Monday, April 11, 2022

I've Got the Whole World.......

Counted among my many blessings, is the location of my current residence. My home is close to the center of Kansas City (maybe a 7 minute drive). Out my front door, I have a marvelous view of the Missouri/Kaw River convergence. In 15 minutes, I can arrive at our International Airport, and yet I am  rural enough to observe deer, daily, and an occasional fox or coyote. And, with all of these amenities, I have, within a five minute drive, the most amazing perk of all....the ultimate "whole life" strip mall.

At the amazing, Filger Plaza, in convenient Northmoor, Missouri, all the needs of a lifetime (with the possible exception of a birthing center) are sitting right there, side by side, on Vivion Road. At the far western end, of this plethora of retail commerce, is a good sized Mexican Restaurant. Next door, is a combination Auction/Thrift/Pawn  Shop. Stained Glass items are made and sold at the next store. A few doors down, is a Gun Shop, an Asian Restaurant, a Hair Salon (#1), and a Barber Shop. Moving on down the row, is a Sports Bar, yet another Mexican Restaurant (#2), and a really great Hamburger joint, featuring a 4-foot diameter plastic burger, atop a vintage Pac Man Machine. The Hamburger joint adjoins a full-service Liquor Store. Next is a Vape shop, or you may shop at an Afro Asian Market or get inked at a small Tattoo Parlor. Then, there is Hair Salon (#2), a 24 Hour Coin/Full Service Laundry ("free drying, all the time"), a cremation business (this one does seem a bit odd), and finally a catering service. Also, as with many retail establishments these day, several of the before mentioned places advertise and sell CBD products.  All that, in just one section of real estate! And, free parking is available in front of every store.

What else would a girl need? A Public Library? It's in the next block. A Gas Station or car repair business? Just as few blocks the other direction. Fireworks? Across the street, on the other side of Vivion Road. Housing? Next door, to the plaza, is a Mobile Home Park.

Good and all powerful Lord. Remind me to be thankful for the small things as well as the big blessings, in my life. I have so much.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...