Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Just do the right thing!

 What's bugging you? Due to the weather, we've been spending more time "in the house", than our normal lifestyle supports. This morning, I'm overtly irritated at the mispronunciation of common English words. It seems that I am constantly hearing these errors on television. If I heard these verbal errors in person, chances are, being the old fashioned teacher that I am.....I would correct them, on the spot. 

There's a national news commentator who repeated reports, that we need to "call in the Calvary". He does not mean to call in the hill, on which Jesus died, he means to call in military forces.....the cavalry! OH MY. And, this morning I heard a sweet young thing reciting a list and ending her rale with the word "ec-cetera"! It's ET-CETERA, ma'am. Just ask Yul Brenner!!!!! I'm not even going to mention the repeated mispronunciation of the just written, three letter word, Ask. It is not and has never been "AXE" !!!!!

Dear readers, most English words are pronounced exactly as they are spelled. Just a smidgen of effort would correct all of this nonsense. But, then since we all are addicted to "spell check", who knows how to spell anything anymore? And, if you can't spell, pronunciation is definitely a problem!

So, clearly. I need a nice warm day, and a long walk.  But, even more clearly, we need to re-establish correcting grammar and spelling errors in our educational system. To heck with creativity, if what our young folks speak and write makes no sense. Errors need to be corrected.  

I have been told repeatedly by much younger folks, that my grammar and spelling quirks are not important. But, I believe that my concerns are valid. The "guys" (another genderless usage, pet peeve of mine), who tell me that I am old fashioned, are just making themselves look uneducated.

Dear Lord. You know that I need to work on my judging self. I understand "judge not, lest ye be judged". But, I sincerely believe that you want us to be doing our very best for Your children. Help me to help others. Improve my discernment. Your mercy is everlasting.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...