Thursday, November 14, 2019

October snows..........oh my!

We haven't yet reached the midpoint of November, but here in Kansas City, we have already counted three measurable snowfalls. Having such cold weather, far before Thanksgiving, is extremely unusual.  Thanksgiving is often a day of outdoor activities, like long, after-dinner walks and flag football games.  Not this year. Unless we have a warm up, we will probably go sledding, after the turkey and pumpkin pie!
Most of us, in the Midwest, appreciate the change of seasons. And, if we don't, the continuously changing weather, gives us a whole lot to to talk about.  And, it gives us the chance to voice every possible complaint.
"Right Here in River City", we believe that complaining about any type of weather, makes a person feel better.  Each of us knows, that we cannot do anything about the weather (well, that's what most  folks believe). I know that I cannot change the weather.
And, we also do a lot of worrying about the weather. Will it really snow? How much will we get? What if it gets icy? Again, as with all worrying, it is a total waste of time. Worry doesn't change anything....ever.
Unfortunately, we've all become very good at complaining and worrying. When will we learn?

Dear All Knowing and All Powerful Lord. When will we learn that You are in charge? Teach us patience, peace and self-control.

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