Monday, March 14, 2022

What will the neighbors say?

 The saga continues. 

Today, my two youngest sons helped me take a bunch of junk, out of the house and drag it across our front lawn. We deposited the stuff, at the edge of my yard, by the street. The load included two giant TVs, one TV stand, a bunch of scrap metal, a brass headboard and a pull-along golf cart. These were items that the local thrift stores would not take, so I arranged for the city "Big Trash" truck to come and take them. The appointment was made a month ago, for a pick-up scheduled for first thing tomorrow. 

My sons were available and willing to help, today. Now the rules of  "Big Trash" say that you are not supposed to carry your items, to the curb, until the day of pick up, but my helpers are not available at six a.m. tomorrow. Needless to say, we've created an eyesore in my normally clean and uncluttered neighborhood.

I hope the trash police do not show up at my door, tonight. Trust me when I tell you that I'm not going to answer the door if they do. And, I hope my neighbors will give me a little slack.

Great and all powerful Lord. Please help those of us who are trying to do the right thing and forgive us when have to change the rules a bit.

1 comment:

Karen said...

WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL? What happened? Are you in jail?
Love, YMOS

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