Flip and flop

Let me make you aware of this, right from the start of this post. I'm not feeling quite up to par today. Normally, I have very few aches and pains, considering my age.
However today, my shoulder hurts, just a little bit, but not enough to slow me down, too much. There could be two reasons for this malady.
Yesterday, I flipped the mattress on our bed. It's a queen mattress, way to big and awkward for a short old lady to maneuver. I yanked and I tugged, and I got it done. Afterward, my left shoulder was pretty achy.
Then, around four p.m., I decided to go outdoors to check to see if the postal person had left us any mail. Our mailbox is located about 75 feet from our door, and across a paved lane, uphill all the way. We had an ice storm last week which left a thin sheet of ice on everything in site, and due to the cold weather, that sheet has refused to go away.
To make this story a short one, I went down, hands first, flop onto the driveway. The good news, I only hurt my pride and maybe my shoulder, a bit. Thank the Lord, that I landed on my softest part.....my stomach.
The mail is still in the box. I am afraid to venture outside. I have considered driving the car to the mailbox, but that's not really necessary. The mail can wait.

Dear God. I am blessed. In spite of my stupidity, You watch over me. Thank you.



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