Thursday, July 14, 2022

Little, Life Lessons Learned.

 If there's one thing that I have had a hard time learning, over the past six months, is that I cannot fix everything. And, it's been a hard lesson.

  • I've learned to to mow the yard, and in the process frightened myself, quite thoroughly, numerous times. It's not possible to mow sideways, on a slope, and tree branches do not necessary bend when struck, with the front end, of a John Deere. Both good lessons......NOT to be repeated.
  • I've learned that I do not want to use a chain saw. Violent machines are not to be handled by slightly timid old ladies. It will stay in its case, until someone comes around, who can use it safely. Mother nature can take care of my dangling tree branches!
  • I've learned to go to unfamiliar places by myself, and more importantly sleep alone.
  • I learned to talk to annoying folks, on the phone, who don't speak slowly and clearly enough for hearing impaired persons, like me. "Kill them with kindness" and tell them it's MY fault, that I cannot hear them. They always change their tunes, after that.
  • I've figured out how to use a cell phone (sort of) and made use of the driving map icon. I can text, now, and occasionally send a photo. Sometimes, I still have to ask my grandkids for assistance with other features.
But, I cannot turn back the clock, and do certain things differently, or even make things the way they were. I cannot take away the sadness, that I often feel. Those things are not fixable. 
However, I can choose to appreciate the life that I currently have, and am blessed to live.
I can smile. I can count  in my blessings.

Dear Lord. I appreciate your goodness.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Beautiful. Thank you.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...