Friday, December 28, 2018

Words of Wisdom

More often than not, life throws us a curve ball. We aren't expecting certain events and even if we are, we're never ready for them. Such is the case with my longtime friend, Beverly. Quite unexpectedly, her husband, of many years, died. And, for several months now, folks have been remarking that Beverly is "doing so well."  And, they keep telling her that she is so strong!
Now, one of the reasons why Beverly and I have been friends for such a long time, is that we are both avid readers and we love words.
Words are helping Beverly cope with what life has recently dealt her. She has told me that she thinks about and prays about the following words.... Strength, Courage, Gratitude, Acts of Kindness, and of course, Patience.
There you go folks. You can't get any better than that. Those words summarize the best kind of life, lived to its greatest and fullest.

Thank you Lord, for the treasure of friendship and words. In the middle of our sorrows and trials, we look for You, and You are there, giving us strength, courage, gratitude, and patience. Show us how to express simple acts of kindness to our fellow travelers. We praise your Holy Name.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

A Little Flakey

My gift to the residents this year was a "Nancy-crafted" crocheted snowflake. Along with the snowflake, we added an original, collaborative poem.


Snowflakes have many facets, all of us do.
Mostly we look similar, but there are differences, too.
As we fall from the sky and tumble t’ward ground,
Our swirling and spiraling, shapes us, we’ve found.
The paths that we travel, make people unique.
All we encounter affects our mystique.
Each face is special, shaped by joy and strife,
These flakes remind us, of the blessings of life.

                                                 Nancy and Scott Kincaid

I think the residents liked them, because the verbal "thank yous" have been numerous. Several folks noted that it must have taken me a long time to do the crocheting. I replied that it did, but the hours spent were a labor of love. Each flake was unique, just as each of our residents are one-of-a kind.
Three residents offered to help me deliver the little items, to the apartments. Accepting their offer was another way to share in the joy of gift giving. 
I am blessed.                      

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Happy New Year

None of the following is original. I found the words in a catalog of some sort. Only if you are a hermit and live in a cave without a postal address, would you not know, that December, is the month for catalog inundation. I love catalogs and all the neat stuff for sale in them. However, rarely do I indulge in purchasing anything from catalogs (I am a retail, brick and mortar-type shopper). But, I do enjoy looking!
Quite a few people shop exclusively by catalog. Judging by the number of packages that I have handled in our mail room, over the last few weeks, we should have invested in UPS or Fed X, years ago! Catalog and on-line shopping, is very 21st Century.
So, we are at year's end. Time to sing "Auld Lang Syne", and toast the new year. 2018 is about to give way to 2019. All in all, it has been a pretty darn good year. 
Time to say so long, see you next year...........................or, how about using............."In an Hour, Sunflower...........Maybe two, Kangaroo....................Gotta go, Buffalo......................Better Swish, Jellyfish.........or finally..............Bye, Bye, Butterfly!

Prospero ano y felicidad.

Gracious God. We have been trying to do our best for you, for the past year. WE know that we have a lot more to do. We thank you for our many blessings. We believe, in our hearts that next year will be even better.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Blogger Beatitudes

The world becomes a different place, when you take time to count your blessings. People who look at the bright side of life, instead of on the dark side, are truly a blessing to everyone they meet.
I have written before, about the importance of regular mail delivery at my work. Seniors live and breathe their mail! All day long, residents ask me, "Has the mail been delivered?" And, they are clearly disappointed and often times disgruntled, that it has not yet arrived. And when, and this is rare, the postal person delivers before 10 a.m., I get complaints that the mail has come too early!

                      "Blessed are those who appreciate any mail, whenever it comes."

Lots of comments about our planned activities and events, are expressed, with great passion, to me. Many residents come to my desk and complain that there are way too many activities and they can't choose which ones to attend and which to ignore. Other folks say that they don't have enough to do. They want more activities. It seems that no one is satisfied.

                             "Blessed are those who can find joy in being alive."

Then, there are the constant comments about the weather and the temperature of various rooms and apartments. If you have three women in the same room, one will be cold, another will be freezing, and the third will be just right!

    "Blessed are those who can adapt to the  changing weather with joy."

And, last but not least are the complaints about the food. Taste in food is individual and that's why we have a full menu of choices. But, that doesn't matter. From the comments that reach me, no one likes anything we put on the table. (I once had a two year old who felt that way!) However, everything I have eaten in our beautiful dining room, has been quite tasty. Truly, if I do not have to buy, prepare and serve a meal, I always enjoy it.

                        "Blessed are the hungry, because they aren't so darn picky."

