We're coming to the end of another year. And, as with all years, there have been some good times and some not so good times. However, the moments that I will remember, from this past year, have been the bittersweet ones.
At my desk, I deal with quite a bit of confusion. But, it seems to me that as my friends slip into deeper and deeper confusion, the kinder and gentler they become. To a person, they remain truly thankful for my suggestions and directions. It's a blessing.
And, looking back, although I'm sad and often weepy, when we lose a resident, it is almost always a blessing for the departed and their families. Old age, as they say, is not for the weak. We don't wish pain and suffering for anyone, and no matter how much we love them, we must let them go.
My co-workers are all remarkable folks. It isn't easy caring for the elderly. Each of our residents is unique, and it takes a lot of patience and understanding, on behalf of our nursing, dietary, maintenance, and office staff to make them comfortable. We all gripe and carry on a bit, but we are all about service to others.
So, I thank God for yet another year of blessings and I look forward to the coming 365 days, with joy and hope.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Monday, December 23, 2019
Time is precious.
What's wrong with people, these days? Yesterday, I dropped by the nearest Auto Parts Store to pick up one item. The young person behind the counter asked, "How may I help you?"
Smiling, I told him, "I need a bottle of power steering fluid."
A simple enough request, I thought. However, I was so wrong. Because, at that point, he had a plethora of questions for me.
"What make is your car?" he asked. "Cadillac", I replied. Then, he wanted to know what model? I had to admit that I did not know. After that, he wanted to know the year, and started to inquire of another clerk, about the grade of product that I might need. Then he asked if the car were outside, and I said,"No". "The steering is making noises, so I'm not driving it," I volunteered.
He continued with his questions, until I finally said, "Look, it's a twenty year old Cadillac, something or other, with 300,000 plus miles on it. You can hardly see the paint color, under the rust. Nothing you can give me will hurt this old tank. I just need some power steering fluid."
Well, he replied, "Are you sure it's not transmission fluid, you want?"
I took a deep breath, because by this time I was getting a bit annoyed, and my fists were clinched. Then, I told him that the car was making screechy noises, when the wheel was being turned.
He replied, wisely, "That sounds like the power steering."
By now, I was close to exploding, so thankfully, he decided to ring up the purchase. I paid him for the five dollar item and left the store. Errand accomplished.
I am never going back there, and I will never disparage self-service again.
Lord, give me patience. We never know what causes folks to act the way they do. Help us to realize that we can't always have our way. Teach me self-control.
Smiling, I told him, "I need a bottle of power steering fluid."
A simple enough request, I thought. However, I was so wrong. Because, at that point, he had a plethora of questions for me.
"What make is your car?" he asked. "Cadillac", I replied. Then, he wanted to know what model? I had to admit that I did not know. After that, he wanted to know the year, and started to inquire of another clerk, about the grade of product that I might need. Then he asked if the car were outside, and I said,"No". "The steering is making noises, so I'm not driving it," I volunteered.
He continued with his questions, until I finally said, "Look, it's a twenty year old Cadillac, something or other, with 300,000 plus miles on it. You can hardly see the paint color, under the rust. Nothing you can give me will hurt this old tank. I just need some power steering fluid."
Well, he replied, "Are you sure it's not transmission fluid, you want?"
I took a deep breath, because by this time I was getting a bit annoyed, and my fists were clinched. Then, I told him that the car was making screechy noises, when the wheel was being turned.
He replied, wisely, "That sounds like the power steering."
By now, I was close to exploding, so thankfully, he decided to ring up the purchase. I paid him for the five dollar item and left the store. Errand accomplished.
I am never going back there, and I will never disparage self-service again.
Lord, give me patience. We never know what causes folks to act the way they do. Help us to realize that we can't always have our way. Teach me self-control.
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Wisdom of Buddy
It just so happens that my most favorite movies are all considered politically incorrect. And, just like the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup commercial.........NOT SORRY! So what if "Holiday Inn" has a scene in black face, "Blazing Saddles" makes fun of everyone, including Methodists, and "The Three Amigos" spoofs the classic "Magnificent Seven"? They are my favorites.
I watched "Holiday Inn", all by myself, three times, last weekend, and I sang along with every song, including the one about "Abraham"! It's a movie, for goodness sake, not a indicator of moral injustice.
Well, I now have a new favorite movie, "ELF". Watching it makes me laugh out loud, at every crazy thing that happens to Buddy the Elf. Along with the laughs come a few wise words of wisdom, that help to make the movie a classic, and a must see at the holiday season. "The best way to spread holiday cheer is singing loud for all to hear." And, "Smiling! That's my favorite." Both are great Buddy quotes, which makes this movie so much fun.
So, "ELF" has not yet been labeled as politically incorrect, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Someone will surely complain about the Candy Cane Forest (too much sugar) or the SPCN (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Narwhals) will chastise Buddy's cavalier attitude toward Mr. Narwhal.
Such is our modern society.
Dear Lord. thank you for your Son, our Savior. Show us mercy and goodness. Teach us to love and accept everyone.
I watched "Holiday Inn", all by myself, three times, last weekend, and I sang along with every song, including the one about "Abraham"! It's a movie, for goodness sake, not a indicator of moral injustice.
Well, I now have a new favorite movie, "ELF". Watching it makes me laugh out loud, at every crazy thing that happens to Buddy the Elf. Along with the laughs come a few wise words of wisdom, that help to make the movie a classic, and a must see at the holiday season. "The best way to spread holiday cheer is singing loud for all to hear." And, "Smiling! That's my favorite." Both are great Buddy quotes, which makes this movie so much fun.
So, "ELF" has not yet been labeled as politically incorrect, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Someone will surely complain about the Candy Cane Forest (too much sugar) or the SPCN (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Narwhals) will chastise Buddy's cavalier attitude toward Mr. Narwhal.
Such is our modern society.
Dear Lord. thank you for your Son, our Savior. Show us mercy and goodness. Teach us to love and accept everyone.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
........and folks dressed up like Eskimos
I hope that you all have favorite memories of "Christmases Long, Long Ago". After all, "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year."
In the Midwest, Christmas means cold weather. As a kid, I loved the winter weather. Every year, I couldn't wait to get out my sled. I still have that very sled! Of course, it's now a weathered antique (sort of like me). It held up pretty well, because it wasn't really cool enough or fast enough for my kids to use and wreck. And now, as a survivor, it makes a great front porch, decorative piece.
In the Midwest, Christmas means cold weather. As a kid, I loved the winter weather. Every year, I couldn't wait to get out my sled. I still have that very sled! Of course, it's now a weathered antique (sort of like me). It held up pretty well, because it wasn't really cool enough or fast enough for my kids to use and wreck. And now, as a survivor, it makes a great front porch, decorative piece.
I've kept my ice skates, too. They are in a drawer, someplace in the garage. The beautiful white leather shoe-skates were a present from Santa. I remember they were all that I wanted that year. What a thrill to have my very own skates! Until finding my new pair under the tree, I had been using my mom's skates, which were black and dated from the 1930s. And, I had memorized the advertisement for those skates from The Sears and Roebuck Catalog. Twelve dollars and 99 cents, plus shipping.
Ice skating was such fun. We had a perfect sized "lake" in our neighborhood, and all of my friends were skaters. When the ice got thick enough, when we weren't falling down, we all became Olympic hopefuls.
Happy Holiday!
Dear Lord. Thank you for Long Term Memories.
Ice skating was such fun. We had a perfect sized "lake" in our neighborhood, and all of my friends were skaters. When the ice got thick enough, when we weren't falling down, we all became Olympic hopefuls.
Happy Holiday!
Dear Lord. Thank you for Long Term Memories.
Friday, December 6, 2019
So Be Good For Goodness Sake.....
Are you familiar with the "Elf on the Shelf"? If not, I will explain it as the latest take on "He sees you when your sleeping. He knows if you're awake" ......and so on. So, it has occurred to me that I should create an "Elf on the Shelf" for the elderly.
Here is my marketing plan. I propose a small mirror, in a stand-up frame. A Senior would put it any place in his or her dwelling. Imagine, looking into the mirror and seeing your gray-haired self thanking your housekeeper for putting clean sheets on your bed. That's being Nice. Or, offering to check your neighbor's mail box for incoming mail. That would also be Nice. You could see yourself, spreading Christmas Spirit with every glance.
On the other hand, the mirror would also capture you dressing down the maintenance man for not fixing your television reception as quickly as YOU wanted. Or, you might be seen griping about the weather or some one's unknowing mistake. That's being Naughty. No one should be caught being Naughty!
The mirror would record all of your activities, during the holiday season, good or bad, and just like with Santa or his helper, the Shelf Elf, you would be compensated accordingly, for your behavior..
I don't imagine that I would garner any money or fame from my Elderly Mirror Project. But, you know, it makes me chuckle just thinking about it.
Dear Lord. Remind me that doing the right thing is always the right thing. Being Nice trumps Naughty, anytime.
Here is my marketing plan. I propose a small mirror, in a stand-up frame. A Senior would put it any place in his or her dwelling. Imagine, looking into the mirror and seeing your gray-haired self thanking your housekeeper for putting clean sheets on your bed. That's being Nice. Or, offering to check your neighbor's mail box for incoming mail. That would also be Nice. You could see yourself, spreading Christmas Spirit with every glance.
On the other hand, the mirror would also capture you dressing down the maintenance man for not fixing your television reception as quickly as YOU wanted. Or, you might be seen griping about the weather or some one's unknowing mistake. That's being Naughty. No one should be caught being Naughty!
The mirror would record all of your activities, during the holiday season, good or bad, and just like with Santa or his helper, the Shelf Elf, you would be compensated accordingly, for your behavior..
I don't imagine that I would garner any money or fame from my Elderly Mirror Project. But, you know, it makes me chuckle just thinking about it.
Dear Lord. Remind me that doing the right thing is always the right thing. Being Nice trumps Naughty, anytime.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
whatever happened to ................................?
It's been several years, since I have commented on the holiday of Thanksgiving. I don't know why. I am thankful for my many blessings, but perhaps like many Americans, in my rush to prepare for Christmas, I have forgotten to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Retail stores have been hawking Christmas goodies, since August. Pre-Black Friday Sales are everywhere. Most big box stores and web sites went directly from Halloween to Christmas, skipping Thanksgiving. altogether.
I have resisted putting away my ceramic pumpkins and artificial fall leaves. I refuse to do it until the weekend after Turkey Day. But, the pressure is there. Will I be able to meet all of my self-imposed deadlines? Will everything get done on time? Shouldn't I just do a couple of things to get a jump on the Big Holiday? Talk about stress!
We have been instructed to Give Thanks for Everything. A thankful heart will keep your mind in the positive, and draw your thoughts away from what has happened and what might happen. A thankful heart will keep you in the present.
Dear Lord, we come to you with a thankful heart. We will remember to forever make a joyful noise.
Retail stores have been hawking Christmas goodies, since August. Pre-Black Friday Sales are everywhere. Most big box stores and web sites went directly from Halloween to Christmas, skipping Thanksgiving. altogether.
I have resisted putting away my ceramic pumpkins and artificial fall leaves. I refuse to do it until the weekend after Turkey Day. But, the pressure is there. Will I be able to meet all of my self-imposed deadlines? Will everything get done on time? Shouldn't I just do a couple of things to get a jump on the Big Holiday? Talk about stress!
We have been instructed to Give Thanks for Everything. A thankful heart will keep your mind in the positive, and draw your thoughts away from what has happened and what might happen. A thankful heart will keep you in the present.
Dear Lord, we come to you with a thankful heart. We will remember to forever make a joyful noise.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
No Treasure
My blogging history spans almost 10 years, now. And, except for some of my favorite clothing, and my family, very few items, remaining in my life. are a decade old or older. When I traded in my 20 year old Grandpa-Car, for the newish red SUV, my life journey started down a distinctly different highway. I vowed to make a change.
Each and every day, according to my plan, I am trying to relocate five items. The relocation sites are, in order of preference, a thrift store, the recycling or the trash. I am de-cluttering my life.
This has become important, because every day, I observe many older folks who just can't seem to let go of "stuff". If it takes you eight solid hours, to move your "stuff" into a one bedroom apartment, you have a hoarding issue! Let it be known that your blogger friend is refusing to make the move, anywhere, with a bunch of useless "stuff"!
The papers, old books and everything have not used in 10 years, are all on their way out. I am putting my children on notice.You don't live here anymore. Anything that you own, that is gathering dust in my closets and basement, come and get it soon, or it gets trashed.
I have decided to hang on to the oldest item in my life. Yes. I'm keeping my husband.
Dear Lord. Our Stress often comes from our Stuff. Help us to let go and focus on the important things in life. Help us to keep our eyes on the Goal. We praise your holy name.
Each and every day, according to my plan, I am trying to relocate five items. The relocation sites are, in order of preference, a thrift store, the recycling or the trash. I am de-cluttering my life.
This has become important, because every day, I observe many older folks who just can't seem to let go of "stuff". If it takes you eight solid hours, to move your "stuff" into a one bedroom apartment, you have a hoarding issue! Let it be known that your blogger friend is refusing to make the move, anywhere, with a bunch of useless "stuff"!
