Monday, August 1, 2022

We Aren't in Charge

 I'm going to step out of the air conditioning, on this 100 degree day, and take a bold stand, on the truth of climate change. It's my humble opinion that, yes, it's hot, but we can't do a darn thing about it.

That duly noted, I can truthfully say, that I try to recycle everything, that I possible can. I lug out, my tub of plastic and paper, every Trash Day Tuesday. I rinse, save and recycle my glass trash, when my bin gets full. However, I do have to drive my gasoline powered car to the recycle bin, at the nearby grocery store.

 I am not wasteful. I try to buy only things, that I need, and I take what I don't need to the thrift stores, for use by others. I am careful with my use of energy. I keep my lights turned off during the day and I keep my curtains closed, to shut out the heat. I would rather die, than litter!!!! I care about the environment. We all should.

This is what I believe. We've had hot summers, before. I remember trying to fry an egg on the sidewalk, in the fifties (nineteen fifties...sixty years ago). If I remember correctly, it actually cooked. Weather is cyclical. We can, forever, worry about, complain about and talk about it. But, we can't control it!

Hey, sometimes it rains. If we could control the weather, it would never rain on any parade, any where, any time! It snows and we, in the Midwest, have tornados. Seriously, who really thinks we can control those things. Have you ever witnessed the power of tornadic winds? Sorry folks, but all of the shut down pipelines, wind farms and electric cars that we can manufacture, cannot stop a tornado. 

To my Water Loving Friends. If you build, right on an ocean, chances are, the ocean is going to, someday, ruin that house, built upon the sand. If you build in a flood plain, I'll guarantee, you are going to need an Ark.

Weather happens, just like "you know what" does.

Dear God. You and only You have the power. Remind us that we have choices and we should also use common sense.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...