Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Prospero ano nuevo

We're coming to the end of another year. And, as with all years, there have been some good times and some not so good times. However, the moments that I will remember, from this past year, have been the bittersweet ones.
At my desk, I deal with quite a bit of confusion. But, it seems to me that as my friends slip into deeper and deeper confusion, the kinder and gentler they become.  To a person, they remain truly thankful for my suggestions and directions. It's a blessing.
And, looking back, although I'm sad and often weepy, when we lose a resident, it is almost always a blessing for the departed and their families. Old age, as they say, is not for the weak. We don't wish pain and suffering for anyone, and no matter how much we love them, we must let them go.
My co-workers are all remarkable folks. It isn't easy caring for the elderly. Each of our residents is unique, and it takes a lot of patience and understanding, on behalf of our nursing, dietary, maintenance, and office staff to make them comfortable. We all gripe and carry on a bit, but we are all about service to others.
So, I thank God for yet another year of blessings and I look forward to the coming 365 days, with joy and hope.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Beautifully said, Lady. These kind of comments are not heard enough in this crazy world.
The Residents are truly Blessed to have you with them.
Love and Thank You!
Your Much OLDER Sister, Karen


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