Saturday, October 29, 2022

UNFORTUNATE New Traditions

There is a relatively new tradition out there called Trunk or Treat. I'm sure it was created by someone, who was trying to make this ancient holiday, safer for our youngsters. For those of you who do not know, organizations, churches, schools and even some neighborhoods, amass candy (donated from who knows where) and kids, instead of going door to door, go to advertised places, moving from open car trunk to car trunk, collecting candy. Weird but true.

A little Internet research will tell you that only one Halloween candy poisoning death has occurred, since the 1970's, when we all started freaking out about EVIL TREATS. And, that was an actual father who gave his own kid, Cyanide laced candy. There have been no real cases, of razor blades in fruit and glass imbedded candy bars. Look folks, strangers giving out candy from car trunks sounds dangerous to me.

So, I ask you, in an age when parents refuse to let their kids walk to school, (there are designated days when schools encourage walking...with parents and police escorts!) why are the same parents allowing their kids to take treats, out of stranger's car trunks? The new phrase of wisdom might be, "Don't take candy from strangers, unless it's from their car trunk."

Remember, when we cautioned our kids, about folks dealing drugs and stolen goods, out of their car trunk? Remember, when kids went Trick or Treating in their own neighborhood. When, they asked for treats from people, they or their parents knew. Times have changed.

I hope and pray that every child has a safe Halloween. 

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...