Thursday, February 24, 2022

How Did This Happen????

 To add fuel to the fire, we got scammed. Or, at least we think we did. 

Occasionally, during this pandemic period, I have ordered large bulky items, to be delivered to my door, from a certain big box store. But, never groceries.

Backing out of my driveway, last week, I spotted around 20 grocery bags of stuff sitting on my front walk. Surprise! I wasn't expecting any large deliveries.  We brought the stuff inside and low and behold, someone...not me....had placed an order, using my card information and address. Now, we had over $200 of groceries, we didn't order. 

Walmart wouldn't take the stuff back. "It's a pandemic lady!" And, my bank assures me that they will get the charge off of my account. Meanwhile, I have gifted my many visitors with boxes of Cilantro Lime Crackers and cartons of Greek Yogurt. My granddaughter enjoyed some of the "you-bake 'em" soft pretzels. I haven't tried the gluten-free Oreos, yet, but the Cracker Barrel Mac and Cheese and the chicken flavored veggie burgers might come in handy, if I get snowed in. Maybe, I'll use the 6 boxes of Kodiak Muffin mix, before their expiration date. It was certainly a very strange grocery order.

So, it was a "come to a funeral and leave with a bag of groceries" kind of week. And, meanwhile, I'm still wondering how and why this stuff ended up on my doorstep.

Dear Lord. Life is a mystery. We are recipients of your many blessings. Bring on the surprises.

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