Friday, June 17, 2022

Weather or Not

 Springtime often brings severe weather, to the Midwest.

In the past week or so, the National Weather Service has issued several Weather Alerts, for the Kansas City Area. For those of you who are not living or have never lived in Tornado Alley, please note that a Tornado Warning and Tornado Watch (our two most frequent Spring alerts) are not the same thing. Here is a brief lesson in the difference.

A Tornado Watch means to be alert and aware that the weather conditions, in a certain designated area, are just right for the possibility of a tornadic disturbance. It's a call to keep an eye on the sky and be aware. Oftentimes, a Watch will be issued for a couple of hours or a whole day or night.

But, a Tornado Warning is more serious. Sirens hopefully sound, and police cars may roam your neighborhood, with lights flashing and horns blaring. It's an alert to get to the lowest spot possible and cover your head, immediately! A Tornado is coming your way, and it could be arriving, within a few minutes.

Now, I have lived in Missouri and Kansas, my whole life. I've seen a couple of twisters and I know what kind of damage they can do. I know about Watches and Warnings, but I'm living in a changed world now. I am alone, and I cannot hear! The sirens have gone off, in my neighborhood recently, and I haven't heard them. Like many audio-challenged folks, I take my hearing aids out at night and I am oblivious, to most sounds. Therefore, night time Tornados are the most deadly kind. Thankfully, although the Tornados were spotted, sailing overhead this week, they did not touch ground and I didn't see the Wicked Witch of the West! 

I am not afraid of not waking up, you understand, I just do not want to be painfully swirled around in  the air, before I cross over into eternity. Sensibility reigned, and I asked for and promptly received a weather radio, from my D.C. family. The weather radio has put my mind and body at ease. Now, thank goodness, I'm going to be able to be alerted, via a really loud and obnoxious alarm, to head for the safety of my basement.

For this lovely gift, I am truly thankful.

Dear Lord, we thank You for keeping us safe. Remind us to be watchful and ever thankful for Your many blessings.

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