Thursday, March 17, 2022

And Continues......

 First thing Tuesday morning, the "Big Trash" guys showed up with their huge Pinch-er Truck. They loaded all of my items and were getting back in the truck, when I ran outside to thank them. I handed one of the guys a package of Oreos and the other, a box of Triscuits. Told them that they were a blessing and wished them a good day. 

Thus, I have gotten rid of a load of trash, and believe it or not the neighbors did not rat me out as a scofflaw or hoarder! And, to top that off, on my latest trip to the Thrift Store, I arranged for my working tread-mill to be recycled and reused. The thrift store will even pick it up!

Then, with the help of a kind man, again on the phone, I was able to successfully install, a new Internet connection, complete with a new modem and router. ( I didn't even have to use my electric drill!)

My biggest coup, this week, was having a phone conversation with the U.S. Government. After two attempts and a total of 85 minutes on hold, I spoke with a real person. AND, she was delightful. I now know exactly how much Social Security Assistance I will receive monthly, when it will be deposited into my account and several other useful bits of knowledge. I'm on cloud nine!

Dear God. I couldn't do this without You. Your children are everywhere. You are my Rock.

1 comment:

Karen said...

What Blessings you received. God is Good!
Love you, Karen

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 I consider myself fairly techno-literate. Most senior citizens are. And, although we learned to type on a manual Smith-Corona, we are, for ...