Friday, September 2, 2022

I've Been Everywhere Man....

 Well, not exactly. Recently, however, I did have an extended visit, with relatives, out West. I loved everything about my trip.  My goal, for my remaining years, is to make the most of any experience and try to make every day an adventure. 

The first adventure, is travel itself. Employees of the airline, on which I chose to travel, all seemed to think that every passenger is an experienced traveler. However, they are wrong! I can't be the only person in this wide world who hasn't been anywhere, but locally, for the last 2 and a half years! We oldies have forgotten a lot of our travel savvy. Sorry folks, some of us need specific instructions, not just "get in line lady." (There were three lines.) Upon discovering which queue was the right one, a surly young person inquired abruptly, "Where's the metal in your body?" I replied that I didn't have any. To which he barked, " Well, you're in the 70 years and older line, you have to have metal...pacemaker? knee?..." I replied that I indeed had no metal. He, with a disbelieving scowl, waved me on.

My first experience with air travel, was in 1954, when I boarded an Ozark Airlines, DC-3, flying first to Wichita and then on to Los Angeles. I wore a brown and white checked suit, and a hat. My patent leather Mary Janes and tiny purse, were brand new. As I bucked my seatbelt, on the return trip, this week, I noticed that my seatmate, to the left, had more holes in her jeans than denim. OMGolly, times have changed.

Ending on a very positive note, due to my hearing loss, I had checked the impairment box choice, "deaf", on my on-line ticket. Because, I was truly concerned, that I would not hear my boarding number being called. Voila! Deafness allows a passenger to Pre Board. Just call me "First On/First Off Nancy"!

Dear Lord. Thank you for keeping me moving and enjoying life. We all have our good days and not so good days, but we are truly thankful for the days we have. We are blessed.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...