Sunday, September 18, 2022

Do You Hear What I Hear, II?

I have been told, more than a few times, that I have a song for everything. Astonished people remark about this, because I have been known to burst into song, for any reason. My songs are usually one or two stanzas of musical nonsense, that just happen to pop into my head and my mouth, simultaneously. I belt them out, usually to an stunned audience, of two or three. And, after their mouths close, we continue our conversation, moving back to whatever we were doing, previous to my outburst.

Take for instance, the state of Montana. Whenever, I meet someone from Montana, I sing, "My Home's in Montana, I wear a bandana....". Or, sometimes it's, "There once was a Lady named Hannah, who was in a flood in Montana."  Or, just yesterday my daughter went to a Paw Paw Festival. I just could not get the words and tune to "Way Down in the Paw Paw Patch", out of my mind.

Now, if you are having trouble, picturing this phenomena, recall the comic George Burns. My, on the spur of the moment performances, are just like his, about as musical, but without the cigar! 

Being a Kansan, by birth, I have a repertoire of 9 or 10 Kansas songs, in my musical memory bank. Missouri...a couple. Hats...several on that subject. Cats.....sure. Spiders...yes. You get the picture.

Singing makes me happy and recalling those little ditties, keeps my mind working. Life is spectacular, if you are a little bit quirky. I know!

Dear God, joy is a blessing. Keep us mindful of the joys in our life and help us spread that joy to others.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Keep it up! It's YOU!!!
Love YOU;

But, what if we need it?

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