Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Nansense Nonsense, or something like that

 Everyone, these days, communicates by text messages. My grandkids can text. My adult children text. And, believe it or not, this old lady can send text messages, to her many, equally mature, associates. I have learned how to capitalize, use numbers and add punctuation. I can even throw in some text speak, like u for you, r for are and don't forget to add a thnx or 2! I've got this!

I do however have one small question. What's up with this auto-correct thing?. Tonight, I tried to sign my text ( Yes, I know it's not necessary, because my name appears at the top of the message), with my initials, and here's what happened.

I texted (past tense) my friend. Signed off with NKK, and it was sent as "Nell".  So I typed nkk (lower case letters, this time) was sent as "No.". Lordy, I thought. Next, I tried NKK, again. "No.", was sent, one more time. So, I wrote my whole name, Nancy K. Kincaid, checked for correct spelling, tapped the arrow and off it went, correctly.

What am I doing wrong? I'm befuddled and mystified. This new fangled stuff is hard.

Dear Lord. Sometimes, just sometimes, it's easy to feel old and inadequate. Adjusting to the new is hard. No one wants to feel left behind, but sometimes we do. Our one constant is you. You are our rock and our redeemer. You are with us at all times.

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