Monday, October 10, 2022

Joy to the World

 One of the most annoying facts about aging, is downsizing. We all have to do it. The stuff that we spend a lifetime collecting, can't be taken with us, to our final destination, so we all need to let a bunch of it go. 

The first thing that I chucked this week was the stack of papers, downloads from my computer and several books, about decluttering. One author wrote, " Get rid of everything that does not give you JOY". I tried that for a while, but honestly, some mornings my only JOY items, would be a full coffee mug, my ratty KU sweatshirt and paint-spattered jeans! 

Oh, and I have tried the "If you didn't wear it last season, it needs to go to the thrift store" theory. Sincerely, I have one, less than six-foot long closet, for my clothes, I don't think that's excessive. The nearest thrift store, knows me by name! And, For years, I have subscribed to the adage, "Nothing comes into the house, unless something else goes out." However, I have recently altered that to, "One thing in...10 things out."

There has been one helpful suggestion, that I recently saw on the Internet. Downsize by not buying any new holiday decorations. In my case, Christmas is not an issue. It's those pesky, cute pumpkins that are on shelves everywhere. 

So, I have sworn an oath to myself. No more pumpkins. "Nancy", I told myself, "do not buy any more ceramic, wood, papier mache, or real pumpkins. Don't carve any fresh pumpkins, and stop creating any more crocheted pumpkins. You have enough! And, furthermore, start gifting them to your friends and neighbors. Give them a little of your JOY"!

All knowing God. Joy does come from giving to others. Show us how to deal with our selfishness. Help us to be more giving.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Thanks! I needed that!
Love you, Super Sister!

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...