The papers, old books and everything have not used in 10 years, are all on their way out. I am putting my children on notice.You don't live here anymore. Anything that you own, that is gathering dust in my closets and basement, come and get it soon, or it gets trashed.
I have decided to hang on to the oldest item in my life. Yes. I'm keeping my husband.
Dear Lord. Our Stress often comes from our Stuff. Help us to let go and focus on the important things in life. Help us to keep our eyes on the Goal. We praise your holy name.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
October snows..........oh my!
We haven't yet reached the midpoint of November, but here in Kansas City, we have already counted three measurable snowfalls. Having such cold weather, far before Thanksgiving, is extremely unusual. Thanksgiving is often a day of outdoor activities, like long, after-dinner walks and flag football games. Not this year. Unless we have a warm up, we will probably go sledding, after the turkey and pumpkin pie!
Most of us, in the Midwest, appreciate the change of seasons. And, if we don't, the continuously changing weather, gives us a whole lot to to talk about. And, it gives us the chance to voice every possible complaint.
"Right Here in River City", we believe that complaining about any type of weather, makes a person feel better. Each of us knows, that we cannot do anything about the weather (well, that's what most folks believe). I know that I cannot change the weather.
And, we also do a lot of worrying about the weather. Will it really snow? How much will we get? What if it gets icy? Again, as with all worrying, it is a total waste of time. Worry doesn't change anything....ever.
Unfortunately, we've all become very good at complaining and worrying. When will we learn?
Dear All Knowing and All Powerful Lord. When will we learn that You are in charge? Teach us patience, peace and self-control.
Most of us, in the Midwest, appreciate the change of seasons. And, if we don't, the continuously changing weather, gives us a whole lot to to talk about. And, it gives us the chance to voice every possible complaint.
"Right Here in River City", we believe that complaining about any type of weather, makes a person feel better. Each of us knows, that we cannot do anything about the weather (well, that's what most folks believe). I know that I cannot change the weather.
And, we also do a lot of worrying about the weather. Will it really snow? How much will we get? What if it gets icy? Again, as with all worrying, it is a total waste of time. Worry doesn't change anything....ever.
Unfortunately, we've all become very good at complaining and worrying. When will we learn?
Dear All Knowing and All Powerful Lord. When will we learn that You are in charge? Teach us patience, peace and self-control.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Steve Knows
I'm sure you all have noticed that it's that Pumpkin Pie Spice time of year. The leaves are turning to gold and yellow, Halloween decorations are being stashed away, and grandma is starting to stock up on cans of green beans and cream of mushroom soup. Unlike the old days, when the only thing that had Pumpkin Pie Spice, as an ingredient, was pumpkin pie, you are now able to now find EVERYTHING flavored with those pungent holiday spices.
For the culinary challenged, Pumpkin Pie Spice is a mixture of ground cinnamon, ginger, clove and nutmeg. And, that mixture makes a tasty, spicy custard pie. But, Frosted Flakes, waffles, cinnamon rolls, chili, pork tacos and pretzels? Ooooh, not for me. My taste buds find that all those other advertised, seasonal items are way too much.
Pumpkin pie, as I recall was a staple in our high school cafeteria. And, we will never forget our classmate, Steve, who ate his pumpkin pie, in horizontal layers, while everyone else attacked it vertically, beginning with the point side.
So, young folks (As I age, I have a tendency to blame all nonsense on the young), there is nothing WOKE, PC or clever about all this spicy nonsense. Just get your PP Spice fix with the original recipe! You can't top perfection.......unless, it's with whipped cream.
Dear God, you have to have a marvelous sense of humor. It's no wonder that the words human and humor are so similar. Watch over us and keep us safe, despite our foibles. You are our Rock and our Savior.
For the culinary challenged, Pumpkin Pie Spice is a mixture of ground cinnamon, ginger, clove and nutmeg. And, that mixture makes a tasty, spicy custard pie. But, Frosted Flakes, waffles, cinnamon rolls, chili, pork tacos and pretzels? Ooooh, not for me. My taste buds find that all those other advertised, seasonal items are way too much.
Pumpkin pie, as I recall was a staple in our high school cafeteria. And, we will never forget our classmate, Steve, who ate his pumpkin pie, in horizontal layers, while everyone else attacked it vertically, beginning with the point side.
So, young folks (As I age, I have a tendency to blame all nonsense on the young), there is nothing WOKE, PC or clever about all this spicy nonsense. Just get your PP Spice fix with the original recipe! You can't top perfection.......unless, it's with whipped cream.
Dear God, you have to have a marvelous sense of humor. It's no wonder that the words human and humor are so similar. Watch over us and keep us safe, despite our foibles. You are our Rock and our Savior.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Prepositional Posturing
I discovered a new word today, that appeared as a clue in The New Your Times Crossword Puzzle. The word is "whereat". I will swear, on a stack of dictionaries, that I have never written, spoken, or seen the word "whereat" in print, and because it is unfamiliar, I looked for a dictionary definition.
The word "whereat" means "at or toward which", or "in consequence of which".
I am familiar with the words "where" and "at". Often, I hear the question, "Where you at?", and it makes me cringe in grammar horror. Or, sometimes I hear another abhorrent favorite, "Where did you go to school at?"
So, the next time a well-meaning, but language challenged person asks me "Where you at?" , whereat I will consider making the reply, "I am right here, with my imaginary red pencil, correcting your terrible grammar."
Dear Lord. I am working at Self-Control. Really I am. But, I find it so hard to hold my tongue. Remind me who I am and whose I am.
The word "whereat" means "at or toward which", or "in consequence of which".
I am familiar with the words "where" and "at". Often, I hear the question, "Where you at?", and it makes me cringe in grammar horror. Or, sometimes I hear another abhorrent favorite, "Where did you go to school at?"
So, the next time a well-meaning, but language challenged person asks me "Where you at?" , whereat I will consider making the reply, "I am right here, with my imaginary red pencil, correcting your terrible grammar."
Dear Lord. I am working at Self-Control. Really I am. But, I find it so hard to hold my tongue. Remind me who I am and whose I am.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
"A rose by any other name........"
Every morning, we follow the same routine at our house. We sit at the kitchen table and drink our morning coffee. Scott reads the front section of the local newspaper, and I attempt to complete the New York Times Crossword, located in the other section. (Not too many years ago, there were many more than two sections, for us to read and share, but that's a whole other story.)
The NYT Crossword is located on the last page of the Sports-Classified-TV Guide-Comics Section. It's right next to or sometimes across the page from the "Pets For Sale" section. We don't have a dog, now, nor do I want one. However, that doesn't stop me from occasionally skimming over the breeds and prices of the dogs. (I'm deathly allergic to cats, so I never read about what's available in the feline columns.)
So, as I look down the page, I am often astounded to learn about, yet another, new puppy-mix. Today, it was a Pom Chi! (Pomeranian and Chihuahua) Yesterday it was a Chi Weenie! (Chihuahua and Dachshund) I've read about Morkies and Chorkies, and a whole lot of doodles. Golden Doodles, Peke-Doodles, and Labra Doodles. My colleague told me that these new mixes are called Designer Breeds. I call them MUTTS.
However, since when did Mutts command such high prices? Six hundred to two thousand dollars! I'm agog! Adoption at a local shelter seems so much more sensible. I'll be you can pick up a Poly-Wolly Doodle or a German Shep-orkie for a small donation.
Dear Loving God. You must be amazed at our crazy antics. How do you love us unconditionally?
You are awesome.
The NYT Crossword is located on the last page of the Sports-Classified-TV Guide-Comics Section. It's right next to or sometimes across the page from the "Pets For Sale" section. We don't have a dog, now, nor do I want one. However, that doesn't stop me from occasionally skimming over the breeds and prices of the dogs. (I'm deathly allergic to cats, so I never read about what's available in the feline columns.)
So, as I look down the page, I am often astounded to learn about, yet another, new puppy-mix. Today, it was a Pom Chi! (Pomeranian and Chihuahua) Yesterday it was a Chi Weenie! (Chihuahua and Dachshund) I've read about Morkies and Chorkies, and a whole lot of doodles. Golden Doodles, Peke-Doodles, and Labra Doodles. My colleague told me that these new mixes are called Designer Breeds. I call them MUTTS.
However, since when did Mutts command such high prices? Six hundred to two thousand dollars! I'm agog! Adoption at a local shelter seems so much more sensible. I'll be you can pick up a Poly-Wolly Doodle or a German Shep-orkie for a small donation.
Dear Loving God. You must be amazed at our crazy antics. How do you love us unconditionally?
You are awesome.
Friday, October 11, 2019
He said "Come on, come on." The elevator did not answer. She slammed her fist on the counter, and asked, "Are you going to help me, or what?" We called a cab, but he thinks it's taking to long to get here. She loudly commands, never stopping, as she rolls her walker down the hallway, "Sign me up to go to the store, tomorrow."
Patience is a Virtue. Patience, in case you are wondering, is the fourth "gift of the Holy Spirit". Patience is rare. Unfortunately, I know of no one who possesses an overabundance of Patience. We all find it so hard to wait.
What is it that we really want? Instant gratification? The first place in line? A perfect world on our OWN time schedule? My way or the highway?
Those thoughts and desires are never going to happen, folks. So, relax. You cannot control the minds, lives or schedules of other people. Let it go. The sooner you learn that you are not in control, the better off you will be. Relax.
The one who gets to the end of life FIRST, is not the winner! Relax, slow down and become less demanding. Life is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the ride.
All knowing and all powerful Lord, We are not in control. We will never be in control. You are in control. The scriptures tell us "Wait" on you Lord. Show us how to have patience. Now.
Patience is a Virtue. Patience, in case you are wondering, is the fourth "gift of the Holy Spirit". Patience is rare. Unfortunately, I know of no one who possesses an overabundance of Patience. We all find it so hard to wait.
What is it that we really want? Instant gratification? The first place in line? A perfect world on our OWN time schedule? My way or the highway?
Those thoughts and desires are never going to happen, folks. So, relax. You cannot control the minds, lives or schedules of other people. Let it go. The sooner you learn that you are not in control, the better off you will be. Relax.
The one who gets to the end of life FIRST, is not the winner! Relax, slow down and become less demanding. Life is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the ride.
All knowing and all powerful Lord, We are not in control. We will never be in control. You are in control. The scriptures tell us "Wait" on you Lord. Show us how to have patience. Now.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
"Leave a jacket in a bathroom stall, drop a contact down the sink."
This morning, when I arrived at my work space, I observed that someone had deposited a solitary earring, on my counter top. Finding something new at my desk, isn't unusual. Almost every morning, I am gifted with an assortment of lost articles.
Sometimes it is a coat or a sweater. Other times it has been caps, necklaces, hearing aids, rings, and even a shoe or two. It happens so often, nothing that I find, surprises me.
But it is a puzzle. What causes this to happen?
As I ponder the situation, I am reminded of that Blake Shelton classic, "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off". His lady, he sings, has a tendency to shed her clothing, when she goes out drinking "Margaritas with her girlfriends." Perhaps booze is a good explanation for a few, but unfortunately, not the most logical one for most of our residents.
We all forget things, as we age, and the Concierge Desk is a convenient place to leave the items that are found. I am happy to take your items. But, please, when and if you remember that you lost them...........come pick them up!
Dear Lord, remind us that we are fortunate to be aging. It's often hard to remember that fact. Growing old, gracefully, is difficult. Help us to more mindful or others, and less focused on ourselves and our issues. We rejoice in your constant love.
Sometimes it is a coat or a sweater. Other times it has been caps, necklaces, hearing aids, rings, and even a shoe or two. It happens so often, nothing that I find, surprises me.
But it is a puzzle. What causes this to happen?
As I ponder the situation, I am reminded of that Blake Shelton classic, "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off". His lady, he sings, has a tendency to shed her clothing, when she goes out drinking "Margaritas with her girlfriends." Perhaps booze is a good explanation for a few, but unfortunately, not the most logical one for most of our residents.
We all forget things, as we age, and the Concierge Desk is a convenient place to leave the items that are found. I am happy to take your items. But, please, when and if you remember that you lost them...........come pick them up!
Dear Lord, remind us that we are fortunate to be aging. It's often hard to remember that fact. Growing old, gracefully, is difficult. Help us to more mindful or others, and less focused on ourselves and our issues. We rejoice in your constant love.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Do you remember?
Soon, Scott and I will be heading to a reunion with our high school classmates. We have one of these reunions every five years, and we've been to almost all of them. They are fun, well planned, and we never fail to have a great time.
Our early reunions were full of "I'M doing this....." and "MY salary is ......." and "I LIVE IN ...." Then, along about the 20th year reunion, things changed. Now, years later, nobody seems to care, what any of us has done in recent years, we just want to talk about what life had been like in the 1960's and before. Many of us have been friends since kindergarten, so our memories are rich and varied.
Most of our remembrances are fond ones. I'm so glad we have them. Unfortunately, many of the people, with whom I share my work life, have memory loss. I find that very sad. That loss of memories takes all kinds of forms. Sometimes, folks cannot remember what they had for breakfast, or if they have even eaten. Others cannot remember who they are or what they have been. Thankfully, it seems like the long-term (what has happened many months or years previously) memory stays with us much longer than the short term memory. I believe that is God's purposeful wisdom.