Dear Lord. You have given us so many blessings. We don't focus on them nearly enough. Our lives are bounty filled and our fortunes are many. We give thanks.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Old Favorites

If you've been following my "Nansense" Blog, you should be aware that my all-time, favorite Christmas Song is "Here Comes Santa Claus!"
Gene Autry, "The Christmas Cowboy", wrote the song in 1947. He was inspired to write the lyrics after riding his horse in the annual Santa Claus Lane Parade. All the children lining the parade route were yelling and pointing, "Here comes Santa Claus". They were looking past Autry, the celebrity, watching for Santa Claus!
Here are the lyrics;  (Gene sang....Santie Claus.) It's truly a beautiful prayer for Christmas.

               "Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus.
                 Right down Santa Claus Lane.
                 Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer,
                 Pulling on the reins.
                 Bells are ringing, children singing
                 All is merry and bright.
                 So hang your stockings and say your prayers,
                'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight.

                Here come Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus
                Right down Santa Claus Lane.
                He's got a bag that's filled with toys for boys and girls again.
                Hear those sleigh bells jingle, jangle.
                Oh, what a beautiful sight.
                So jump in bed, cover up your head,
                'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight.

                Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus
                Right down Santa Claus Lane.
                He doesn't care if you're rich or poor,
                He loves you just the same.
                Santa Claus knows we're all God's Children
                That makes everything right.
                So fill your hearts with Christmas Joy,
                'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight.

                 Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus
                 Right down Santa Claus Lane.
                 He'll come around when chimes ring out
                 That it's Christmas Morn again.
                 Peace and Earth will come to all
                 If we just follow The Light.
                 So let's give thanks to the Lord above,
                 'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight.
Autry was born, Orvon Grover "Gene"Autry. He appeared in 93 films, made numerous radio and TV appearances and recorded dozens of songs. One of his other Christmas Hits was "Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer." "Rudolph" was recorded and released in 1949. But, now here's a fun bit of Trivia, it was still #1 on January 1st. So, Autry had the first number one record of the 50's.
"Rudolph" was followed by another hit, "Frosty, the Snowman."

Sunday, November 25, 2018

"Ohhhh, sweet nothings."

I believe I have always heard voices in my head. Most of us do, perhaps. But, yesterday, a small voice, close to my ear, reminded me that my battery was low.
The voice was so soft, that I was confused for a moment or two. Yes, I was tired. My morning started around 2 a.m., because I just couldn't sleep. Thinking that it was such a waste to lie in bed and try to get back to sleep, I got up and started putting away the pumpkins and turkeys and proceeded to haul out some Christmas stuff. So, I reasoned that my physical battery was low.
However, I soon discovered that the little voice was coming from my new hearing aids. The left one to be exact. It seems that, not only was I tired, so was my hearing aid.
So, I maneuvered my first equipment change of the new hardware. It was a piece of cake. I'll be an expert in no time.
The world of the hearing is a great change. (Or and, I just heard from the sister of Left-Blue. Right-Red reminded me that my battery is low!)

Dear Lord, We all need to listen more carefully. We all talk to much and love to hear ourselves rattle on and on. Remind us to spend some time on reflection. Reflection and Prayer.

Friday, November 23, 2018

To dump or not to dump. That is the question.

Our community has curbside recycling. Once a week, the truck comes by our home and our blue plastic bins are emptied into the collection truck. Used papers, boxes, cans and plastics are driven away to the big recycling center, somewhere. The empty plastic bins are set down for us to return them to our homes and fill them up again.
Recycling has become a ritual, in our city, and judging from the number of bins placed at the curbs, most folks in town are participating.
However, I have noticed that all of those plastic bins are appearing a little worse for the wear. Every one that I have seen is being held together by duct tape. One of these days, all of those plastic bins are going to fall apart. They will all become unusable. We will be forced to throw away all of our blue plastic boxes. Each household has one or two plastic bins and think about that being multiplied by over 50,000 homes. Egad! That is a lot of used plastic.
My question is.......Will the amount of waste, created by those broken bins, outweigh all of the recycled material we have put in them, over the past 8-10 years? Maybe and maybe not?
Would we have been better off throwing the recyclables into the trash and not having all of those bins created and sold.....and soon filling the land fill?
I don't know, but I am thinking about the issue. The answer will probably never be made known.  Powers at City Hall would not eagerly tell a whole city that, due to recycling, we environmentalists  might have made the trash problem even worse.

Dear Lord. We are questioners by design. We are "doubting Thomasinas". Show me how to work on my Faith, in all aspects of my life. I want to "walk by Faith."

