Monday, October 24, 2022

One small step for mankind......

 How long does it take to un-learn a habit? For the last 41 years, in my home, I have been using two teeny-tiny steps to come, in and out, of the attached garage. Last week, in a fit of handyman-ism, I decided to rebuild the steps and fashion my entrance into ONE, normal sized step. 

All went well. With the help of a power jig-saw, an electric drill, wood and L-shaped brackets, the step turned out beautiful, functional and quite nice looking. That's my opinion, you realize. And, what's more important, no one was injured in the making of the step!

Since the completion of this fine new entrance, I have fallen out of the door, at least a dozen times. Thankfully, catching myself without totally hitting the garage floor. I realized that I had to make some serious adaptations. Now, I slow down, tell myself to watch my "step", read the two large signs that say STOP and listen to the set of Christmas bells, that are now attached to the doorknob.

I am trying to reteach my muscle memory and my brain to use the new height, on the step. Can I successfully teach an old dog a new trick? If so, how long will it take? In the meantime, my insurance is paid up and I am taking BABY STEPS!!!!

Good and gracious God, we are so thankful for the talents, which you have given each and every one of us. We are different. Remind us of our limitations, your gifts to us and your Holy Grace. Give us good sense and the ability to use it. We praise your Holy Name.

1 comment:

Karen said...

LOVE the Title of this piece! You are SOOOOO Talented---a Builder, too.
Be careful.
Love you, Karen

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