What are you thinking?

Frankly, I just do not know where to start with this Corona Virus Pandemic. So far, I have determined that folks can be divided into possibly three categories, in their efforts to deal with the ongoing and seemingly worsening problem.

1. Those who joke about the issue. Example: What goes good with Corona Virus?.... Lyme Disease.
    (Certainly,  not a very realistic way to approach the serious of this issue.)

2.  Those who are visibly angry at everyone and everything, which means that their "best laid plans" are being altered !(Oh My Golly, the world is coming to an end. BINGO is cancelled, and the President...or Nancy, is to blame..)

3. Those who are immobilized by fear and worry. (as in, "The sky is falling or, we are all going to die, tomorrow!)

It seems to me that we should find some middle ground here. 
Yes, I believe we should be taking some precautions. Cleanliness, just like mom said, is truly next to Godliness. We have known, for decades, that germs and viruses are spread by human contact! So wash your hands and don't cough and sneeze on folks!
We are not all going to die from this virus. Most people, who actually get it, are recovering. It is not the end of the world. Relax, and don't go out and buy up every package of toilet paper you see!
Worrying, and this is a loose Biblical quote, "won't help you one little bit or give you one extra minute of time, here on Earth. Look outside your little selfish sphere, because maybe there is something you could be doing to help one of your neighbors!
This too shall pass.
God is Good.
Praise the Lord.


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