Friday, July 15, 2022

Prepositions, Tense Usage and Spelling Lessons

 Okay. I am beginning to channel Brittany Spears. This morning, after hearing a well paid, well known, Two Star General of the United States Army confuse, yet again, the word cavalry (which I am sure he intended to use) with the word Calvary (which he didn't), I said to myself, "Oops. He did it again."

I do not pretend to be a stellar student of perfect grammar, but I do have some particular quirks. The language, of the above mentioned general worries me, because he has his finger on the BUTTON!  And, his lack of education seems obvious, in my book. What is the US Military Academy teaching? Certainly, not the Holy Bible......or diction!!!!!

I had a boss, once, who kept asking clients, "Where did you go to school at?" I just kept wishing, just once, that someone would have replied, "Well, thank God, it wasn't the same one you attended." And, our current governor regularly uses improper verb tenses. He seems to be forever quoted as saying,  "I seen it" and "He done it". His grammar rivals that of the late Dizzy Dean. Was he absent from school, the day the rest of the class learned about irregular verbs?

Judging is not a gift of the Holy Spirit. I honestly try, to be a kind and caring individual, accepting the differences of others. But, these things drive me crazy. I know, that I can't change the speech of others. I might as well adopt, as my motto, "It makes no nevermind. I ain't gonna change a thing."

Dear Lord, help me to be a more accepting person. Remind me that I am not in charge. Remind me to calm down. Life is short. Teach me patience.

1 comment:

Karen said...

You done good.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...