Thursday, June 20, 2019

Go Figure

Admittedly, the most famous line of  dialogue from the movie "Field of Dreams" is "Build it and they will come." I believe that there is real truth to that statement.  However, as you might suspect, I subscribe to  a few other general truths.
They are:
#1. "Water it and it will rain." Here in Missouri, we have long periods of drought and equally long  periods of wet weather. So, just when you take the time and effort to water trees, plants and lawns....  it pours down rain!
#2. "Wash it and it will rain." This adage has to do with your car. Spend 5 bucks at the do-it-yourself-place or 9 bucks at the we'll-do-it-all-for-you place. It doesn't make any difference. Whichever one you choose, a car wash means immediate rain!"
#3. "Plant it, and it will be eaten." I'm not speaking of human consumption. I'm talking yard beasts having yard feasts....deer, groundhogs, squirrels. They are all herbivores. They eat everything I plant!

The truth shall set you free!

Holy Lord. We must amuse You, with our plans. We think we are in control and we are so wrong. Show us how to accept Your will. Watch over us. Grant us Peace.

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