Sunday, December 18, 2022


 I'm not a numbers person. Now, I can count, add, subtract and multiply. I can also divide and cypher the median, mean and average. However, I was never any good at word problems. I didn't care when or where, the two trains, traveling at different speeds, actually meet. I wanted to know what happened to the people who were riding, in the trains, at the point of collision. Did they survive? Did someone record their reactions to the crash? What was the real story?

Numbers. Well, we've got a pretty good football team in Kansas City. So far, this season, their won-loss record is 11 wins and three losses. The team, as a whole, has a ton of statistics.  One player, named Kelce, must pay a fellow, who does nothing but assign numbers to his biography. I mean, you look him up and you can see that in 2022 alone, you can find out his number of receptions, receiving yards, average yards per reception, longest reception, reception yards, and rushing yards. Now, he has been playing a few years, so you can also see the same stats, for his entire career.

The Government has a lot of statistics, too. Available on the net, you can find data for National Gun Violence, Spending, Crime, Energy, Poverty, Immigration and Employment. The same goes for each of the 50 states, and territories. Then, individual communities have their sets of statistics, too.

That a whole lot of numbers, folks. I once heard a famous third baseman brag about his Sa-tis-tics. Bless his heart, he knew he had them, and probably knew what the numbers were, but he couldn't pronounce the word. 

So, are you a "number person", or are you a "word person"? Maybe you are blessed to be both. My number this year is 52. I have written 52 blog posts, in 2022. My statistical average, for the last 14 years is 46.29 posts. I guess, I am above average this year. That's about all I can hope for. I'm actually proud of my achievement.

Gracious and All Knowing God, you know all that there is to know. We are your humble followers, always seeking to learn more. Sometimes we need reminding that You are number ONE.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Love that last sentence. Makes all of the Statistics meaningless.
Thanks for making my day!
Love you, Karen

But, what if we need it?

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