Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Best Seller in the Works

More than a few of my readers have asked me, "Are you going to write a book?" Well folks, it's already written. Since 2008, I have been writing posts, on this blog, and this makes my 500th one. The plan is to choose 50 or 60, of the best stories. They will need to be checked for content and spelling, rewritten, and finally, I'll send the completed manuscript off to a publisher.
There will be at least one chapter, in this proposed book, that will deal with the US Postal Service, because they have provided me with hundreds of bizarre mail delivery or non-delivery stories. In fact, just recently, I had an intense discussion with one carrier who was having difficulty reading the numeral "1"!
Another chapter will deal with the unwritten Cardinal Rule, which we mid-westerners have about winter weather. It is....."When snow is predicted, everyone MUST go to the store and buy a loaf of white bread and some milk".  And, even, when a full-service restaurant is in the same building as your apartment, for some reason, we always think we NEED bread and milk!
Another, will have to deal with transportation. Because our buildings are located just off of a double round-about, the details about accidents and near accidents are quite numerous.  Also, electric chairs and scooters, driven by our residents, have caused enough broken toes, to make them our primary "road hazard". I run the other way, when I see one coming!
And, there will have to be several chapters about my most memorable characters. The Virginias, the Helens, the Joes and the Bobs. When, I stop to think about the great folks who have lived here, it may be, that I will have to write a follow-up book telling the stories of the residents.
My books will be best sellers!

I am blessed and honored.


Karen said...

Hurray! I have been thinking a book written by my MYS would BE a Best Seller!!!
Good luck. I can hardly wait!
Love, YMOS

Karen said...

Your Second Biggest Fan.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...