Monday, October 28, 2019

Prepositional Posturing

I discovered a new word today, that appeared as a clue in The New Your Times Crossword Puzzle. The word is "whereat". I will swear, on a stack of dictionaries, that I have never written, spoken, or seen the word "whereat" in print, and because it is unfamiliar, I looked for a dictionary definition.
The word "whereat" means "at or toward which", or "in consequence of which".
I am familiar with the words "where" and "at". Often, I hear the question, "Where you at?", and it makes me cringe in grammar horror. Or, sometimes I hear another abhorrent favorite, "Where did you go to school at?"
So, the next time a well-meaning, but language challenged person asks me "Where you at?" , whereat I will consider making the reply, "I am right here, with my imaginary red pencil, correcting your terrible grammar."

Dear Lord. I am working at Self-Control. Really I am. But, I find it so hard to hold my tongue. Remind me who I am and whose I am.

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