Sunday, July 24, 2022

Risky Business

My recent change in life circumstances has forced me to become a little bit bolder. I'm inching out on that shaky limb, ever so slightly. And, you just might find this information interesting. Here's what has happened:
  • I painted my toenails, lime green, this week! Maybe that's not bold to you, but it is to me. I've always been a soft pink, or on occasion, sometimes red, kinda girl. Why did I do it? Well, why not????? I'm going to try glitter polish, next.
  • I booked an airline flight. I did it, even though I fear I might get stranded, at a strange airport, I think I can handle the wait. I'll take a portable pillow, and put a toothbrush in my purse!
  • I went to a new church, by myself. Participated in their Sunday Worship and survived the experience. I've been back twice.
  • I bought 2 quarts of Eggnog. Yeah, I know it's not December, but if it's fresh, and on the shelf in July, why not buy it? I like Eggnog, even if it's not the season. (I froze one....for September!)
  • I signed up for, attended and finished training, for a regular volunteer position, at a local museum. I was sincerely surprised, that they took me on. 
Small steps, folks. But, after all, I am on a journey, and who knows how long that trip will be? Life does not stand still. And, we are called to keep moving. We need to keep changing and charging forward. Being stagnant is not an option! 

Dear God: I get least for now. With Your help, I'm going to do this. Continue to be with me as I take these risks. You are my constant.

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But, what if we need it?

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