Sunday, November 18, 2018

New Ears #2

Several days have now past, since I started using my new hearing aids.
Yesterday, Saturday, my normal day to go shopping, was another "ear" opener. Who knew that driving was so loud? On my way home from an outstandingly unproductive trip to WalMart, I suddenly became extremely uncomfortable. It was so cold in my normally toasty old car! Then, I remembered that I had turned off the heater, earlier in the trip. Well, that darned heater, and the engine and the turn signal, and the traffic had all been so loud, something had to be turned off! I went for the safest thing.
This morning, I realized that enhanced hearing needs fine tuning. In my kitchen, bells and whistles are always going off. The microwave, the coffee pot, the over timer, etc., all make noise. And, this is the first time I have heard many of them. And in the process, I now realize, that my ability, to figure out out from where the noise it originating, is lacking.  Today the coffee pot buzzer seemed to be coming from above my head and I swear the microwave signal was coming from the living room!
However, this whole new experience is getting easier day by day.
I think I will soon miss the daily surprises coming through my new ears.

I am blessed. Life is a wonderful and awesome journey. Thank you, Lord, for being my Guide and Leader.

Friday, November 16, 2018

New Ears

(This will be the first of several posts about my new hearing aids.)

Day One:
Life is Loud! And, I had no idea it was. Over the past few years, I have been noticing that my ability to hear clearly and distinctly has been diminishing. So today, is my first day with hearing aids.
Were you aware that hearing aids come encased in metallic colored cases? I'm a Kansas University Fan, so I decided to have my right aid fashioned in metallic red and my left one in metallic blue. If I had, God Forbid, been a Missouri Fan, I could have had gold and black. All the colors of the rainbow were available.
Anyway, in less than 24 hours, I have discovered that my car's turn signals actually make clicking noises. I was flabbergasted while, when typing, I heard the sound of the keys on the keyboard, for the first time. When the housekeeper ran the vacuum around my desk, I nearly fainted from the roar.
Life is so loud.
But I will adjust. I now know that I have been missing a lot of life, and I will adjust to this new "hearing" world.

Dear Lord. I am blessed. My life has been good, but it is going to be better. Thank you for watching over me and my family.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


We've all heard and read the stories of elderly folks going out in sub-zero weather, getting lost and freezing or nearly freezing to death. Just the thought of such a thing happening horrifies all of us.
Well, at about 5:45 this morning, those thoughts were racing through my brain!
I had the best of intentions, this morning. I woke up a little early and as per my usual custom, ventured out into the driveway to pick up the morning paper. We are having unusually cold weather, for November, so thankfully I was dressed for my brief outing. I had remembered to wear my long robe and SHOES, for a change.
Well, as long as I am out, I reasoned, I will take our trash, and deposit it on the curb (we keep it in the garage). After completing those tasks, thoroughly chilled to the bone, I closed the garage door and attempted to open the kitchen door. Locked, I discovered.
What to do? Knowing that my spouse is asleep at the far end of the house, my only alternative to freezing is to go back outside and try the front doorbell. Maybe, he will hear it, get up, grab his walker and shuffle to the door.
On the third ring, he opened the door. I thanked him profusely, and asked If he knew it was me, at the door. Of course, he replied.
Well, we have been married 52 years. I guess he knows me awfully well.

Dear Lord. Thank you for being my guardian and protector. Thank you for blessing me with folks who care about me. Show me how to care for others.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Thanks Giving

In a current TV commercial for something (I can't recall just what the product is), an actor makes a statement, something like "our Thanksgivings used to be small" and immediately a mob of folks, presumably family, rings his doorbell. Then the same actor makes a follow-up comment about how times change.
Change is a fact of life. In reality, the only constant in life is change!
I remember thinking that the babies were never going to get out of diapers, and then that the afternoons and evenings watching little league baseball and soccer were never going to end, and on and on. Now, I wish I had taken the time to really enjoy all of those rites of passage, instead of wondering how and when we could move on.
Now, we have nine grandchildren. We certainly have many blessings for which we are so thankful. If I had one gift to give to all the teenagers and young parents of today, it would be to enjoy the journey.  We will never have enough time to experience all of life's joys and sorrows, but take time to enjoy the people and events of your life. No one knows just when we will reach our final destination.

Lord, I am thankful for the life I lead. Life is not a bed of roses but it isn't a mattress of prickly pear cacti. It's a journey and we are blessed to be on the road. We are all fellow travelers.
Guide us and show us every opportunity to share our blessings.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

"Oops, I did it again."

