Thursday, August 4, 2022

Going Rogue

 Remember, as teenagers and way beyond, when we used to call our friends and ask them, "What are you going to wear (to the party, prom, dinner party, or a luncheon)? I haven't done that in a very long time, and I wonder why?

Have we aged into becoming confident that we can choose just the right outfit and look appropriate in whatever we wear? Maybe. Or, do we just not give a hoot, how we look! Unfortunately, I think it is, predominately, the later.

Whatever happened to trying to look our best? Years ago, folks used to dress for dinner. Even if they were "dining in". Go to a sit-down restaurant, these days, and you can only count on someone wearing shoes and a shirt! Well, we should be grateful, for the small things, I guess. 

I have been taught to wear "my best to church". Many of my ensembles came from K-Mart, but my clothes and I were clean. Now, we're a "come as you are" kinda denomination. Somewhere along the line we got "God loves you no matter what" confused with "Saturday's yard-work outfit is good enough for Jesus!"

Our idea of "dressing for the job" has evolved into Casual Friday, every day of the week. Teachers, these days, wear holey jeans and T-Shirts (women and men) to instruct our young folks, No wonder those kids are losing respect for their teachers and other authority figures. Why try to learn anything from someone who comes to work looking like they are unprepared and just rolled out of bed? Kids cannot distinguish a teacher from the guy on the corner, with a Homeless sign.

I know I'm sounding critical, but I swear I am not asking for much. Use a comb. Be clean. Wear something that fits, for Pete's sake. Show up like you meant to be there!

Mirrors, in homes, must be going the way of analog clocks. 

Dear God. Forgive us for being such slobs. We honor our environment. We care for our pets. Remind us to care for ourselves. We are created in Your image and we honor You, when we do and look our best. 

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