Never regret your memories. They are all, good and bad, a part of our life's journey. Never take them for granted. We are blessed with our remembrances.
Dear Lord, we are so thankful for our many blessings. Help us to enjoy life and to love one another, unconditionally. May we be more like you.
Our early reunions were full of "I'M doing this....." and "MY salary is ......." and "I LIVE IN ...." Then, along about the 20th year reunion, things changed. Now, years later, nobody seems to care, what any of us has done in recent years, we just want to talk about what life had been like in the 1960's and before. Many of us have been friends since kindergarten, so our memories are rich and varied.
Most of our remembrances are fond ones. I'm so glad we have them. Unfortunately, many of the people, with whom I share my work life, have memory loss. I find that very sad. That loss of memories takes all kinds of forms. Sometimes, folks cannot remember what they had for breakfast, or if they have even eaten. Others cannot remember who they are or what they have been. Thankfully, it seems like the long-term (what has happened many months or years previously) memory stays with us much longer than the short term memory. I believe that is God's purposeful wisdom.
Never regret your memories. They are all, good and bad, a part of our life's journey. Never take them for granted. We are blessed with our remembrances.
Dear Lord, we are so thankful for our many blessings. Help us to enjoy life and to love one another, unconditionally. May we be more like you.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Daisy, Daisy....
My hometown is small. Not tiny, but small. On an extremely traffic congested day, it would take a person about 8 minutes, to drive from one end of town to the other end. As with most mid western burgs, the town is laid out in a simple grid. One main, four lane North/South street, and one main East/West street intersect, in the middle of town. Those two streets are the most congested in town. Sometimes, there will actually be two or three cars waiting for the light to change from red to green. Stop signs are present, at most other intersections.
In the 1960's the population was around 20,000. Today, according to an Internet source, the population of Pittsburg, Kansas, stands at less than 21,000.
Now that you have that information, I would like to tell you about the new addition to the traffic pattern, of this small town. Ruling powers have recently bestowed, upon the citizens of Pittsburg, bicycle lanes on the main avenues. What for, I question?
Back in the 1960s, my friends and I rode all over town and we didn't need bike lanes. As far as I know, none of us ever had a major accident. My mother, and all the other moms said, "Keep off the main drag." we did and we rode everywhere. We never even thought to ask her to drive us to the movies or the Municipal Pool. She wouldn't have done it anyway.
Kids are not allowed the freedom of riding all over town, today. Just occasionally, do I observe a child on a bicycle. Parents will tell you that it is too dangerous. That's unfortunate. I believe that most of us learned the basics of automobile driving, while riding a bike.
Maybe, on my next trip to Pittsburg, I will spot lots of folks on those new bike lanes. Let's hope it is a positive municipal improvement.
Dear Lord, Keep us safe from our many faults and errors. Watch over us today.
In the 1960's the population was around 20,000. Today, according to an Internet source, the population of Pittsburg, Kansas, stands at less than 21,000.
Now that you have that information, I would like to tell you about the new addition to the traffic pattern, of this small town. Ruling powers have recently bestowed, upon the citizens of Pittsburg, bicycle lanes on the main avenues. What for, I question?
Back in the 1960s, my friends and I rode all over town and we didn't need bike lanes. As far as I know, none of us ever had a major accident. My mother, and all the other moms said, "Keep off the main drag." we did and we rode everywhere. We never even thought to ask her to drive us to the movies or the Municipal Pool. She wouldn't have done it anyway.
Kids are not allowed the freedom of riding all over town, today. Just occasionally, do I observe a child on a bicycle. Parents will tell you that it is too dangerous. That's unfortunate. I believe that most of us learned the basics of automobile driving, while riding a bike.
Maybe, on my next trip to Pittsburg, I will spot lots of folks on those new bike lanes. Let's hope it is a positive municipal improvement.
Dear Lord, Keep us safe from our many faults and errors. Watch over us today.
Friday, September 13, 2019
In my present job, I answer the phone all day long. In the process of doing so, I rarely fail to identify myself. Doing so is just common courtesy.
I say, to each and every caller, "This is Nancy. How may I help you?"
The logical reply should be, "This is "identify ones self" and then perhaps say, "I would like to speak to whatever or whomever". Oh, no. Almost never happens.
So, my next inquiry is....,"May I ask who's calling?" Sometimes the caller will tell me, sometimes not. And, often as not. my callers can't name the party with whom they wish to speak!
So, why do you need to know about all of this? Because, today I got a new phone.
Well, its not exactly new. But, it's like a new, used car. It's new to me. I have dozens of buttons and they can all light up. Those buttons, believe it or not, are bound to make my life easier. My new phone is a blessing.
Life is full of great blessings and small ones. We should appreciate all of them.
Oh Lord. We are never Thankful enough for our many blessings. Don't give up on us. We are a work in progress.
I say, to each and every caller, "This is Nancy. How may I help you?"
The logical reply should be, "This is "identify ones self" and then perhaps say, "I would like to speak to whatever or whomever". Oh, no. Almost never happens.
So, my next inquiry is....,"May I ask who's calling?" Sometimes the caller will tell me, sometimes not. And, often as not. my callers can't name the party with whom they wish to speak!
So, why do you need to know about all of this? Because, today I got a new phone.
Well, its not exactly new. But, it's like a new, used car. It's new to me. I have dozens of buttons and they can all light up. Those buttons, believe it or not, are bound to make my life easier. My new phone is a blessing.
Life is full of great blessings and small ones. We should appreciate all of them.
Oh Lord. We are never Thankful enough for our many blessings. Don't give up on us. We are a work in progress.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Last, but not least.
I'm working on my Self-Control, these days. For those of you, who might have forgotten, Self-Control is the last of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
The problem is ....Sometimes, I find it extremely hard to keep to keep my mouth shut. Just the other day someone reported that his TV kept playing the same program over and over. My smart mouth first inclination was to suggest that he switch channels. But, my Self Control prevailed. I suggested, instead, that he unplug his set from either the wall or the cable box, wait a few minutes and plug it back in. That action would reset his modem and his set just might work. Lo and behold, magic!
Biting my tongue sometimes helps. Using a Roll-a-tor Walker, as a wheelchair, is extremely dangerous and strictly forbidden by both our facility and the manufacturer of the device. Yet, every once in a while I will look up and see someone rolling himself down the hall, backwards of course, seated on his walker. Rather than say something smart about how stupid it is to pull such a stunt, and remind the culprit that a walker means WALK...not RIDE, I usually confront the individual and point out the sign ON the walker that says, DO NOT USE AS A CHAIR WHILE MOVING. Then, I will offer to put the culprit in a wheel chair and give them a free ride to wherever they are headed. Most of the time they refuse to do what I suggest, yet I smile and let them roll on. I cannot save everyone, from themselves.
Most everyone I know has difficulty hearing. Many people have purchased hearing aids. They are very expensive (I know) and they are generally effective. However, they don't work in your ears...if you leave them on your bathroom counter. At least once a day I want to yell (because they can't hear normal speech) that at someone. But, I never do.
Other times my mouth just opens and my brain disengages. I'm still a work in progress.
Dear Lord. Forgive my mouth.
The problem is ....Sometimes, I find it extremely hard to keep to keep my mouth shut. Just the other day someone reported that his TV kept playing the same program over and over. My smart mouth first inclination was to suggest that he switch channels. But, my Self Control prevailed. I suggested, instead, that he unplug his set from either the wall or the cable box, wait a few minutes and plug it back in. That action would reset his modem and his set just might work. Lo and behold, magic!
Biting my tongue sometimes helps. Using a Roll-a-tor Walker, as a wheelchair, is extremely dangerous and strictly forbidden by both our facility and the manufacturer of the device. Yet, every once in a while I will look up and see someone rolling himself down the hall, backwards of course, seated on his walker. Rather than say something smart about how stupid it is to pull such a stunt, and remind the culprit that a walker means WALK...not RIDE, I usually confront the individual and point out the sign ON the walker that says, DO NOT USE AS A CHAIR WHILE MOVING. Then, I will offer to put the culprit in a wheel chair and give them a free ride to wherever they are headed. Most of the time they refuse to do what I suggest, yet I smile and let them roll on. I cannot save everyone, from themselves.
Most everyone I know has difficulty hearing. Many people have purchased hearing aids. They are very expensive (I know) and they are generally effective. However, they don't work in your ears...if you leave them on your bathroom counter. At least once a day I want to yell (because they can't hear normal speech) that at someone. But, I never do.
Other times my mouth just opens and my brain disengages. I'm still a work in progress.
Dear Lord. Forgive my mouth.
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Chapter 2 of Ma Bell
Last month I wrote about trouble on our land phone line. Eventually we did have a return of service, and in spite of a distinct buzz on the line, we have had phone service at home for several weeks..
Last week, my husband decided to contact the phone company and see if they would fix the annoying buzz.
We were amazed and thrilled that they sent someone out, several days later, and the repairman could, himself, actually hear the buzz on his end of the phone line. He did the best he could to fix the issue, but felt that we needed a completely new line, from the house to the pole. (The 20th Century is still alive an well in the Heartland. The only underground utility we have, is the sewer.)
Later that same day, we received a survey call, regarding our "recent service call." " On a scale of One to Five, with Five being the highest, how would you rate your recent service call ?", and so on and so forth. I was conflicted. How do you rate a nice friendly young man, who came and tried to fix the phone.. 5, but didn't...0. Would that be a 2 or 3?
Life is like that, isn't it? We are often asked to rate this or that, and 1 to 5, just doesn't really do it. Real life cannot be categorized as a number between 1 and 5.
That said, please have a number 5 day!
Dear Lord, we are so grateful for our many blessings. Show us how to be less judgmental. Help us to always seek out the bright side of life
Last week, my husband decided to contact the phone company and see if they would fix the annoying buzz.
We were amazed and thrilled that they sent someone out, several days later, and the repairman could, himself, actually hear the buzz on his end of the phone line. He did the best he could to fix the issue, but felt that we needed a completely new line, from the house to the pole. (The 20th Century is still alive an well in the Heartland. The only underground utility we have, is the sewer.)
Later that same day, we received a survey call, regarding our "recent service call." " On a scale of One to Five, with Five being the highest, how would you rate your recent service call ?", and so on and so forth. I was conflicted. How do you rate a nice friendly young man, who came and tried to fix the phone.. 5, but didn't...0. Would that be a 2 or 3?
Life is like that, isn't it? We are often asked to rate this or that, and 1 to 5, just doesn't really do it. Real life cannot be categorized as a number between 1 and 5.
That said, please have a number 5 day!
Dear Lord, we are so grateful for our many blessings. Show us how to be less judgmental. Help us to always seek out the bright side of life
Friday, August 23, 2019
Seeds of Wisdom
I've been thinking quite a bit lately about the Biblical Fruits of the Spirit. (This is a spiritual concept, not a brand of underwear.). Each and every word, on this short list of virtues, seems to be valuable characteristic that I should spend some time in reflection.
The list is: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and finally Self-Control. The amazing fact, about all of these virtues, is that if you have genuine grasp on any one of them, you will have increased your grasp of all of the others.
This is sort of difficult to comprehend, but in the process of trying to Love more, we gain more Joy, Peace, Patience, etc. If we work at finding more Joy in our lives, we will increase our levels of Peace, Patience, Kindness, and so on.
What a great list! Won't you think about joining me on my Fruitful journey?
Lord and Savior. There is a wealth of wisdom. out there, that we can gain by following Your words. When we start to worry or become discouraged, You are always there with the answers and the correct words. Open our eyes and ears to your message.
The list is: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and finally Self-Control. The amazing fact, about all of these virtues, is that if you have genuine grasp on any one of them, you will have increased your grasp of all of the others.
This is sort of difficult to comprehend, but in the process of trying to Love more, we gain more Joy, Peace, Patience, etc. If we work at finding more Joy in our lives, we will increase our levels of Peace, Patience, Kindness, and so on.
What a great list! Won't you think about joining me on my Fruitful journey?
Lord and Savior. There is a wealth of wisdom. out there, that we can gain by following Your words. When we start to worry or become discouraged, You are always there with the answers and the correct words. Open our eyes and ears to your message.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Ac-cen-tu-ate the Positive!
My mother-in-law was known for saying, no matter what the situation, "It's the best thing that could have happened." And, she seemed to make that statement, at what seemed to be, the most inappropriate times. I was always stunned as she repeated those words, when told of a car accident, or a broken marriage, or a lost job. Really? Was she crazy? How could those things be the "best thing that could have happened"?
As it turns out, she was right. Over the passing years, I have discovered that those folks, who have the ability to turn their misfortunes around and who are able to look at those same misfortunes as blessings, are really and truly winners at the game of life! And, those who refuse to let go of their problems and continue to dwell on the negative rarely get over their "oh, woe is me" persona. And, for them, things tend to never get any better.
How good are you at looking on the bright side of things? I know that I need to work, quite a bit, on my accent.
God is Good, all of the time. All of the time, God is Good.
As it turns out, she was right. Over the passing years, I have discovered that those folks, who have the ability to turn their misfortunes around and who are able to look at those same misfortunes as blessings, are really and truly winners at the game of life! And, those who refuse to let go of their problems and continue to dwell on the negative rarely get over their "oh, woe is me" persona. And, for them, things tend to never get any better.
