Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Missed Opportunities

The other evening, I joined several lady friends for supper, at a local pizzeria. The place is popular and that night, as most nights, it was quite full. There were a couple of groups, like ours, but mostly I observed families. Moms, Dads and kids, or single adults with several kids.  Everyone was ordering and then waiting for the arrival of their food.
Very quickly, I observed a particular behavior that is becoming more and more prevalent, in today's techno-society.  The adults weren't interacting with the children. They didn't even appear to even be aware that the children were sitting at a table with them. The adults were all absorbed with whatever was on their phones. None of them ever looked up! They never said a word, except to order their meals, and then go back to playing with their phones.
I was reminded of a poem, that my mother read to me years ago........

       "Oh, cleaning and scrubbing 
        will wait till tomorrow,
         But children grow up,
        As I've learned to my sorrow.
        So quiet down, cobwebs, 
            Dust go to sleep.
        I'm rocking my baby.
                 Babies don't keep." 

  Ruth Hulburt Hamilton

 Who among us would not give a fortune to have some of those wasted moments of inattention, to our babies......whatever their age, relived? 

Dear God. Our lifetimes are so short. The older we get, the faster time goes. Give us the wisdom to make wise choices. We pray for discernment.

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