Saturday, April 30, 2022

Yes, I'm Scared

It seems that you can really teach an old dog, new tricks. Recently, I posted about venturing out of my "normal" comfort zone and choosing to live a more daring, day to day existence. Well, I'm taking those baby steps, but soon I hope to be charging forward, by leaps and bound.

These are my latest adventures, and yes, they were a bit scary:

  • Directions to several spots unknown ...the Internet and my phone can get me anywhere!!!
  • Operated a John Deere riding lawn mower. Again, the Internet had directions on how to get it to work. This scared me more than you will ever know, but by golly, I "got 'er done". Found out however, that the durn machine does not have a cup holder, for my beer. (Just kidding!)
  • From a cooking show on the TV, I learned how to roast vegetables, properly. Scott believed  that broccoli and cauliflower were nuclear waste, so, for 55 years, I never cooked them. Next, I will be trying turnips, and considering a mostly vegetarian diet.
  • With the help of a friend, sold a junk car, from a Website.
  • Located a place to have a window screen repaired, and took it there to have them do it.
  • Made and carried out two separate lunch dates, and had two more friends over for lunch.
  • Planned a short trip, by myself, arranging to visit friends and relatives, along the way.
Look out world, this old lady is on a roll.

Well, Lord. I know I cannot do this life without your help. I believe that you are my guide and companion. You do all the hard work. I just need to keep talking to you in prayer.


Karen said...

Look Out World---for sure! You amaze us all! Keep up the Great Work!
Love you, YMOS

Marilyn said...

Doing great girlfriend. Love this.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...