How good are you at looking on the bright side of things? I know that I need to work, quite a bit, on my accent.
God is Good, all of the time. All of the time, God is Good.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Peace Like a River
The greatest flaw in human character just has to be our constant attempt to solve all of life's problems. We try to make sense of everything that happens. Our obsession is to find our the "why" and the reason for everything. We want to find the "be-cause", and we want to fix whatever it is.
Here's the real answer folks. We just can't do it! We are not supposed to understand everything. We will never be able to understand everything, to the point that there will be no more problems. We can never "explain" them away. Life is meant to be a mystery.
Have you ever heard of the following words? Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient? Believe me when I tell you that none of them can be applied to me or you! If I remember my Baltimore Catechism appropriately, Omnipotent means all powerful. Omnipresent means being everywhere, and Omniscient means knowing everything. Those characteristics belong only to the Supreme Being. To God, alone.
You and I are human.
Are you familiar with the camp song lyric..."I've got that peace that passes understanding, down in my heart." Peace comes NOT from our understanding why, it comes from understanding that God is in charge. Try reading Philippians 4:7, and don't forget to sing along, "down in your heart".
Lord. How do we learn to put it all in Your hands? How do we keep from worrying? Show us how to find Peace in You.
Here's the real answer folks. We just can't do it! We are not supposed to understand everything. We will never be able to understand everything, to the point that there will be no more problems. We can never "explain" them away. Life is meant to be a mystery.
Have you ever heard of the following words? Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient? Believe me when I tell you that none of them can be applied to me or you! If I remember my Baltimore Catechism appropriately, Omnipotent means all powerful. Omnipresent means being everywhere, and Omniscient means knowing everything. Those characteristics belong only to the Supreme Being. To God, alone.
You and I are human.
Are you familiar with the camp song lyric..."I've got that peace that passes understanding, down in my heart." Peace comes NOT from our understanding why, it comes from understanding that God is in charge. Try reading Philippians 4:7, and don't forget to sing along, "down in your heart".
Lord. How do we learn to put it all in Your hands? How do we keep from worrying? Show us how to find Peace in You.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Grandma Bell
Everyone knows that I am not a fan of cell phones. It has been suggested, that I am too old understand how they work. That may be true, but in my aged opinion, it just doesn't seem worth my time and effort to learn the intricacies of apps, tweets and tunes. The purpose of a phone is to make phone calls, and I can do that just fine.
In fact, my husband and I are so old fashioned that we continue to pay an old fashioned telephone company (you know their initials) for a land phone. In fact, we have four phones on our archaic phone line. And, since this past weekend, none of them are working. No dial tone. Dead as a door nail!
So, today, which is three days into this saga, I contacted the phone company. It's no problem to contact the above mentioned phone company by computer. They have a lovely web site. Lots of options and easy to navigate. Upon clicking the appropriate button, I was put in touch with Ellen, whose attractive picture advertised that she had 25 years of telephone experience. A message flashed on my screen for me to type my problem. I wrote that we had no land line service at our home and I typed our phone number and our address. She replied by asking me what my problem was, with my smartphone. Again, I wrote that it was our land line. Her reply was to ask the model of my smartphone.
I then asked her, "Can you read, Ellen?" She replied with another question about my smartphone and an offer to let me "talk to a real person for just one dollar, charged to my phone bill. This is a service that I could cancel at any time."
I did not reply or wait for another question, because I sure as heck didn't want to talk to another idiot ...real or electronic.
Bottom line. Still no phone service at the house. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Dear God. I know that patience is a virtue, but does that apply when you are dealing with fools?
Lord, open my heart and calm my mind.
In fact, my husband and I are so old fashioned that we continue to pay an old fashioned telephone company (you know their initials) for a land phone. In fact, we have four phones on our archaic phone line. And, since this past weekend, none of them are working. No dial tone. Dead as a door nail!
So, today, which is three days into this saga, I contacted the phone company. It's no problem to contact the above mentioned phone company by computer. They have a lovely web site. Lots of options and easy to navigate. Upon clicking the appropriate button, I was put in touch with Ellen, whose attractive picture advertised that she had 25 years of telephone experience. A message flashed on my screen for me to type my problem. I wrote that we had no land line service at our home and I typed our phone number and our address. She replied by asking me what my problem was, with my smartphone. Again, I wrote that it was our land line. Her reply was to ask the model of my smartphone.
I then asked her, "Can you read, Ellen?" She replied with another question about my smartphone and an offer to let me "talk to a real person for just one dollar, charged to my phone bill. This is a service that I could cancel at any time."
I did not reply or wait for another question, because I sure as heck didn't want to talk to another idiot ...real or electronic.
Bottom line. Still no phone service at the house. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Dear God. I know that patience is a virtue, but does that apply when you are dealing with fools?
Lord, open my heart and calm my mind.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Sassy Sisters
I've been doing a lot of research lately about bold women. Bold women seem to be either admired or despised for their "out of the box" behavior. Alice Longworth Roosevelt is known for saying, "If you can't say something good about someone, sit right here by me." I really like that. I have always said that I have a good heart.....but, my mouth just gets in the way! Alice was definitely bold.
Several women have been noted for coining the phrase, "Well behaved women seldom make history."
Well, who doesn't believe that? Joan of Arc, Marie Curie and even Jane Austen are great examples.
"I'm not bossy. I just have leadership skills." Leadership is not for the reticent.
But, Bold Women are not mean, and they don't go out of the way to deride, chastise and demean other people. "The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.", Coco Chanel said. Bold women are independent thinkers!
Eleanor Roosevelt was a Bold Women. I admire a couple of quotes attributed to her. She said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." And, this one is my favorite."You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Life is pretty sad, when you let fear rule your actions.
With that said, here's one for making your day a really great one! Just repeat after me....."It's an Add to Cart kind of day."
Thank you Lord, for being Steadfast and Ever Present. You are our one Constant. We praise Your Holy Name. All that we do is for Your glory.
Several women have been noted for coining the phrase, "Well behaved women seldom make history."
Well, who doesn't believe that? Joan of Arc, Marie Curie and even Jane Austen are great examples.
"I'm not bossy. I just have leadership skills." Leadership is not for the reticent.
But, Bold Women are not mean, and they don't go out of the way to deride, chastise and demean other people. "The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.", Coco Chanel said. Bold women are independent thinkers!
Eleanor Roosevelt was a Bold Women. I admire a couple of quotes attributed to her. She said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." And, this one is my favorite."You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Life is pretty sad, when you let fear rule your actions.
With that said, here's one for making your day a really great one! Just repeat after me....."It's an Add to Cart kind of day."
Thank you Lord, for being Steadfast and Ever Present. You are our one Constant. We praise Your Holy Name. All that we do is for Your glory.
Monday, July 15, 2019
English Grammar was not my favorite subject in school. Nor, was I very accomplished in anything that I was asked to do, in any of my many English Classes. However, I did learn a few very useful rules from Miss Besse, Miss Stephens, and Mrs. Ruth Lewis.
* It is never correct to end a sentence with a preposition. (Please refrain from asking me or any
one, "Where did you go to school at? , or "Where did you work at?", etc.)
* When you are speaking of how you or anyone is feeling......please, use the word "well" and not
good. (One should reply, to a health inquiry...."I am feeling well, thank you." Do not say, "I'm
good.") No one is asking about your behavior..only your health!
* The trite phrase.."I couldn't care less" means, that you don't care at all. It is preferable to .."I
could care less" which, doesn't make sense. You are saying that you care and actually you could
care in a lesser amount. You care, but a little bit! If this is confusing, just don't use it.
I know that I am pushing the "three point sermon rule", but I have just one more suggestion.
*There is no word "irregardless". Please, do not use it. The prefix "ir" means, without or not.
Regardless already means without regard. The "ir" is redundant.
That is more than enough grammar for today. Just like your mom used to tell you....this is all for your own well being, or did she say good?
All knowing God. We are blessed. It is up to us to the best with what You have given us. Help us to make the best life choices. We ask these things in Your Holy Name.
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Me too!
I read, today, of the plans to designate a "Legacy Seat", at Arrowhead Stadium, in honor of Lamar Hunt. Hunt was the original owner of the Kansas City Chiefs Football Team. He was also a founder of the American Football League and promoter of many civic activities involving the team and its players. Mr. Hunt's "Legacy Seat" will be patterned after the one honoring former Kansas City Monarch great, Buck O'Neil, at Kauffman Stadium, home of the Kansas City Royals. Buck's seat is located along the the first base line. In his later years, O'Neil was a talent scout for the Royals.
"Legacy Seats" are placed very prominently, in sports stadiums, and guests of the ball club are chosen, to sit in the special seat during home games.
So, in that same vein, I am putting in my bid, in advance, for a "Legacy Seat", at McCrite Plaza Retirement Community. After I retire or pass on, which ever comes first, I would like a seat, dedicated to honor me.
Why, should I deserve this, you ask? Well, my seat would be in honor of all of the hours that I have spent trying to locate the residents when they have not pressed their buttons. (Residents know that they are required to press their "all's well" button every morning, before 10 a.m.) Only about half of them follow the rule, on any given day, so it is my job to locate all of the scofflaws. No one, as yet, has escaped my sleuthing skills!
It will also honor the number of hours that I have spent looking for lost apartment keys, car keys, billfolds, money clips, you name it. The lost items are usually found in a pocket of the jacket or sweater that was worn by the resident, during the previous week. But, I deserve the Legacy Seat for searching!
The chair will have to be of abnormal height (just like the one I climb onto and off of, at least 3 dozen times a day). Above the very tall chair will be a sign that reads........"Ask me if the mail is here yet."
I imagine that my Legacy Seat will occupy a place of honor at McCrite Plaza, for a few months or so. Then, there will be other equally great employees to honor. One cannot expect permanent adoration!
All Powerful God. It is so hard for us to be humble. Everything we have, comes from you, We are thankful for our many blessings.
"Legacy Seats" are placed very prominently, in sports stadiums, and guests of the ball club are chosen, to sit in the special seat during home games.
So, in that same vein, I am putting in my bid, in advance, for a "Legacy Seat", at McCrite Plaza Retirement Community. After I retire or pass on, which ever comes first, I would like a seat, dedicated to honor me.
Why, should I deserve this, you ask? Well, my seat would be in honor of all of the hours that I have spent trying to locate the residents when they have not pressed their buttons. (Residents know that they are required to press their "all's well" button every morning, before 10 a.m.) Only about half of them follow the rule, on any given day, so it is my job to locate all of the scofflaws. No one, as yet, has escaped my sleuthing skills!
It will also honor the number of hours that I have spent looking for lost apartment keys, car keys, billfolds, money clips, you name it. The lost items are usually found in a pocket of the jacket or sweater that was worn by the resident, during the previous week. But, I deserve the Legacy Seat for searching!
The chair will have to be of abnormal height (just like the one I climb onto and off of, at least 3 dozen times a day). Above the very tall chair will be a sign that reads........"Ask me if the mail is here yet."
I imagine that my Legacy Seat will occupy a place of honor at McCrite Plaza, for a few months or so. Then, there will be other equally great employees to honor. One cannot expect permanent adoration!
All Powerful God. It is so hard for us to be humble. Everything we have, comes from you, We are thankful for our many blessings.
Friday, June 28, 2019
Just Don't!
One of the major rules, when dealing with folks who have memory issues is, DON'T ARGUE! Even if you know you are right, just DON'T ARGUE.
I found it difficult at first. Everyone, from age 18 months or so, wants to be right. And, I was no exception. Being right is empowering. We all want people to agree with us, at least some of the time. But, none of that matters, when you are dealing with Alzheimer's and Dementia.
If someone tells me that they are waiting for a ride at 3:00 p.m and it is currently 10 a.m., I may suggest that they will have a five hour wait. However, if they really want to sit and wait that long, then that's just what they can do. But, honestly, most of them give up the wait, after an hour or two.
85 degrees, in my opinion, is way too warm for comfortable living. But, if someone else is comfortable at 85 degrees, who I am to argue with that. And, tomorrow, who knows? They may find that 85 degrees, is indeed, too warm.
I know that no one is going to come to the apartment of a 90 year old woman and steal her clothing. No one I know wants to be wearing the clothes of a ninety year old, unless it's another 90 year old. And, of course, they have their own clothing. But, I will promise that lady, that we will look at the security cameras, until we are cross-eyed, or until she suddenly remembers that she gave those things away several years ago.
I have learned to be very accommodating, and I try never, ever to argue. It just doesn't matter and it is a futile exercise.
Great and all powerful Lord. We are the recipients of many blessings. Growing old is a challenge. Help us to accept our shortcomings and focus on helping others live their lives to the fullest.
I found it difficult at first. Everyone, from age 18 months or so, wants to be right. And, I was no exception. Being right is empowering. We all want people to agree with us, at least some of the time. But, none of that matters, when you are dealing with Alzheimer's and Dementia.
If someone tells me that they are waiting for a ride at 3:00 p.m and it is currently 10 a.m., I may suggest that they will have a five hour wait. However, if they really want to sit and wait that long, then that's just what they can do. But, honestly, most of them give up the wait, after an hour or two.
