Wednesday, November 27, 2019

whatever happened to ................................?

It's been several years, since I have commented on the holiday of Thanksgiving. I don't know why. I am thankful for my many blessings, but perhaps like many Americans, in my rush to prepare for Christmas, I have forgotten to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Retail stores have been hawking Christmas goodies, since August. Pre-Black Friday Sales are everywhere. Most big box stores and web sites went directly from Halloween to Christmas, skipping Thanksgiving. altogether.
I have resisted putting away my ceramic pumpkins and artificial fall leaves. I refuse to do it until the weekend after Turkey Day. But, the pressure is there. Will I be able to meet all of my self-imposed deadlines? Will everything get done on time? Shouldn't I just do a couple of things to get a jump on the Big Holiday? Talk about stress!
We have been instructed to Give Thanks for Everything. A thankful heart will keep your mind in the positive, and draw your thoughts away from what has happened and what might happen. A thankful heart will keep you in the present.

Dear Lord, we come to you with a thankful heart. We will remember to forever make a joyful noise.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Thank YOU for reminding us...
Thanksgiving Blessings today and every day!
Love you, YMOS


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