Saturday, August 12, 2017

Just wait awhile.....

Several posts ago, I wrote about going natural with my beauty regime. I was starting to use apple cider vinegar and coconut oil, instead of buying specifically manufactured beauty products.
That particular post elicited a comment by my daughter. She wrote, "You're just like me."
Whaaaat!!!  How long have I been waiting to hear an admission like that, from any one of my four children? Let me tell you how long. About 5 decades!!!! And, this comment came from the youngster who didn't like anything I said, liked or did, from the time she was about 5, until way into her adulthood. When she graduated from high school and I realized I would never, ever have to shop for another prom dress (she had four younger brothers), I was truly elated. To say that our tastes have often been very dissimilar, is putting it mildly.
Now, I am going to cherish her comment. I am honored. I am sincere when I admit that I thought such a comment would never be made. I am so proud.
Being a parent is tough work. All of my children are excellent parents. Maybe their dad and I did something right after all.

Dear Lord, most of us try really hard to do the right thing. It's hard. Sometimes we make mistakes. We know that you forgive us. Sometimes it's harder for our fellow humans to be forgiving. Show us how to love each other unconditionally.
We honor your wisdom.

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