85 degrees, in my opinion, is way too warm for comfortable living. But, if someone else is comfortable at 85 degrees, who I am to argue with that. And, tomorrow, who knows? They may find that 85 degrees, is indeed, too warm.
I know that no one is going to come to the apartment of a 90 year old woman and steal her clothing. No one I know wants to be wearing the clothes of a ninety year old, unless it's another 90 year old. And, of course, they have their own clothing. But, I will promise that lady, that we will look at the security cameras, until we are cross-eyed, or until she suddenly remembers that she gave those things away several years ago.
I have learned to be very accommodating, and I try never, ever to argue. It just doesn't matter and it is a futile exercise.
Great and all powerful Lord. We are the recipients of many blessings. Growing old is a challenge. Help us to accept our shortcomings and focus on helping others live their lives to the fullest.
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Go Figure
Admittedly, the most famous line of dialogue from the movie "Field of Dreams" is "Build it and they will come." I believe that there is real truth to that statement. However, as you might suspect, I subscribe to a few other general truths.
They are:
#1. "Water it and it will rain." Here in Missouri, we have long periods of drought and equally long periods of wet weather. So, just when you take the time and effort to water trees, plants and lawns.... it pours down rain!
#2. "Wash it and it will rain." This adage has to do with your car. Spend 5 bucks at the do-it-yourself-place or 9 bucks at the we'll-do-it-all-for-you place. It doesn't make any difference. Whichever one you choose, a car wash means immediate rain!"
#3. "Plant it, and it will be eaten." I'm not speaking of human consumption. I'm talking yard beasts having yard feasts....deer, groundhogs, squirrels. They are all herbivores. They eat everything I plant!
The truth shall set you free!
Holy Lord. We must amuse You, with our plans. We think we are in control and we are so wrong. Show us how to accept Your will. Watch over us. Grant us Peace.
They are:
#1. "Water it and it will rain." Here in Missouri, we have long periods of drought and equally long periods of wet weather. So, just when you take the time and effort to water trees, plants and lawns.... it pours down rain!
#2. "Wash it and it will rain." This adage has to do with your car. Spend 5 bucks at the do-it-yourself-place or 9 bucks at the we'll-do-it-all-for-you place. It doesn't make any difference. Whichever one you choose, a car wash means immediate rain!"
#3. "Plant it, and it will be eaten." I'm not speaking of human consumption. I'm talking yard beasts having yard feasts....deer, groundhogs, squirrels. They are all herbivores. They eat everything I plant!
The truth shall set you free!
Holy Lord. We must amuse You, with our plans. We think we are in control and we are so wrong. Show us how to accept Your will. Watch over us. Grant us Peace.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Missed Opportunities
The other evening, I joined several lady friends for supper, at a local pizzeria. The place is popular and that night, as most nights, it was quite full. There were a couple of groups, like ours, but mostly I observed families. Moms, Dads and kids, or single adults with several kids. Everyone was ordering and then waiting for the arrival of their food.
Very quickly, I observed a particular behavior that is becoming more and more prevalent, in today's techno-society. The adults weren't interacting with the children. They didn't even appear to even be aware that the children were sitting at a table with them. The adults were all absorbed with whatever was on their phones. None of them ever looked up! They never said a word, except to order their meals, and then go back to playing with their phones.
I was reminded of a poem, that my mother read to me years ago........
Very quickly, I observed a particular behavior that is becoming more and more prevalent, in today's techno-society. The adults weren't interacting with the children. They didn't even appear to even be aware that the children were sitting at a table with them. The adults were all absorbed with whatever was on their phones. None of them ever looked up! They never said a word, except to order their meals, and then go back to playing with their phones.
I was reminded of a poem, that my mother read to me years ago........
"Oh, cleaning and scrubbing
will wait till tomorrow,
But children grow up,
As I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs,
Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby.
Babies don't keep."
Ruth Hulburt Hamilton
Ruth Hulburt Hamilton
Who among us would not give a fortune to have some of those wasted moments of inattention, to our babies......whatever their age, relived?
Dear God. Our lifetimes are so short. The older we get, the faster time goes. Give us the wisdom to make wise choices. We pray for discernment.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
75 years
Today, marks the anniversary of the Allied Invasion of Normandy, which according to many historians, signaled the beginning of the end of Hitler's Third Reich.
Working, as I do, with seniors, I am aware that the numbers of World War II Veterans are dwindling. In just a few years those former 19 and 20 year olds, who jumped out of boats onto those beaches, will be gone forever. June 6th, nineteen forty-one, was seventy-five years ago.
My prayers and thoughts, today, are with those aging men and women. They have the greatest stories to tell and we can learn so much from them. Please, folks, do all of us a favor and help them to write down their amazing stories. If we don't do it now, their accounts and memories will be lost.
I had a teacher, years ago, who used to say "history repeats itself, does it not?" When she said those words, I didn't have a clue what she meant. Now, I know what she means. We learn from history. We learn from our mistakes and we never, ever, want a repeat of World War II.
Dear Lord. Help us to never forget those who fought for this country. They were young and brave and they were probably very frightened. You gave them courage and You were there with them when they entered battle. Let us always remember that You stand by every one of Your children.
We are blessed.
Working, as I do, with seniors, I am aware that the numbers of World War II Veterans are dwindling. In just a few years those former 19 and 20 year olds, who jumped out of boats onto those beaches, will be gone forever. June 6th, nineteen forty-one, was seventy-five years ago.
My prayers and thoughts, today, are with those aging men and women. They have the greatest stories to tell and we can learn so much from them. Please, folks, do all of us a favor and help them to write down their amazing stories. If we don't do it now, their accounts and memories will be lost.
I had a teacher, years ago, who used to say "history repeats itself, does it not?" When she said those words, I didn't have a clue what she meant. Now, I know what she means. We learn from history. We learn from our mistakes and we never, ever, want a repeat of World War II.
Dear Lord. Help us to never forget those who fought for this country. They were young and brave and they were probably very frightened. You gave them courage and You were there with them when they entered battle. Let us always remember that You stand by every one of Your children.
We are blessed.
Friday, May 31, 2019
She did WHAT??????
Every day, I encounter someone who is doing much more than aging gracefully. Aging gracefully implies, to many, a senior who is quietly enjoying old age and peacefully waiting to die. Now, I don't want my faithful readers to imagine that aging gracefully, however you define it, isn't a perfectly good way to spend the last twenty or so years of your life. If that is what you want to do, go right ahead. Relax! Enjoy!
But, there are other folks who want to walk a bit on the wild side. Take for instance a group of my friends (80 years and over) who went skydiving last year. Yes, they are risk takers and they had a great time. Then, there are the residents who cheerfully and regularly climb on a bumpy, uncomfortable bus to an hour or two, to visit a horse farm, an historic church or ogle tulips. They, no doubt, ache for a couple of days afterward, but they are continuing to have adventures, well into their 80's and 90's.
Last, but certainly not least, there was the daring and mischievous lady who appeared, at the annual Spring Shindig, in the coconut shell bra! Well, it was a Luau, Hawaiian Themed, Party and she was determined to dress for the occasion. Let it be noted, that she wore the bra discretely over her modest blouse. And, she looked terrific.
Bless these folks. Aging isn't fun. It isn't for the meek and weak. It's not fun getting old.......unless you really want it to be!
Dear Lord. Give us strength and courage. Remind us that a bountiful sense of humor.increases our enjoyment of the blessings in our life. We are truly thankful.
But, there are other folks who want to walk a bit on the wild side. Take for instance a group of my friends (80 years and over) who went skydiving last year. Yes, they are risk takers and they had a great time. Then, there are the residents who cheerfully and regularly climb on a bumpy, uncomfortable bus to an hour or two, to visit a horse farm, an historic church or ogle tulips. They, no doubt, ache for a couple of days afterward, but they are continuing to have adventures, well into their 80's and 90's.
Last, but certainly not least, there was the daring and mischievous lady who appeared, at the annual Spring Shindig, in the coconut shell bra! Well, it was a Luau, Hawaiian Themed, Party and she was determined to dress for the occasion. Let it be noted, that she wore the bra discretely over her modest blouse. And, she looked terrific.
Bless these folks. Aging isn't fun. It isn't for the meek and weak. It's not fun getting old.......unless you really want it to be!
Dear Lord. Give us strength and courage. Remind us that a bountiful sense of humor.increases our enjoyment of the blessings in our life. We are truly thankful.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Ants in My Pants, a Memory
Memorial Day Weekend. This holiday has been around since the years after the American Civil War. It was initially called Decoration Day, and it was the day that post Civil War Americans decorated the graves of their soldiers. Then, it became traditional, for families, to use the holiday (which used to be May 30th, whatever day of the week on which it fell), to decorate the graves of their family members, soldiers or not.
It's a nice coincidence that late May, is the time that many indigenous flowers and shrubs are in bloom. Native flowers have always made showy cemetery floral displays. Lilacs and Dogwoods, Peonies and Iris (we called them Flags and they were always deep purple) were the choices of my Grandmother Wintle. Those things flourished in her yard and every last blossom was destined for the cemetery.
Peonies (pronounced pee OHH nies) start to bud out in early May. Grandma Wintle cut those buds, with very long stems, and placed them in Mason Jars, full of water, in her refrigerator. There they stayed for a month, in the cooler, until we took them to the cemetery.
Now, Peony buds are chock full of teeny black ants. There were never ants in the Grandma's refrigerator. That would have been unacceptable to Grandma. The cool air must have made the ants hibernate or something. The iris and the lilac (minus the ants) went in the fridge, too.
Early on Decoration Day, we would haul those jars outside, to the back seat of the car. Sister and I would be in the back seat and jars would be placed between our feet and of course we had to hold some, too.
Off we'd go. Grandpa was driving and as the car bumped over the bricks (our town had brick streets), water would spill out and soak our ankle socks. The ants would warm up and start crawling up our legs and onto our arms. The ants went into our shirts and up into our underpants. It was awful.
It never did any good to complain and because our hands were full, we just had to bear the torture.
To this day, no Peony blossom has ever been allowed to enter my home. They stay outside where they and their ants belong!
Artificial Flowers are very beautiful, these days.
Great God. We thank you for our memories. We wonder at the beauty of your universe. We have many blessings.
It's a nice coincidence that late May, is the time that many indigenous flowers and shrubs are in bloom. Native flowers have always made showy cemetery floral displays. Lilacs and Dogwoods, Peonies and Iris (we called them Flags and they were always deep purple) were the choices of my Grandmother Wintle. Those things flourished in her yard and every last blossom was destined for the cemetery.
Peonies (pronounced pee OHH nies) start to bud out in early May. Grandma Wintle cut those buds, with very long stems, and placed them in Mason Jars, full of water, in her refrigerator. There they stayed for a month, in the cooler, until we took them to the cemetery.
Now, Peony buds are chock full of teeny black ants. There were never ants in the Grandma's refrigerator. That would have been unacceptable to Grandma. The cool air must have made the ants hibernate or something. The iris and the lilac (minus the ants) went in the fridge, too.
Early on Decoration Day, we would haul those jars outside, to the back seat of the car. Sister and I would be in the back seat and jars would be placed between our feet and of course we had to hold some, too.
Off we'd go. Grandpa was driving and as the car bumped over the bricks (our town had brick streets), water would spill out and soak our ankle socks. The ants would warm up and start crawling up our legs and onto our arms. The ants went into our shirts and up into our underpants. It was awful.
It never did any good to complain and because our hands were full, we just had to bear the torture.
To this day, no Peony blossom has ever been allowed to enter my home. They stay outside where they and their ants belong!
Artificial Flowers are very beautiful, these days.
Great God. We thank you for our memories. We wonder at the beauty of your universe. We have many blessings.
Friday, May 10, 2019
It's just a job.........
Jobs come and go during the 40 or so years that most people spend in the work force. Therefore, most people have had numerous work places, by the time they reach my age. The folks that are with us in the work place, come and go, also. They retire, find different jobs, or move on to something bigger and better.
However, when you work in a retirement community, as I do, the reality is, because of their age and possible infirmities, many of our residents live here for awhile, and as time passes, some of them move to a different level of care or they pass away.
I'm sure you can understand, when I tell you that death is the hardest part of my job. I get very attached to the residents. They become my friends, and as I get to know them better and better, my attachment to them grows. So, I truly mourn for them, when they die.
Logically, I know that no one lives forever. Living a healthy life long, into your 80s or 90s, is really a blessing. I know that I am blessed by working with the residents. Every day, I hear new stories about places they have been, people they have known and things they have done.
Just last week, I heard what it was like to pilot a plane taking off from the deck of an aircraft carrier and what it was like to listen to Elvis sing gospel, after performances, at "a theater" in Nashville. Several have traveled to every continent. Others have lived in numerous foreign countries. Some are not extraordinary, they are just genuinely nice folks. Our residents are amazing!
I am thankful.
Great God. We are not guaranteed a long life. Show us how to appreciate every minute and hour that we can share with others. Teach us patience and kindness. Help us to be more like You.
In Your Holy Name, we pray.
