Saturday, November 26, 2022

"More than Famous"

 The other day, I started thinking about fame. Besides talking to myself, these days, I do a lot of un-meaningful, internal thinking. My thoughts were running along these lines, "Am I acquainted with any famous people?" Sure, I thought. I was married to a Grammy Award winner. And, a newspaper columnist, who won a Pulitzer Prize, used to live down the street. (I'm really thinking now...) I went to school with a successful professional baseball player (Dodgers) and I know someone who has patented his inventions. Several of my friends have written and published books. My friend, Anita, has a city park and a public building, named for her.  (Then, I started stretching relationships, a tiny bit.) My aunt went to school with Mickey Mantle, and I went to school with a girl, whose brother, often appeared on Oprah. (No, I don't think those should count....) I once stood next to the artist, Thomas Hart Benton, at a local bar, but was too much in awe, to engage in any type of conversation. Oh, and once, I sold a pair of shoes to Len Dawson!

As I continued to muse, I thought about these "famous" folks. What makes a person famous? (Continuing, with my train of thought) My belief is that a person becomes famous, only because other people think they are extraordinary.... pretty special. There you go. Fame in a nutshell!

So, actually I know hundreds, maybe thousands, of famous people. All of my friends, and many casual acquaintences, brighten my life every single day.  To me, each and every one is terribly important and famous! Quite humbly, I am blessed. 


Great and All-powerful Lord. Your Grace is a gift to all of us. Thank you for all of Your gifts. Each of us is unique and our talents are God-given.  Lord, help us to use them wisely.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...