Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Doris and Rock

Pillow Talk! Have you succumbed to the decorative pillow craze? You know the one. Everyone is doing it. It can best be described as................ pillows, pillows everywhere and not a place to sleep or sit!
We have 8 pillows on our Queen Sized bed. We each sleep with one, so there are 6 extra. On the guest bedroom bed, there are 6, also. It's always a hassle trying to locate an out of the way place to store all of those lovely, pretty pillows, when we sleep. No one wants to fall over a pillow, in the middle of the night.
Our couch has 4 little pillows, plus the  two giant ones, that sit on each end. That's a total of six, unless a special holiday is near. Because, I have numerous holiday pillows (Christmas, Fall, Valentine's Day, and July 4th).  After all, I feel like it's my duty to celebrate every holiday with the appropriate decor.
It is almost a full time job, managing my pillow stash.
Two of the four chairs, in my living room, have extra pillows. They have cute "sayings" on them, which praise good friends and glorify grandchildren. The grandchildren, by the way, enjoy throwing those same pillows!
My home pillow problem is probably much like yours. And, it's not only homes. Hotels are pillow crazy, too. There is even less room in a tiny hotel room to stack a six-pack of decorative pillows. Where can you put them? Our last hotel stay became a slalom course, after the lights went out!
So, every night here at home, I continue to rearrange and stack those 6 extra pillows. Furthermore, I imagine that I will continue to do it until the style changes or I break a leg. Wish me luck.

Oh Lord. We are such a goofy species. Our everyday actions make very little sense. Show us how to not only improve our lives, but turn our inward thoughts toward the lives of others. These things we pray in Your Holy Name.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hobby Lobby is having a pillow sale this week. Check it out!

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...