However, when you work in a retirement community, as I do, the reality is, because of their age and possible infirmities, many of our residents live here for awhile, and as time passes, some of them move to a different level of care or they pass away.
I'm sure you can understand, when I tell you that death is the hardest part of my job. I get very attached to the residents. They become my friends, and as I get to know them better and better, my attachment to them grows. So, I truly mourn for them, when they die.
Logically, I know that no one lives forever. Living a healthy life long, into your 80s or 90s, is really a blessing. I know that I am blessed by working with the residents. Every day, I hear new stories about places they have been, people they have known and things they have done.
Just last week, I heard what it was like to pilot a plane taking off from the deck of an aircraft carrier and what it was like to listen to Elvis sing gospel, after performances, at "a theater" in Nashville. Several have traveled to every continent. Others have lived in numerous foreign countries. Some are not extraordinary, they are just genuinely nice folks. Our residents are amazing!
I am thankful.
Great God. We are not guaranteed a long life. Show us how to appreciate every minute and hour that we can share with others. Teach us patience and kindness. Help us to be more like You.
In Your Holy Name, we pray.
Friday, May 3, 2019
"What do you say, dear?"
My children had a book, when they were youngsters, that had the title, "What do you say, dear?" It was a cute little story with imaginative scenarios centered around that same question. And, the answers were standard responses like, "please", "thank you" and "you are welcome". The whole book was a cute and creative way to teach simple, good manners.
So, I'm wondering how can I translate this idea to a select group of senior citizens, who seem to have forgotten how to be polite?
When someone says to me, "Sign me up for the dance." I am tempted to say......"What do you say, dear ?", but, thus far I have refrained from using those words. And, when I obey their orders and sign them up, they just turn and walk away! Again, I am tempted to yell after them..."What do you say, dear?" But, of course I can't do that.
The customer is always right.
But, believe me, the customer isn't always nice.
Gracious and all forgiving Lord. Aging isn't for the weak. Teach us humility and grace. Remind us that we are your servants and that you wish us to serve graciously. We praise your holy name.
So, I'm wondering how can I translate this idea to a select group of senior citizens, who seem to have forgotten how to be polite?
When someone says to me, "Sign me up for the dance." I am tempted to say......"What do you say, dear ?", but, thus far I have refrained from using those words. And, when I obey their orders and sign them up, they just turn and walk away! Again, I am tempted to yell after them..."What do you say, dear?" But, of course I can't do that.
The customer is always right.
But, believe me, the customer isn't always nice.
Gracious and all forgiving Lord. Aging isn't for the weak. Teach us humility and grace. Remind us that we are your servants and that you wish us to serve graciously. We praise your holy name.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
"It's not for me to say".....but,
Most TV viewers, these days, subscribe to some sort of cable or TV Service. Long gone are the days of free TV. Now we have, at the very least, over one hundred channels to watch, at any given time. And, we are paying a great deal of money, monthly, in order to have those choices.
Why then, when compared to the days of three channels, ABC, NBC, and CBS, do there seem to be fewer and fewer shows, being televised, that I actually want to see? Have my tastes changed or are the shows not so watchable?
I can watch News, on a myriad of channels. News is there to see twenty-four hours, every single day. News choices include: real news and fake news (depending on your personal political views), local news, world news, celebrity news, British news, news from Canada, Mexican news and occasionally breaking news.
Then, there are those reality shows. Are there really people who want to know what the Kardashians are up to....or making up!?? "Naked and Afraid"......no thank you. How about "Zombie Rehab"? Or,"The Deadliest Catch", "Ice Road Truckers" or the "Swamp People." How real is it, when you have a camera crew standing around taking pictures? No one is "for real", when there is a camera in your face.
Drama shows, these days, include more Zombie "doings", shows based on video games, and cop shows, complete with blood and guts! I'm not interested in any of them.
Talk Shows are on all day and night long. Why? Anyone can talk. I can talk!
I prefer to read. Give me a good book, over TV anytime.
Dear Lord. Remind me that it takes all kinds to make this world spin. Show me the ways to appreciate everyone and criticize no one's choices. I am blessed.
Why then, when compared to the days of three channels, ABC, NBC, and CBS, do there seem to be fewer and fewer shows, being televised, that I actually want to see? Have my tastes changed or are the shows not so watchable?
I can watch News, on a myriad of channels. News is there to see twenty-four hours, every single day. News choices include: real news and fake news (depending on your personal political views), local news, world news, celebrity news, British news, news from Canada, Mexican news and occasionally breaking news.
Then, there are those reality shows. Are there really people who want to know what the Kardashians are up to....or making up!?? "Naked and Afraid"......no thank you. How about "Zombie Rehab"? Or,"The Deadliest Catch", "Ice Road Truckers" or the "Swamp People." How real is it, when you have a camera crew standing around taking pictures? No one is "for real", when there is a camera in your face.
Drama shows, these days, include more Zombie "doings", shows based on video games, and cop shows, complete with blood and guts! I'm not interested in any of them.
Talk Shows are on all day and night long. Why? Anyone can talk. I can talk!
I prefer to read. Give me a good book, over TV anytime.
Dear Lord. Remind me that it takes all kinds to make this world spin. Show me the ways to appreciate everyone and criticize no one's choices. I am blessed.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Behind the Smile
Here is yet another small comment on the joys of technology.
Not a day goes by when I do not assist someone with directions. The directions could be to a resident's apartment, or a local store, shopping center or doctor's office. I don't receive many complaints, so most destinations must be reached.
However, my directional skill is a mystery to me. I don't know how people can follow my directions, because many of the folks (generally young people) ask me for directions while they hold a phone to one of their ears. Sometimes, they are actually carrying on a conversation, on their phones, as I attempt give them directions.
And, sometimes, it's not just a phone. They are often typing on a laptop or tablet, while I talk to them. Now that's just rude.
I want to yell, STOP IT. You asked, I would tell them... now, at least be courteous and listen to me! Oh, I dream up a whole bunch of smart lines to reel off, but the bottom line is.....I just give them the directions, with a smile.
Smiles can be so deceiving.
Oh Lord. Help us with our patience. Remind us that life is short and we should work to keep it sweet. Help us to calm rough waters. Teach us peace making skills and keep us safe. We praise your Holy Name.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Do you Hear What I Hear?
As any senior will readily inform you.... technology has passed us oldsters by!
Smart phones are too smart for the majority of us and IPADs, IPODS and IPuddles are way beyond our learning curve. However, there are a few times when I wouldn't trade my electronics for a million dollars.
At around 7 p.m., most nights, my spouse and I retire to our bedroom. We sit down, in our comfy chairs, and proceed to watch whatever programs we want to see. Scott, generally, is under-the-covers by 9, and I watch something or read, until I go to bed at 10.
Last night, we were following our regular routine, and at 9, as he began at prepare for bed, I asked him, "Do you mind if I turn the TV down, a bit? It's really loud."
He replied, "I know it's way too loud for me, but I thought you needed it that loud to be able to hear."
He turned down the volume and I turned up my hearing aids. Yet another bonus to having my newly acquired hearing aids. He can listen at a reasonable volume and his lovely wife, MOI, can either turn up or turn down, her electronic ears! Imagine, cranking up the volume, without a complaint from my "hearing" partner.
It's music to my ears!
Dear God. Show us how to grow old gracefully. Give us patience to deal with one another with love.
We honor Your Power.
Smart phones are too smart for the majority of us and IPADs, IPODS and IPuddles are way beyond our learning curve. However, there are a few times when I wouldn't trade my electronics for a million dollars.
At around 7 p.m., most nights, my spouse and I retire to our bedroom. We sit down, in our comfy chairs, and proceed to watch whatever programs we want to see. Scott, generally, is under-the-covers by 9, and I watch something or read, until I go to bed at 10.
Last night, we were following our regular routine, and at 9, as he began at prepare for bed, I asked him, "Do you mind if I turn the TV down, a bit? It's really loud."
He replied, "I know it's way too loud for me, but I thought you needed it that loud to be able to hear."
He turned down the volume and I turned up my hearing aids. Yet another bonus to having my newly acquired hearing aids. He can listen at a reasonable volume and his lovely wife, MOI, can either turn up or turn down, her electronic ears! Imagine, cranking up the volume, without a complaint from my "hearing" partner.
It's music to my ears!
Dear God. Show us how to grow old gracefully. Give us patience to deal with one another with love.
We honor Your Power.
Sunday, March 31, 2019
In Defense-able!
The phrase"Old White Men" has become a popular and often used slur, in current politics. I am old, I am not a man, but never-the-less, I am grievously offended when folks throw the term around.
And, it's not just young or non-white people that toss that term. Some of the oldest and whitest politicos, are self-deprecatingly calling themselves "Old White Men" in an attempt to, I guess, to be politically correct or maybe cool and hip!
I don't want to hear it. It's mean and uncalled for!
Hear this! Almost half of old people I know, are "Old White (or black, brown, beige or tan) Men". And, all of those men, regardless of the color of their skin, have lives of worth and honor.
Many of these "old men" are military veterans. They defended our homes and our country. They owned businesses, toiled in factories, mined, farmed and delivered babies. The worked hard to support their families for 40, 50 and even 60 years. We have all gained, from the lives of these "old men".
They were and are our fathers and grandfathers. There is no need to heap shame on them, regardless of their skin color. If it weren't for "old Men" we wouldn't be here.
Maybe they drove "gas guzzlers" (but, they were driving us to school, church, and on vacations) and maybe they didn't recycle or God forbid, smoked cigarettes, but they did their best! Some of them had prejudices and maybe their politics were a little too far left or right, in today's culture, but at least they cared!
I will admit, there have been and there are some bad and evil men. But, anyone can name a few disgusting "old women", as well.
In recent years, we have all been urged to resist "labeling" and quit "name calling". Why can't we just stop it?
In defense of "old people", whatever your gender, I praise your long lives!
Holy Lord. Thank you for the people we love and honor. We are blessed to hear their stories and enjoy their acquaintance. Our lives are enriched with human contact. We thank You. Amen.
And, it's not just young or non-white people that toss that term. Some of the oldest and whitest politicos, are self-deprecatingly calling themselves "Old White Men" in an attempt to, I guess, to be politically correct or maybe cool and hip!
I don't want to hear it. It's mean and uncalled for!
Hear this! Almost half of old people I know, are "Old White (or black, brown, beige or tan) Men". And, all of those men, regardless of the color of their skin, have lives of worth and honor.
Many of these "old men" are military veterans. They defended our homes and our country. They owned businesses, toiled in factories, mined, farmed and delivered babies. The worked hard to support their families for 40, 50 and even 60 years. We have all gained, from the lives of these "old men".
They were and are our fathers and grandfathers. There is no need to heap shame on them, regardless of their skin color. If it weren't for "old Men" we wouldn't be here.
Maybe they drove "gas guzzlers" (but, they were driving us to school, church, and on vacations) and maybe they didn't recycle or God forbid, smoked cigarettes, but they did their best! Some of them had prejudices and maybe their politics were a little too far left or right, in today's culture, but at least they cared!
I will admit, there have been and there are some bad and evil men. But, anyone can name a few disgusting "old women", as well.
In recent years, we have all been urged to resist "labeling" and quit "name calling". Why can't we just stop it?
In defense of "old people", whatever your gender, I praise your long lives!
Holy Lord. Thank you for the people we love and honor. We are blessed to hear their stories and enjoy their acquaintance. Our lives are enriched with human contact. We thank You. Amen.
Never Again!
Have you heard of the movie, "Snakes on a Plane"? Well, just the thought of even one snake bothers me, so I try my hardest not to think about them. I've seen "Raiders of the Lost Ark" with Harrison Ford dropping into a room, completely filled with asps. Frightening for sure. Elizabeth Taylor, in "Cleopatra", died with one in hand. Seeing snakes, on the big screen, is as close to a snake as I ever want to get to something slithering along. In my humble opinion, the only good snake is a dead snake.
Snakes belong out in the wild. And, I know, rationally, that they are part of the world's food chain, Snakes control the population of their prey. I also realize that some people keep snakes as pets. But I have a hard time wrapping (insert laughter) my mind around anyone actually liking snakes. Most sensible people avoid snakes, if they possibly can.
Well, I have found out, for sure, that snakes are not appreciated by senior citizens.
This week, one of our residents proudly brought her daughter's pet python, to my desk. Our resident was showing the snake off to the staff and other residents. The python was just visiting.
Now, as far as pythons go, it was smallish, but it looked pretty big to me! So, after the three of us (resident, snake and me) had our encounter, I began to wonder about the reaction of the other residents, to their reptilian visitor. Checking our the Dining Room, the unusual silence among the diners, was astonishing. It led me to assume that the snake and its handler had made an appearance, mid-lunchtime.
Oh, yes. Each and every stunned diner had seen the snake, and had a story to tell.
The heck with "Snakes on a Plane" We had a snake in our Dining Room!
We all survived. End of chapter.
Oh Lord. We are blessed. Our lives are full of experiences to treasure and enjoy. Your creations amaze us.We honor Your Holy Name.
Snakes belong out in the wild. And, I know, rationally, that they are part of the world's food chain, Snakes control the population of their prey. I also realize that some people keep snakes as pets. But I have a hard time wrapping (insert laughter) my mind around anyone actually liking snakes. Most sensible people avoid snakes, if they possibly can.
