Friday, May 10, 2019

It's just a job.........

Jobs come and go during the 40 or so years that most people spend in the work force. Therefore,  most people have had numerous work places, by the time they reach my age. The folks that are with us in the work place, come and go, also. They retire, find different jobs, or move on to something bigger and better.
However, when you work in a retirement community, as I do, the reality is, because of their age and possible infirmities, many of our residents live here for awhile, and as time passes, some of them move to a different level of care or they pass away.
I'm sure you can understand, when I tell you that death is the hardest part of my job. I get very attached to the residents. They become my friends, and as I get to know them better and better, my attachment to them grows.  So, I truly mourn for them, when they die.
Logically, I know that no one lives forever. Living a healthy life long, into your 80s or 90s, is really a blessing. I know that I am blessed by working with the residents. Every day, I hear new stories about places they have been, people they have known and things they have done.
Just last week, I heard what it was like to pilot a plane taking off from the deck of an aircraft carrier and what it was like to listen to Elvis sing gospel, after performances, at "a theater" in Nashville. Several have traveled to every continent. Others have lived in numerous foreign countries. Some are not extraordinary, they are just genuinely nice folks.  Our residents are amazing!
I am thankful.

Great God. We are not guaranteed a long life. Show us how to appreciate every minute and hour that we can share with others. Teach us patience and kindness. Help us to be more like You.
In Your Holy Name, we pray.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...