Sunday, January 9, 2022

What are you reading?????

Mysteries. When I commit the "Crime of the Century" I do not intend to get caught. Now, believe me, I do not have particular chargeable action in mind, but I'm going to know how to get the deed done, perfectly, when I do. I've read a whole bunch of stories about folks who mess up doing their stabbings, poisonings, etc.

My faves are the standard ones on most every mystery lovers list. I have read all of the published Agatha Christie's, I can find. Sometimes, I have a bit of trouble keeping all of her characters straight, but I have enjoyed them all...some several times. I like the books of P.D. James, and most recently have read her "Mistletoe" short stories. She's very clever.

I can't wait for some new Hallmark Mysteries, to hit the tube. I think I've seen all of the Hannah Swensen and Gourmet Detective shows, at least twice. I also like the Father Brown and Midsommer Murders on PBS. 

Yes, I realize you could call me bloodthirsty or maudlin, so go right ahead. My mystery habit, keeps me off the streets and out of the pokey!

Dear Lord. Life is a mystery, and I do try to enjoy whatever situation comes along. Keep my mind and body on the straight and narrow. I have so much for which to be thankful.  

1 comment:

Karen said...

I'm impressed with your Mysterious reads! You might want to try a Mystery Blog!
I like Midsomer Mysteries and Father Brown, too. I think you got me started on them originally. Thanks.
Now, figure our who wrote this...

But, what if we need it?

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