting grammar and spelling errors in our educational system. To heck with creativity, if what our young folks speak and write makes no sense. Errors need to be corrected.  

I have been told repeatedly by much younger folks, that my grammar and spelling quirks are not important. But, I believe that my concerns are valid. The "guys" (another genderless usage, pet peeve of mine), who tell me that I am old fashioned, are just making themselves look uneducated.

Dear Lord. You know that I need to work on my judging self. I understand "judge not, lest ye be judged". But, I sincerely believe that you want us to be doing our very best for Your children. Help me to help others. Improve my discernment. Your mercy is everlasting.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

What are you reading?????

Mysteries. When I commit the "Crime of the Century" I do not intend to get caught. Now, believe me, I do not have particular chargeable action in mind, but I'm going to know how to get the deed done, perfectly, when I do. I've read a whole bunch of stories about folks who mess up doing their stabbings, poisonings, etc.

My faves are the standard ones on most every mystery lovers list. I have read all of the published Agatha Christie's, I can find. Sometimes, I have a bit of trouble keeping all of her characters straight, but I have enjoyed them all...some several times. I like the books of P.D. James, and most recently have read her "Mistletoe" short stories. She's very clever.

I can't wait for some new Hallmark Mysteries, to hit the tube. I think I've seen all of the Hannah Swensen and Gourmet Detective shows, at least twice. I also like the Father Brown and Midsommer Murders on PBS. 

Yes, I realize you could call me bloodthirsty or maudlin, so go right ahead. My mystery habit, keeps me off the streets and out of the pokey!

Dear Lord. Life is a mystery, and I do try to enjoy whatever situation comes along. Keep my mind and body on the straight and narrow. I have so much for which to be thankful.  

Monday, January 3, 2022

Snow Days

 We've been staying inside, since our New Year's Eve snow storm. As usual, in our town, it's the ice, under the snow, that's keeping us close to home. It's best not to take chances with our older, more brittle bodies. Tomorrow we will venture out to get some of our weekly errands accomplished. I think we can get most of them done, without leaving the car.

Meanwhile, I completed a jigsaw puzzle, did the weekly laundry and now that's it's dusk, I'm watching 12 (you read that right), yes twelve young deer frolic in our back yard. They are having a great time. they're chasing one another, eating grass and just hanging out. 

After all, it's a snow day!!!!

Dear Lord. We are blessed. A little snow is a great thing.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...