Well, I have found out, for sure, that snakes are not appreciated by senior citizens.
This week, one of our residents proudly brought her daughter's pet python, to my desk. Our resident was showing the snake off to the staff and other residents. The python was just visiting.
Now, as far as pythons go, it was smallish, but it looked pretty big to me! So, after the three of us (resident, snake and me) had our encounter, I began to wonder about the reaction of the other residents, to their reptilian visitor. Checking our the Dining Room, the unusual silence among the diners, was astonishing. It led me to assume that the snake and its handler had made an appearance, mid-lunchtime.
Oh, yes. Each and every stunned diner had seen the snake, and had a story to tell.
The heck with "Snakes on a Plane" We had a snake in our Dining Room!
We all survived. End of chapter.
Oh Lord. We are blessed. Our lives are full of experiences to treasure and enjoy. Your creations amaze us.We honor Your Holy Name.
Friday, March 22, 2019
No Rhyme or Reason
I used to be under the impression that teenagers were the largest "risk taking" age group. That was before I started working with octogenarians. My 80-100 year old friends make most teens look like wimps.
Today, for example, I encountered a smallish lady attempting to open her mailbox, which was located over her head. She had her mailbox key on a lanyard, which remained hanging on her neck. "Wait", I said, "let me help you. You are going to hang yourself, in this very mail room." She didn't respond, so I told her not to worry. I would be happy to cut down her body.
And, this morning, a man was pushing his wife, who was seated on her walker, backwards, down the hall. There is a sign, posted on every walker, do not use this device for transportation. But, he was doing it anyway. Having warned him of the danger, previously, I just shook my head, in disbelief.
Oh, and every day, I observe people who cannot see and cannot hear, yet they continue to believe that they are perfectly able to drive a car!
Then, there are the folks who carry canes. They don't actually use them, they just carry them in case they need them. Apparently, on the way down to the ground, as they fall face first, my elderly friends will just stick out that cane and keep themselves upright! Delusional!
The only way that I can possibly justify such risky behavior, is that older folks are no longer fearful, so they will do anything, regardless of the consequences.
I do my best to keep them safe, but I'm only a youngster, in my seventies. What do I know?
Dear Lord. Keep us safe and watch over us, in spite of our stupid behavior. We can still learn from Your words and examples. Guide our feet. We ask these things in Your Holy Name.
Today, for example, I encountered a smallish lady attempting to open her mailbox, which was located over her head. She had her mailbox key on a lanyard, which remained hanging on her neck. "Wait", I said, "let me help you. You are going to hang yourself, in this very mail room." She didn't respond, so I told her not to worry. I would be happy to cut down her body.
And, this morning, a man was pushing his wife, who was seated on her walker, backwards, down the hall. There is a sign, posted on every walker, do not use this device for transportation. But, he was doing it anyway. Having warned him of the danger, previously, I just shook my head, in disbelief.
Oh, and every day, I observe people who cannot see and cannot hear, yet they continue to believe that they are perfectly able to drive a car!
Then, there are the folks who carry canes. They don't actually use them, they just carry them in case they need them. Apparently, on the way down to the ground, as they fall face first, my elderly friends will just stick out that cane and keep themselves upright! Delusional!
The only way that I can possibly justify such risky behavior, is that older folks are no longer fearful, so they will do anything, regardless of the consequences.
I do my best to keep them safe, but I'm only a youngster, in my seventies. What do I know?
Dear Lord. Keep us safe and watch over us, in spite of our stupid behavior. We can still learn from Your words and examples. Guide our feet. We ask these things in Your Holy Name.
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Deer Ones......
When I start to worry a bit too much, I try to remind myself about the "lilies". You know the ones. We are called to remember them, their beauty and the fact that they neither toil nor worry. They are happy and content with their existence and are admired for what they are, not what they are striving to be.
( Luke 12:27)
Whilst (a borrowed word from my Brit friend) cleaning up after dinner, last evening, right out my window, I observed 3 deer. Then, I looked again and there were 6 deer. All in all, the total of deer munching grass and other goodies from our lawn, was eleven.
As I watched the herd, and surely eleven deer would be considered a herd, I noticed their beauty, their quiet and calm resolve and their sense of peace. At times, a couple of the younger ones would nip at each other or push one another a bit, in play, but for the most part, they contentedly ate away.
And, when they were satisfied, they strolled away.
Like the lilies of the field, they weren't worried about anything. They weren't concerned about what was going to happen to them, in the next minute, hour or even next year. And, they weren't stressed about yesterday or tomorrow. In the moment, they were content.
I long to be more like those deer.
Dear Lord. Remind us to be satisfied. To be content and to live in the moment, whenever we can. We are truly blessed.
( Luke 12:27)
Whilst (a borrowed word from my Brit friend) cleaning up after dinner, last evening, right out my window, I observed 3 deer. Then, I looked again and there were 6 deer. All in all, the total of deer munching grass and other goodies from our lawn, was eleven.
As I watched the herd, and surely eleven deer would be considered a herd, I noticed their beauty, their quiet and calm resolve and their sense of peace. At times, a couple of the younger ones would nip at each other or push one another a bit, in play, but for the most part, they contentedly ate away.
And, when they were satisfied, they strolled away.
Like the lilies of the field, they weren't worried about anything. They weren't concerned about what was going to happen to them, in the next minute, hour or even next year. And, they weren't stressed about yesterday or tomorrow. In the moment, they were content.
I long to be more like those deer.
Dear Lord. Remind us to be satisfied. To be content and to live in the moment, whenever we can. We are truly blessed.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Doris and Rock
Pillow Talk! Have you succumbed to the decorative pillow craze? You know the one. Everyone is doing it. It can best be described as................ pillows, pillows everywhere and not a place to sleep or sit!
We have 8 pillows on our Queen Sized bed. We each sleep with one, so there are 6 extra. On the guest bedroom bed, there are 6, also. It's always a hassle trying to locate an out of the way place to store all of those lovely, pretty pillows, when we sleep. No one wants to fall over a pillow, in the middle of the night.
Our couch has 4 little pillows, plus the two giant ones, that sit on each end. That's a total of six, unless a special holiday is near. Because, I have numerous holiday pillows (Christmas, Fall, Valentine's Day, and July 4th). After all, I feel like it's my duty to celebrate every holiday with the appropriate decor.
It is almost a full time job, managing my pillow stash.
Two of the four chairs, in my living room, have extra pillows. They have cute "sayings" on them, which praise good friends and glorify grandchildren. The grandchildren, by the way, enjoy throwing those same pillows!
My home pillow problem is probably much like yours. And, it's not only homes. Hotels are pillow crazy, too. There is even less room in a tiny hotel room to stack a six-pack of decorative pillows. Where can you put them? Our last hotel stay became a slalom course, after the lights went out!
So, every night here at home, I continue to rearrange and stack those 6 extra pillows. Furthermore, I imagine that I will continue to do it until the style changes or I break a leg. Wish me luck.
Oh Lord. We are such a goofy species. Our everyday actions make very little sense. Show us how to not only improve our lives, but turn our inward thoughts toward the lives of others. These things we pray in Your Holy Name.
We have 8 pillows on our Queen Sized bed. We each sleep with one, so there are 6 extra. On the guest bedroom bed, there are 6, also. It's always a hassle trying to locate an out of the way place to store all of those lovely, pretty pillows, when we sleep. No one wants to fall over a pillow, in the middle of the night.
Our couch has 4 little pillows, plus the two giant ones, that sit on each end. That's a total of six, unless a special holiday is near. Because, I have numerous holiday pillows (Christmas, Fall, Valentine's Day, and July 4th). After all, I feel like it's my duty to celebrate every holiday with the appropriate decor.
It is almost a full time job, managing my pillow stash.
Two of the four chairs, in my living room, have extra pillows. They have cute "sayings" on them, which praise good friends and glorify grandchildren. The grandchildren, by the way, enjoy throwing those same pillows!
My home pillow problem is probably much like yours. And, it's not only homes. Hotels are pillow crazy, too. There is even less room in a tiny hotel room to stack a six-pack of decorative pillows. Where can you put them? Our last hotel stay became a slalom course, after the lights went out!
So, every night here at home, I continue to rearrange and stack those 6 extra pillows. Furthermore, I imagine that I will continue to do it until the style changes or I break a leg. Wish me luck.
Oh Lord. We are such a goofy species. Our everyday actions make very little sense. Show us how to not only improve our lives, but turn our inward thoughts toward the lives of others. These things we pray in Your Holy Name.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Deja vu all over again!
Loosely quoted from the book of Ecclesiastes, is the well known phrase...."There is nothing new under the sun". The older I get, the more I believe the Bible is exactly right.
Take literature, for instance. I am a fan of the works of the Jane Austen. Austen was born in 1775, wrote less than a dozen well known novels and died in her 40's. She was not famous in her lifetime, but since her demise, many folks, including me, have read her novels numerous times.
She is such a great author, that in the past several decades, numerous authors have written period sequels, contemporary adaptations and even Made-for TV Movies. So many, if fact, that in the past month, I have read one novel "Death comes to Pemberley", and seen two Hallmark movies that feature characters, Darcy and Elizabeth, who appeared in her best known novel, Pride and Prejudice. Several years ago, I saw the movie (based on the novel of the same name), "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". I have friends, who could never in a million years, come to an agreement over which movie adaptation of the novel, Pride and Prejudice, they prefer. Some like the Kiera Knightly (with Donald Sutherland and Dame Judi Dench) version and others prefer Colin Firth and his "shirt"!
Are you a fan of musicals? Do you like "West Side Story"? It is a 1960's version of William Shakespeare tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. How about "My Fair Lady"? George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion.
I could go on and on. I mean, how many more times is Hollywood going to remake, "A Star Is Born"? Of course it wins Oscars. It's a great story and like my Jane Austen examples........a winner is always a winner!
Dear Lord. You are an Original. I thank You, for your steadfast love and care.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
A Four Letter Word
THEY said. THEY did. THEY have. THEY wanted you to know. They, they, they.
The Word THEY, is at the top of my loathsome word list. It is really one of my least favorite words.
THEY is the best way to accuse, attribute, attempt to prove and pass on gossip.
When a person comes to me and says, "THEY said ...........", the first thing I ask is. "Who is THEY?"
It's a rare day, when the person, telling me a THEY STORY, will put a name to the "they."
THEY is the best word to use, when you don't want to name your assailant!
I have a man who comes to my desk, quite often, and tells me that THEY told him his package/letter would be delivered this very day. Often it is not delivered.
So, THEY were wrong! Don't believe "THEY". THEY do not know what they are talking about.
Dear all knowing, Lord. You are all knowing and all powerful. Help us in our unbelief. We praise your Holy Name.
The Word THEY, is at the top of my loathsome word list. It is really one of my least favorite words.
THEY is the best way to accuse, attribute, attempt to prove and pass on gossip.
When a person comes to me and says, "THEY said ...........", the first thing I ask is. "Who is THEY?"
It's a rare day, when the person, telling me a THEY STORY, will put a name to the "they."
THEY is the best word to use, when you don't want to name your assailant!
I have a man who comes to my desk, quite often, and tells me that THEY told him his package/letter would be delivered this very day. Often it is not delivered.
So, THEY were wrong! Don't believe "THEY". THEY do not know what they are talking about.
Dear all knowing, Lord. You are all knowing and all powerful. Help us in our unbelief. We praise your Holy Name.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
BTW, for all my BFFs out there in email and texting land, please remember that I am over 70 years old and all of your acronyms are making me LOL. Medical personnel, such as the RNs, LPNs, and their assistants, our CNAs, and CMTs, use them most often. They are always taking BPs and vitals. Occasionally, they will discover a resident with a UTI or other treatable illness and off to the ER, we send them. Yesterday, I received a forwarded email from the visiting MDS expert.Hopefully, no one's life or well-being depends on my rapid response, because I didn't understand a word of it. It was full of terms identified as NOMMC, Nursing RUG, SNFABN and SOT. I am familiar with the term SOL, but not SOT. Well, that's not exactly true. I do know the crossword definition of sot.)
Later today, if we have an emergency, we will be visited by a group of EMTs in their ERV. The firemen arrive in a red fire truck. (That, I can understand.)
Once a week, an MD or perhaps he is a DO, comes to our facility. If he is unable to come, then a FNP comes in his place, to see our residents requiring medical attention.
For REHAB, we have OTs and PTs, to assist residents toward recovery.
All of these acronyms make my head swim, as I ROFL.
Who says I have to understand what I'm doing?
Dear Lord. Keep an eye on us as we age. We're doing our best, but sometimes it isn't quite enough.
Your steadfast love endures forever.
Later today, if we have an emergency, we will be visited by a group of EMTs in their ERV. The firemen arrive in a red fire truck. (That, I can understand.)
Once a week, an MD or perhaps he is a DO, comes to our facility. If he is unable to come, then a FNP comes in his place, to see our residents requiring medical attention.
For REHAB, we have OTs and PTs, to assist residents toward recovery.
All of these acronyms make my head swim, as I ROFL.
Who says I have to understand what I'm doing?
