Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Just Take a Deep Breath

Yesterday, per my sensible son's request (because he didn't want me on a ladder, in a tree), I called my trusty, or so I thought, electric company, to ask for a "look-see" on some vines, growing on their wires. . The company representative said, no problem. Then, we started to have, what I would describe, as the interrogation of the century. Well, who was I? Well, the account isn't in your name. I'm sure, I told him that it was in my dead husband's name. Well, in order to check on the problem, we will have to put you in the computer as the Account Holder, he said. Okay, I replied, with all the charm I could muster.

My husband died in January, I told the pleasant young person. This January, he asked? Yes, I said, and several clicks later, he proceeded, without a word from me, to supply me with the death date, Scott's SS number, and his birthdate. Then, he asked for my SS number, which I gave him. Oh, he said, we can't get an Experion Number for you. Your account is blocked. What are you talking about, I asked? Well, in order to open a new account, I need a credit score. I told him that we don't use credit, haven't for years, so I don't think I have a credit score. 

Look, I said, we have been paying you monthly, for around 50 years. At least 40 of them from this address (where the vines are!!!). We are current on our Electric Bills, sir. Just change the name, I reiterated. Well, he couldn't do that without a Credit Score.

Are you going to turn off my electricity, I asked? No, he assured me. So, I told him, don't bother to change anything, I'll just continue to give your company (with the made-up imaginary name, of EVERGY) money, every month, until I die! 

So, I'm sitting here today with vines on the wires, to my house, and I do not know when, or if they are going to come and cut them down! And, now, I don't know how long I will have electricity!

I need a break!

Dear Lord, along with my many blessings, please remember to send along a little patience. I really do need help, in dealing with my fellow sojourners. I will be truly thankful.

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But, what if we need it?

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