Thursday, November 21, 2019

No Treasure

My blogging history spans almost 10 years, now. And, except for some of my favorite clothing, and my family, very few items, remaining in my life. are a decade old or older. When I traded in my 20 year old Grandpa-Car, for the newish red SUV, my life journey started down a distinctly different highway. I vowed to make a change.
Each and every day, according to my plan, I am trying to relocate five items. The relocation sites are, in order of preference, a thrift store, the recycling or the trash. I am de-cluttering my life.
This has become important, because every day, I observe many older folks who just can't seem to let go of "stuff". If it takes you eight solid hours, to move your "stuff" into a one bedroom apartment, you have a hoarding issue!  Let it be known that your blogger friend is refusing to make the move, anywhere, with a bunch of useless "stuff"!
The papers, old books and everything have not used in 10 years, are all on their way out.  I am putting my children on notice.You don't live here anymore. Anything that you own, that is gathering dust in my closets and basement, come and get it soon, or it gets trashed.
I have decided to hang on to the oldest item in my life. Yes. I'm keeping my husband.

Dear Lord. Our Stress often comes from our Stuff. Help us to let go and focus on the important things in life. Help us to keep our eyes on the Goal. We praise your holy name.

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"Her name was McGill. She called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as ............"

 I consider myself fairly techno-literate. Most senior citizens are. And, although we learned to type on a manual Smith-Corona, we are, for ...