Wednesday, January 23, 2019

10 K

Walking is a great form of exercise. We have quite a few residents who walk, regularly, in order to keep strong and agile. Some of them wear "fit bits" and others use various devices to keep track of their steps and/or distance traveled.
I do not walk for exercise, because, my job takes me in all directions, in and out of the building, all day long. Yesterday, however, I got in a little "run".
Mr. Pick-Up Man came to the front desk to make an equipment return. He was asked, by our receptionist to please go to the side door for the pick-up. The receptionist then asked me to accompany him up to the apartment. By the time I reached the apartment, the young man, had run up the four flights of stairs (I took the elevator), dashed down the hall, checked out the interior of the apartment, and disappeared.
Dismayed, I left the apartment and finally found him in a near-by common area....on his phone. He took one look at me and started off down the hall at such a rapid pace that, in order to keep him in sight, I had to trot!
Down the hall and down the stairs we went, floor after floor. The young man looking younger by the minute, and on his phone the whole time.....the old lady, with very short legs, chasing behind. At the bottom of the stairs, I yelled....YOU NEED TO STOP!!!!!
He did, Praise the Lord! We concluded our business rather briefly. (Neither of us were in the best of moods.) Then, he got back in his truck, and I went back to my my post.
There is no moral to this story. No rhyme or reason. But, it will not happen again. The next time I am asked to "follow that man", I will run very fast and employ a full body slam, before anyone even gets to a stairwell!

Dear Lord. None of us are getting any younger. Hopefully, we still have time to get wiser. Lead us, teach us, guide us. Grant us patience and peace.

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