Monday, December 23, 2019

Time is precious.

What's wrong with people, these days? Yesterday, I dropped by the nearest Auto Parts Store to pick up one item. The young person behind the counter asked, "How may I help you?"
Smiling, I told him, "I need a bottle of power steering fluid."
A simple enough request, I thought. However, I was so wrong. Because, at that point, he had a plethora of questions for me.
"What make is your car?" he asked. "Cadillac", I replied. Then, he wanted to know what model? I had to admit that I did not know. After that, he wanted to know the year, and started to inquire of another clerk, about the grade of product that I might need.  Then he asked if the car were outside, and I said,"No". "The steering is making noises, so I'm not driving it," I volunteered.
He continued with his questions, until I finally said, "Look, it's a twenty year old Cadillac, something or other, with 300,000 plus miles on it. You can hardly see the paint color, under the rust. Nothing you can give me will hurt this old tank. I just need some power steering fluid."
Well, he replied, "Are you sure it's not transmission fluid, you want?"
I took a deep breath, because by this time I was getting a bit annoyed, and my fists were clinched. Then, I told him that the car was making screechy noises, when the wheel was being turned.
He replied, wisely, "That sounds like the power steering."
By now, I was close to exploding, so thankfully, he decided to ring up the purchase. I paid him for the five dollar item and left the store. Errand accomplished.
I am never going back there, and I will never disparage self-service again.

Lord, give me patience. We never know what causes folks to act the way they do. Help us to realize that we can't always have our way. Teach me self-control.

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