Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Cookies and Cards

 Christmastime reminds us of tradition. Christmas Cards, baking lots of homemade goodies, and going home for the holidays. But, when your life is suddenly changed, it's okay, to alter a few, tried and true traditions. Adaptation is a fine way to cope.

#1. Like the Grinch, who for 53 years, put up with Whoville's Noisy Celebration, the Kincaids, for 56 years, sent out Christmas Cards. Let me state that differently. I bought and addressed the cards.  Because, Scott felt that everyone in the family (not the dog) had to sign the cards, the number of signatures varied over the years. Most years, I nearly had to beat the children, in order to make them hand-sign every card. I can't help but think, that the reason all four of them were so eager to leave the nest, was leaving home meant they would never have to sign another Christmas Card.  After I got Scott to sign them, which was only slightly less difficult, I took the cards to the Post Office and mailed them. 

Bottom line....., no cards this year. Yep, consider this your card. I don't love or treasure any of you any less, I'm just choosing to say "Merry Christmas" in another way.

#2. My Christmas baking has, for years, consisted of those, oh so difficult to make, Rice Krispie Treats, other no-bake desserts, and plastic wrapped candy canes. This year, I baked 6 plus dozen Pizzelle cookies. Pizzelle's are a tradition in my hometown, and I've always loved them. So, when I snagged an iron from a friend (too much work for her, she said) I proceeded to bake my own Pizzelles. Well, one batch took me a couple of hours, and I had dough from one end of the kitchen to the other, but I just sang Carols, at the top of my lungs and had the best time. I think, I will do another batch before Christmas!! That is, if I can afford another dozen eggs. 

#3. My four Christmas Trees are still in their boxes, in the closet. I decorated, of course, using a dozen Santas, tinsel, candles and elves, but no trees. I think it looks very festive, and I won't have to dismantle the durn things, by myself!

#4. I will not be singing, "I'll Be Home for Christmas", because I won't be. I'll be off to far-away places. My bags are already packed. I'll leave, just as soon as I make sure to have paid all of my yearly bills. New Traditions!

Dear Lord. It will be a simple Christmas. I'm going to celebrate Your coming, in a new, less traditional manner. But, the stable is still there, the shepherds can see the star, and the angels continue to sing. The meaning of Christmas stays the same. We are blessed by Your Coming.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Thank you for sharing your NEW Traditions! You're always the BEST!!!
Love, Karen

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