Saturday, June 4, 2022

Nature Strikes Again

 Residing in a home that sits atop a river bluff, definitely has its perks. Although, I have not done any specific research, I may live, in a neighborhood, that is possibly the highest point, in the entire metropolitan area. The obvious perks are...I can see two states, from my front yard, watch the wide, Missouri River meander below and view the skylines of the two Kansas Citys. I have great seating for the occasional Air Show and holiday fireworks displays. Storms approach with frightening clarity. And, until recently,  I believed that flooding would never be an issue.

Wrong, again.

Huge downpours, have been occurring quite frequently.(California folks can stop reading, now. I am going to complain about rain.) And, our neighborhood elementary school has been undergoing extensive renovation, including the removal of the existing parking lot and driveway. Now, the school sits slightly higher than our street, and apparently, the contractor didn't realize that water normally runs downhill and silt fences need to be anchored, in order to prove effective.

So, I awoke, the other morning, with a giant, orange "ROAD CLOSED" sign, erected in my front yard. Upon further investigation, the whole school yard, or what appeared to be, is now blocking the street in front of the school.

Now, if you live on a mountain top, you instantly realize that there are limited roads up and down.. Luckily, I have two. Progress marches forward, and I am taking the long, circuitous to the finish line.

Now, there's a metaphor for you!

Dear Lord. You have never promised us a garden of roses. Life has it's obstacles, but You remain our constant. Show us the path.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...