Thursday, June 6, 2019

75 years

Today, marks the anniversary of the Allied Invasion of Normandy, which according to many historians, signaled the beginning of the end of Hitler's Third Reich.
Working, as I do, with seniors, I am aware that the numbers of World War II Veterans are dwindling. In just a few years those former 19 and 20 year olds, who jumped out of boats onto those beaches, will be gone forever. June 6th, nineteen forty-one, was seventy-five years ago.
My prayers and thoughts, today, are with those aging men and women. They have the greatest stories to tell and we can learn so much from them. Please, folks, do all of us a favor and help them to write down their amazing stories. If we don't do it now, their accounts and memories will be lost.
I had a teacher, years ago, who used to say "history repeats itself, does it not?" When she said those words, I didn't have a clue what she meant. Now, I know what she means. We learn from history. We learn from our mistakes and we never, ever, want a repeat  of  World War II.

Dear Lord. Help us to never forget those who fought for this country. They were young and brave and they were probably very frightened. You gave them courage and You were there with them when they entered battle. Let us always remember that You stand by every one of Your children.
We are blessed.

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