Thursday, December 1, 2022

"Jolly Old St. Nicholas......"

 "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" and of course my shopping isn't anywhere near finished. But, I have been doing a lot of thinking about shopping. THINKING, is the key word, here.

I didn't leave the house on Black Friday. I've always been slightly offended by the name, given to the madness of sales and excessive buying! And, I missed out on ordering anything on Cyber Monday, so no packages arrived on Porch Pirate Tuesday. Oh, I'll get around to buying a few things, but "slow and easy", kind of like Bing singing "White Christmas". Soft and slidy, will be my melody, this year.

Christmas Shopping brings to mind lots of great memories. The lighted Christmas Decorations strung across Broadway, down several blocks of stores, are a great memory, of my little home town.  Most of my childhood shopping was done at Kresses and Woolworth's, because they had the best stuff, within my budget!

Shopping in downtown Kansas City, was pretty amazing, too. The Jones Store and Harzfelds were my favorites and the city always erected huge crowns over the intersections, in the shopping area. But, as far as decorations go, the Plaza Lights, have always been spectacular. As they hype incessently..... for 92 years. I understand that the stores, in the "world's first planned shopping center", are now open during and after the Thanksgiving night "lighting". This, no doubt, increases holiday sales. Years ago, we all went home after the big show, and ate leftover turkey, instead of spending money!

Bottom line, I'll be gifting homemade items again, sprinkled with a few extras. Oh yes, I know, that my friends and family already have closets full of crocheted scarves and hats, but "lean your ear this way", because whatever I give, will be packed with love and hours of attention.

"As for me my little brain, isn't very bright. Choose for me, dear Santa Claus, what you think is right."

Happy Birthday, Jesus. We will not forget that we are celebrating Your birth.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Santa would be Proud!
But, the real Reason for the Season is expressed beautifully.
Thank you, Nancy, for always saying what we're thinking.
Merry Christmas!

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...