Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Conversation and Controversy

 I've started, edited, restarted and deleted several posts this week. Just when I think that I have something outstanding and earthshaking about which to write, upon reading, my words just seem inane and fairly divisive. I guess a better word might be, MEAN.

My opinions, are just that. Opinions. We all have opinions. But, the problem with opinions, is often, how we share them. How many times have we begun, a conversation, by saying, "Of course.." or "You can't be foolish enough to believe.."? Isn't that the same as saying, "I'm right and you are wrong." And, what's more, "Because you don't believe what I believe, you're just stupid!" No wonder this country is on fire!

Remember when people could have civil discussions? Conversations were had, without hate and vitriol.  What ever happened to "you vote for your candidate and I'll vote for mine"? Honestly, sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Why do we continue to make the process so hurtful? 

Why can't we all just get along? 

From now on, I intend to stick to the facts.  The wise policeman, Joe Friday, cautioned us all....."The facts ma'am. Just the facts". Oh yeah, I'll continue to offer my opinions, but those opinions are going to be tempered by first checking to see, that I am not personally attacking anyone, in the process.  

Dear God. Your children are so very foolish. Why do we try to force our opinions and or beliefs on our fellow travelers? Keep us on the straight and narrow, as we aim for the prize.

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"Her name was McGill. She called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as ............"

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