Dear Lord. Keep an eye on us as we age. We're doing our best, but sometimes it isn't quite enough.
Your steadfast love endures forever.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
I have a 2019 Calendar that features a "word" of the month. The 12 words are meant to inspire and furnish food for thought. Last month, the word was Community.
This month's word is DETERMINATION, therefore, my thoughts have been centering around that particular word. I believe that determination in our lives is pretty darn important. Determination helps us get things done. Without determination we would accomplish very little.
Let me say, that my goal this year is to focus on determination, and to concentrate on what I intend to get done. But, not everyone feels that way.
I know of three quotes that speak to this goal. The first is attributed to Yogi Berra, the great Baseball Philosopher. He said, "If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else." (think about it.)
The second quote comes from Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland. .
He wrote, "If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there."(More food for thought.)
And, the third is biblical, Revelation 3:16. "So because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (Have conviction.)
Determination. Know what your goal is and stick to it. Don't waver. Get a move on! Git 'er done!
Good God; I want to do the best I can, at all times. Help me to keep my eye on the prize. This I ask in Your Holy Name.
This month's word is DETERMINATION, therefore, my thoughts have been centering around that particular word. I believe that determination in our lives is pretty darn important. Determination helps us get things done. Without determination we would accomplish very little.
Let me say, that my goal this year is to focus on determination, and to concentrate on what I intend to get done. But, not everyone feels that way.
I know of three quotes that speak to this goal. The first is attributed to Yogi Berra, the great Baseball Philosopher. He said, "If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else." (think about it.)
The second quote comes from Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland. .
He wrote, "If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there."(More food for thought.)
And, the third is biblical, Revelation 3:16. "So because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (Have conviction.)
Determination. Know what your goal is and stick to it. Don't waver. Get a move on! Git 'er done!
Good God; I want to do the best I can, at all times. Help me to keep my eye on the prize. This I ask in Your Holy Name.
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Flip and flop
Let me make you aware of this, right from the start of this post. I'm not feeling quite up to par today. Normally, I have very few aches and pains, considering my age.
However today, my shoulder hurts, just a little bit, but not enough to slow me down, too much. There could be two reasons for this malady.
Yesterday, I flipped the mattress on our bed. It's a queen mattress, way to big and awkward for a short old lady to maneuver. I yanked and I tugged, and I got it done. Afterward, my left shoulder was pretty achy.
Then, around four p.m., I decided to go outdoors to check to see if the postal person had left us any mail. Our mailbox is located about 75 feet from our door, and across a paved lane, uphill all the way. We had an ice storm last week which left a thin sheet of ice on everything in site, and due to the cold weather, that sheet has refused to go away.
To make this story a short one, I went down, hands first, flop onto the driveway. The good news, I only hurt my pride and maybe my shoulder, a bit. Thank the Lord, that I landed on my softest part.....my stomach.
The mail is still in the box. I am afraid to venture outside. I have considered driving the car to the mailbox, but that's not really necessary. The mail can wait.
Dear God. I am blessed. In spite of my stupidity, You watch over me. Thank you.
Friday, February 8, 2019
No,no, a thousand times no!
Do any of us actually listen to what comes out of our mouths? I ask this, because I am convinced that no one does. I believe this because, not a single day goes by without some otherwise intelligent person saying to me, the ultimate inane phrase, "You've got to be kidding."
Now, I am not the type of person that "kids" when I am working. My job is information and customer service, not comedy. So, if I say it is minus 4 degrees outside, that is what the thermometer reads. And, if I say Bingo is cancelled.......I am not kidding! Therefore, when I report that the mail did not come until after seven last night, I mean it. Trust me, I am telling the truth. People depend upon me to give them correct answers, and I always attempt to do just that.
So folks, ask away. I love questions. Questions are wonderful. But when I give you an answer........
I am definitely NOT KIDDING!
Dear God. Give me patience and the power to continue to listen and respond positively. Show me how to be kind and caring. Make me more like You. I ask these things, in Your Holy Name.
Now, I am not the type of person that "kids" when I am working. My job is information and customer service, not comedy. So, if I say it is minus 4 degrees outside, that is what the thermometer reads. And, if I say Bingo is cancelled.......I am not kidding! Therefore, when I report that the mail did not come until after seven last night, I mean it. Trust me, I am telling the truth. People depend upon me to give them correct answers, and I always attempt to do just that.
So folks, ask away. I love questions. Questions are wonderful. But when I give you an answer........
I am definitely NOT KIDDING!
Dear God. Give me patience and the power to continue to listen and respond positively. Show me how to be kind and caring. Make me more like You. I ask these things, in Your Holy Name.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
10 K
Walking is a great form of exercise. We have quite a few residents who walk, regularly, in order to keep strong and agile. Some of them wear "fit bits" and others use various devices to keep track of their steps and/or distance traveled.
I do not walk for exercise, because, my job takes me in all directions, in and out of the building, all day long. Yesterday, however, I got in a little "run".
Mr. Pick-Up Man came to the front desk to make an equipment return. He was asked, by our receptionist to please go to the side door for the pick-up. The receptionist then asked me to accompany him up to the apartment. By the time I reached the apartment, the young man, had run up the four flights of stairs (I took the elevator), dashed down the hall, checked out the interior of the apartment, and disappeared.
Dismayed, I left the apartment and finally found him in a near-by common area....on his phone. He took one look at me and started off down the hall at such a rapid pace that, in order to keep him in sight, I had to trot!
Down the hall and down the stairs we went, floor after floor. The young man looking younger by the minute, and on his phone the whole time.....the old lady, with very short legs, chasing behind. At the bottom of the stairs, I yelled....YOU NEED TO STOP!!!!!
He did, Praise the Lord! We concluded our business rather briefly. (Neither of us were in the best of moods.) Then, he got back in his truck, and I went back to my my post.
There is no moral to this story. No rhyme or reason. But, it will not happen again. The next time I am asked to "follow that man", I will run very fast and employ a full body slam, before anyone even gets to a stairwell!
Dear Lord. None of us are getting any younger. Hopefully, we still have time to get wiser. Lead us, teach us, guide us. Grant us patience and peace.
I do not walk for exercise, because, my job takes me in all directions, in and out of the building, all day long. Yesterday, however, I got in a little "run".
Mr. Pick-Up Man came to the front desk to make an equipment return. He was asked, by our receptionist to please go to the side door for the pick-up. The receptionist then asked me to accompany him up to the apartment. By the time I reached the apartment, the young man, had run up the four flights of stairs (I took the elevator), dashed down the hall, checked out the interior of the apartment, and disappeared.
Dismayed, I left the apartment and finally found him in a near-by common area....on his phone. He took one look at me and started off down the hall at such a rapid pace that, in order to keep him in sight, I had to trot!
Down the hall and down the stairs we went, floor after floor. The young man looking younger by the minute, and on his phone the whole time.....the old lady, with very short legs, chasing behind. At the bottom of the stairs, I yelled....YOU NEED TO STOP!!!!!
He did, Praise the Lord! We concluded our business rather briefly. (Neither of us were in the best of moods.) Then, he got back in his truck, and I went back to my my post.
There is no moral to this story. No rhyme or reason. But, it will not happen again. The next time I am asked to "follow that man", I will run very fast and employ a full body slam, before anyone even gets to a stairwell!
Dear Lord. None of us are getting any younger. Hopefully, we still have time to get wiser. Lead us, teach us, guide us. Grant us patience and peace.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Home on the Range
Because, as I have been told, Geography is no longer a subject taught in schools, few folks really know where Kansas City, is actually located. Most folks think that it is in Kansas. A smallish city, Kansas City, Kansas, is in fact, located in Kansas, but most of the city, is in Missouri. The entire Metropolitan Area consists of many small towns, in both states.
I live in Kansas City, Missouri, and have for most of my adult life, but I am a Kansan by birth. And, Kansas Day, is one of my favorite holidays. Three of our four children were born in Missouri. For that, I am extremely sorry.
Every January 29th, I don my very best University of Kansas sportswear and offer to sing my vast repertoire of Kansas Songs, for anyone who will listen. But alas, this being Missouri, only an elite few are interested.
Kansas and Missouri, are like oil and water. They do not mix.
But my songs are great.
Gracious and all knowing Lord, we spent a lot of time dwelling on our differences. And, I'm sure they don't amount to a hill of beans, to You. Show us how to focus on our similarities. We are all Your children.
I live in Kansas City, Missouri, and have for most of my adult life, but I am a Kansan by birth. And, Kansas Day, is one of my favorite holidays. Three of our four children were born in Missouri. For that, I am extremely sorry.
Every January 29th, I don my very best University of Kansas sportswear and offer to sing my vast repertoire of Kansas Songs, for anyone who will listen. But alas, this being Missouri, only an elite few are interested.
Kansas and Missouri, are like oil and water. They do not mix.
But my songs are great.
Gracious and all knowing Lord, we spent a lot of time dwelling on our differences. And, I'm sure they don't amount to a hill of beans, to You. Show us how to focus on our similarities. We are all Your children.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Best Seller in the Works
More than a few of my readers have asked me, "Are you going to write a book?" Well folks, it's already written. Since 2008, I have been writing posts, on this blog, and this makes my 500th one. The plan is to choose 50 or 60, of the best stories. They will need to be checked for content and spelling, rewritten, and finally, I'll send the completed manuscript off to a publisher.
There will be at least one chapter, in this proposed book, that will deal with the US Postal Service, because they have provided me with hundreds of bizarre mail delivery or non-delivery stories. In fact, just recently, I had an intense discussion with one carrier who was having difficulty reading the numeral "1"!
Another chapter will deal with the unwritten Cardinal Rule, which we mid-westerners have about winter weather. It is....."When snow is predicted, everyone MUST go to the store and buy a loaf of white bread and some milk". And, even, when a full-service restaurant is in the same building as your apartment, for some reason, we always think we NEED bread and milk!
Another, will have to deal with transportation. Because our buildings are located just off of a double round-about, the details about accidents and near accidents are quite numerous. Also, electric chairs and scooters, driven by our residents, have caused enough broken toes, to make them our primary "road hazard". I run the other way, when I see one coming!
And, there will have to be several chapters about my most memorable characters. The Virginias, the Helens, the Joes and the Bobs. When, I stop to think about the great folks who have lived here, it may be, that I will have to write a follow-up book telling the stories of the residents.
My books will be best sellers!
I am blessed and honored.
There will be at least one chapter, in this proposed book, that will deal with the US Postal Service, because they have provided me with hundreds of bizarre mail delivery or non-delivery stories. In fact, just recently, I had an intense discussion with one carrier who was having difficulty reading the numeral "1"!
Another chapter will deal with the unwritten Cardinal Rule, which we mid-westerners have about winter weather. It is....."When snow is predicted, everyone MUST go to the store and buy a loaf of white bread and some milk". And, even, when a full-service restaurant is in the same building as your apartment, for some reason, we always think we NEED bread and milk!
Another, will have to deal with transportation. Because our buildings are located just off of a double round-about, the details about accidents and near accidents are quite numerous. Also, electric chairs and scooters, driven by our residents, have caused enough broken toes, to make them our primary "road hazard". I run the other way, when I see one coming!
And, there will have to be several chapters about my most memorable characters. The Virginias, the Helens, the Joes and the Bobs. When, I stop to think about the great folks who have lived here, it may be, that I will have to write a follow-up book telling the stories of the residents.
My books will be best sellers!
I am blessed and honored.
Friday, January 4, 2019
Ask away!!!!!!!
Almost every day one particular gentleman announces himself, at my desk by saying, "I'm here with another stupid question." And, I reply, in my most accommodating voice, "There are no stupid questions." And, I truly believe that there are not!
People ask questions, because they do not know the answer. That's not being stupid, that's just being uninformed. When you ask and are given a correct answer, you have admitted your ignorance and thus emerge wiser and smarter.
By contrast, there are folks who amble by, every day. They are mostly visitors and vendors, and I know darn well that they don't know how to go about getting to their destinations, but they won't ask for assistance. I am sitting behind a customer service desk, for goodness sake. But, they are too embarrassed to ask for help........or too stupid. Not asking a question, when you don't know the answer, in my opinion, is the epitome of dumbness.
Years ago, I memorized a short poem, on this very subject:
He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool; shun him. He who knows not and knows that he knows not is simple; teach him. He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep; waken him. He who knows and knows that he knows is wise; follow him.
Dear Lord. You are all knowing. Help us to ask for guidance and forgiveness.
People ask questions, because they do not know the answer. That's not being stupid, that's just being uninformed. When you ask and are given a correct answer, you have admitted your ignorance and thus emerge wiser and smarter.
By contrast, there are folks who amble by, every day. They are mostly visitors and vendors, and I know darn well that they don't know how to go about getting to their destinations, but they won't ask for assistance. I am sitting behind a customer service desk, for goodness sake. But, they are too embarrassed to ask for help........or too stupid. Not asking a question, when you don't know the answer, in my opinion, is the epitome of dumbness.
Years ago, I memorized a short poem, on this very subject:
He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool; shun him. He who knows not and knows that he knows not is simple; teach him. He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep; waken him. He who knows and knows that he knows is wise; follow him.
Dear Lord. You are all knowing. Help us to ask for guidance and forgiveness.
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