Thursday, January 9, 2020

"You gotta have hope. Miles and miles and miles of hope."

More often than not, coincidences in my life, turn out to be God Things. For last blog of 2019, ended with the word "hope". This morning, my longtime friend confided in me that the word "hope" was going to be the key word for 2020. Later, my devotional reading for the day was all about choosing to be "hopeful".
A few years ago, the word "choice" was the ultimate buzzword, in public education. Teachers were all about allowing children to make good choices and to encouraging them to make decisions on their own. As a substitute educator, I always tried to mimic the behavior of the regular teachers. That was until, one little fellow told me that he was "choosing not to do his math today". Stunned, I replied something like, well how about making a choice between doing your math or going to see the Principal. I think he chose the math!
I do think that being hopeful in 2020, is a choice. And, being hope-filled is what our God wants us to choose.

Dear Lord, we know that we can choose to have hope or to wallow in despair. Life invariably becomes a series of unplanned events, but if we live with the certainty that You are always with us and loving us, how can we help but be hopeful? We praise you Holy Name.

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