Sunday, March 31, 2019

Never Again!

Have you heard of the movie, "Snakes on a Plane"?  Well, just the thought of even one snake bothers me, so I try my hardest not to think about them. I've seen "Raiders of the Lost Ark" with Harrison Ford dropping into a room, completely filled with asps. Frightening for sure. Elizabeth Taylor, in "Cleopatra", died with one in hand. Seeing snakes, on the big screen, is as close to a snake as I ever want to get to something slithering along. In my humble opinion, the only good snake is a dead snake.
Snakes belong out in the wild. And, I know, rationally, that they are part of the world's food chain, Snakes control the population of their prey. I also realize that some people keep snakes as pets. But I have a hard time wrapping (insert laughter) my mind around anyone actually liking snakes. Most sensible people avoid snakes, if they possibly can.
Well, I have found out, for sure, that snakes are not appreciated by senior citizens.
This week, one of our residents proudly brought her daughter's pet python, to my desk. Our resident was showing the snake off to the staff and other residents. The python was just visiting.
Now, as far as pythons go, it was smallish, but it looked pretty big to me! So, after the three of us (resident, snake and me) had our encounter, I began to wonder about the reaction of the other residents, to their reptilian visitor. Checking our the Dining Room, the unusual silence among the diners, was astonishing. It  led me to assume that the snake and its handler had made an appearance, mid-lunchtime.
Oh, yes. Each and every stunned diner had seen the snake, and had a story to tell.
The heck with "Snakes on a Plane" We had a snake in our Dining Room!
We all survived. End of chapter.

Oh Lord. We are blessed. Our lives are full of experiences to treasure and enjoy. Your creations amaze us.We honor Your Holy Name.

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