I really need to work on my Patience Portfolio. Just what is a Patience Portfolio, you might ask? Well, a Patience Portfolio is what I call my stockpile of "wait-awhile-before-you-spout-off answers".
For instance, my number one question EVERY day is, "Is the mail in, yet?" This question is first asked around 8:05 a.m. I clock in at 8:00 a.m., so I am tempted to reply, "Lady/sir, how would I know? I haven't had time to read the sign posted, on YOUR mail room door. I just got here!" Or, my other answer could be, "The mail never comes before 10:00 a.m. Have you looked at the clock?"
But, most of the time, I just reach into my Patience Portfolio and calmly reply, " No. It isn't here, yet."
My Patience Portfolio also contains other stock answers like, "Let's look at the Activity Sheet, for the Bingo Time", or "Yes, we do have several Public Restrooms, and they are located....." What I really want to say, "Have you consulted the Activity Sheet, which lists daily times, whereabouts and costs, for every single activity for every day of the week, every week, and has done so for the past five years???!", or "No, this is a private residence and we don't allow anyone to go to the bathroom here. We require the public to either hold it, or go back home to their own bathroom."
My Patience Portfolio is large and I use it daily, but it still needs work. Occasionally, I let slip with a few moderately snide remarks. When a lady comes up to my desk, in the dead of winter, dressed in a thin sleeveless top, and dares to complain that she is cold, I have been known to suggest that she return to her 85 degree apartment or put on a sweater when she comes to the lobby. Rude, I know, and I really do try to apologize for the slip, afterward.
So, allow me to beg for forgiveness in advance. Sometimes the impatience just falls out of my mouth, and in spite of my Patience Portfolio, I am powerless to stop it!

Lord. Please help me to watch my mouth. Lead me to use kindness and care in my speech. Remind me that patience is a virtue.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Hold my hand, please.

I was given a list of Bible Verses, recently, and as I read them, I came across one particular verse that touched my heart.
                                  Psalm 46:10. "Be still, and know that I am God."

Is that me, or what? I have always had a problem keeping still and quiet. My mouth is always going a mile a minute. Truly, when am I ever quiet enough to hear what God is telling me to do? Does this ring a bell with you? If you have ever worked with the public, or been in a space where two or more are gathered, you know what I am talking about. Many of us have this problem.
In my youth, there was a slogan that we all had to learn, that was a promotional message for pedestrian traffic. I'm sure you will remember the words. Stop, Look and Listen. Those words were once taught to every school aged child.
Well, those words should apply to almost everything in life. Just think of all the situations where heeding those words would have been helpful. Just Stop talking. Look around and try to understand the situation. Finally, Listen to what God is telling us to do and say. Then and only then, should we jump into the fray.

Oh Lord. Watch over all of us. We do impulsive things, and we often regret them. Remind us that life is just one everlasting crosswalk!  Amen.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

"Consider the lilies of the field........."

Have you ever been told not to worry? Of course you have. All of us know that worry doesn't do a bit of good. Worrying doesn't change the outcome of anything....ever. So why do we continue to do it?
Many folks choose to move to a Retirement Community, to reduce the number of things that they have to worry about. No more utility bills. No more interior or exterior items to buy, repair or maintain. Their apartments are cleaned by our staff. We run bus shuttles everywhere to everything. Many of our residents have sold their cars. Therefore, no more insurance bills, oil changes, gasoline station runs or car payments. No worrying about hail damage or stolen vehicles. When they fall, and falls are plentiful, we are there to pick them up. We love them and we take good care of them.
But, they continue to worry. It's so hard to stop worrying. I seriously believe that we must love to worry.
Every day, I remind people not to worry. Don't worry about the weather. Don't worry about money. Don't worry about your memory, or lack of.
We are in charge of so little. Do what you can do, just don't bother to worry. Let it all go.
Let go and let God!

Holy Lord: I want to turn all of my worry over to you. Show me how. I must Trust and Obey.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Pinch me!

There is a program on TV tonight entitled "Ancient Invisible Cities". My husband asked me, "
what kind of show would that be?" Very good question.
Back when you had to actually get up and physically change the channels on a television set and all three channels were free, programming was simple and easy. These days, besides having to pay for programs and advertising, we have to decide what's real and what's not.
Reality TV is all the rage. But, only a very simple person would actually buy into the REALness of reality TV. Take the show called Naked and Alone, or something like that. If he's alone, who is taking the pictures? How real, or true to life, is anything or anyone when a camera crew is watching everything?
Home make-over and home-buying shows are another issue. Just how "real" are they? Those couples are always asking for two sinks per bathroom! Who really wants to be in the same bathroom with someone else is doing his or her business? Bathroom fixture sales must be soaring!
News isn't really news. Most of that is fake, according to unnamed sources.
I don't know what to believe, anymore............

