Saturday, June 11, 2022

Opening a Door

Lest my readers start to think that I am only reporting the bizarre and unpleasant happenings, in my new life, here's a tale with a happy ending.

What does the average person know about door hinges? If you are anything like me....very little. I mean, most doors have at least two and they are used to open and close the door, to which they are attached. Hinges are the two metal things on the side of a door. 

So, to continue, the average door hinge consists of three parts. Two flanges and a pin piece that holds the two flanges together, allowing the door to swing. One flange is attached to the door frame and the other to the door, itself. The pin holds the two pieces together. Door hinges are usually mounted so that the pin is removable, from the inside of the room or house or wherever the door is located. This keeps a thief from removing the pin, taking off your door and hauling off your flat screen TV! The pin is always removed from the top, of the hinge.

So, yours truly, Mrs. Do It Herself, decided she wanted to remove a bathroom door. I had in mind  staining and adding a piece of decorative trim. After watching a couple of U Tube videos on  "How to Remove a Hinge", I discovered that antique door hinges are not featured on any existing video. I couldn't "just use screw driver and tap the safety cap off the bottom of the hinge". (Most modern door hinges don't even have bottom caps, I learned.) But, my hinges (and I am taking this personally by now) have pretty little round caps on both the bottom and the top of the pin! 

The bottom round caps would not come off the hinge! I tried prying they off and screwing them off, to no avail. In desperation, I grabbed the pliers and yanked on the pin, from the top, and TA DA, out popped the pin. That dumb little ball on the bottom was decorative. Now, we know!

Success! My son helped me rehang the door (seems like solid wood doors, aren't designed for old-lady handy persons to be toting around.) And I'm back in business.

Dear Lord. Where there is a will, there's a way. Your infinite wisdom and guidance makes all things possible. Remind us to listen to Your directions and grant us the ability to use the common sense that You have given us. We praise Your Holy Name.

1 comment:

Karen said...

YOU can do it all, with a little help from your Greatest Friend!
You continue to Amaze me!

But, what if we need it?

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