Thursday, November 7, 2019

Steve Knows

I'm sure you all have noticed that it's that Pumpkin Pie Spice time of year. The leaves are turning to gold and yellow, Halloween decorations are being stashed away, and grandma is starting to stock up on cans of green beans and cream of mushroom soup. Unlike the old days, when the only thing that had Pumpkin Pie Spice, as an ingredient, was pumpkin pie, you are now able to  now find EVERYTHING flavored with those pungent holiday spices.
For the culinary challenged, Pumpkin Pie Spice is a mixture of  ground cinnamon, ginger, clove and nutmeg. And, that mixture makes a tasty, spicy custard pie. But, Frosted Flakes, waffles, cinnamon rolls, chili, pork tacos and pretzels? Ooooh, not for me. My taste buds find that all those other advertised, seasonal items are way too much.
Pumpkin pie, as I recall was a staple in our high school cafeteria. And, we will never forget our classmate, Steve, who ate his pumpkin pie, in horizontal layers, while everyone else attacked it vertically, beginning with the point side.
So, young folks (As I age, I have a tendency to blame all nonsense on the young), there is nothing WOKE, PC or clever about all this spicy nonsense. Just get your PP Spice fix with the original recipe! You can't top perfection.......unless, it's with whipped cream.

Dear God, you have to have a marvelous sense of humor. It's no wonder that the words human and humor are so similar. Watch over us and keep us safe, despite our foibles. You are our Rock and our Savior.

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