Saturday, October 15, 2022

What on earth?????

 Just when you think you have seen it all, something happens that puts you down a peg or two, on your experience "road of life." You know, the type of event that completely gob smacks you, and you are totally dumbfounded. 

I don't want to brag, but recently, I have complemented myself on a distinguished group of friends that, for the most part, exhibit what I consider to be the best of mature couth and manners. My friends, new and old, can behave themselves in almost any circumstance. Big events, small events, lunches for a hundred or dinner for two, I'm proud to be with them. 

However, what is it that we say about proud? Yesterday, while supervising a coffee/donut event for a small gathering of ladies, I proceeded to see a well-dressed matron, stick a fork, in each of nearly three dozen donuts. May I help you, I asked? She replied that she was looking for a raised one. After I shut my gaping mouth, I told her that they were all cake donuts. So, disappointed for sure, she picked out one and went on her merry way.

Who does that? I mean really! If she had been a three year old, I would have smacked her hand and yanked the fork out of her paw. Didn't we just spent the greater part of the last to years, avoiding contact with EVERYONE. What was she thinking? Oh My Goodness.

Dear Lord. Give me patience....but, could you please work on good sense for everyone. 

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But, what if we need it?

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