Dear God. You are real. My faith in You is real. Your steadfast love endures forever.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

It's Just A Number

I'm having another birthday. It's no big deal. Fact is, that birthdays occur once a year, whether we choose to count them or not.  And, most of the folks I encounter on workdays are very proud to tell you how old they are. It's a number.
Did you ever stop to consider the list of numbers that we need to know and use every day? One is your Social Security Number (everyone has one...a nine digit number). Until recently, your SSN was also your Medicare number. Now, thanks to the wisdom of our government, all seniors will have another number to remember, as our Medicare numbers will change.
Then, there are telephone numbers. Most everyone, these days, has a phone that will automatically dial a number associated with a name, which was previously entered into the memory of the phone. But, we still have to remember our own phone numbers! Yikes!
How about your house or apartment number, zip code, or employee number from work? If you have certain medical issues you might need to keep a mental record of your blood sugar count or your blood pressure (one number over the other), or the numbers of your good cholesterol and your bad cholesterol (which is which). More numbers! Then, when you are still reeling from trying to remember those numbers, the same nurse will ask you when you had your last latest tetanus shot or took your last birth control pill.  More numbers!
License plate numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, tax numbers, number at the DMV counter, etc. I could never list all of the numbers we must know.
After all, they are just numbers.

Dear Lord. You are number one. You always have been. All of the other numbers are just temporary.
Remind us to put You first in our lives.

Friday, September 7, 2018

The Cup 1/2 Full

The oldest resident, in our facility, has a sign on her door that reads "Old Age Isn't for Sissies". She is slightly over 100 years old, so there are very few folks who have the longevity of knowledge to argue with her. But, she always has something to show me, on her I-Pad (which she maneuvers like a Genius). She's a marvel.
One of the joys, and there are many, of working in a retirement community, is getting to know the residents and their families. Each and every day, I get a lesson in how to grow older gracefully and how to appreciate relationships with seniors.
A second floor woman (age mid-nineties) and her daughter are my "giggle girls". They are the original Party Hearty duo. Together they visit the hair salon, at least once a week....but, I think it may actually be more. They go out and get a Mani-Pedi, weekly. Shopping is their favorite pastime,  and from all indications, they love every minute of their time together. Just seeing them having so much fun, makes my day!
Then, there is another nonagenarian who hops on the activity bus each and every time we use it. He will go anywhere at any time. His favorite saying is "I love to get out of Dodge." And, the great thing is that he will then immediately say, "Because, I love coming back home." Isn't that just great?
The other day I used the term "elderly" and a resident said that she preferred senior. "We are just about to graduate, of course". What a wonderful term!
I could go on and on about the wonders of our residents. Of course, there are a few consistent complainers, but they are in the minority.
I am so blessed.

Great God. Thank you for my many blessings. Continue to hold me in the palm of your hand.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Good Morning, this is Nancy. How may I help you?

How many languages do you speak? If you are like most Americans, you "had" to take a foreign language at some point in your academic history. I took two years of French in high school, and one semester of college level French. Unfortunately, I speak French like a two year old.....a word here and a word there. I am never going to improve my second language  skills.
As time passes, however, I truly believe that more and more Americans are unable to properly speak their first language......English.
I have several colleagues who answer the phone by simply saying, "Hey." That, in my opinion, is rude. So, when I hear, "Hey." I don't reply. I wait for them to make another choice of greeting. I realize that I risk the chance of hearing something even more rude or flip, but that is the choice I make. Hay belongs in a field, but if you are reading this already know that!
A few of my superiors have chided me when I have expressed my concerns about the use of proper English. They say proper English is old-fashioned, and nobody cares a hoot about grammar, anymore. I'm going on record as believing that people do care how they are addressed. And, those people speaking should want to appear as intelligent and as smart as they would like to be perceived.
So, if someone should axe me, "Like, uh, uh, like where did you go to school at?" Please, do not expect a response.

Holy Lord: I am thankful for all of the wonderful teachers who cared about me and all of their students. I appreciate my many blessings. Remind me to keep trying to improve Your world. Also, give me the patience, to retain a sense of humility.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

"Brown paper packages tied up with string......"

My weekends are always busy. Saturday and Sunday are my days to do the grocery shopping, run errands, take care of housework, the laundry, etc. I don't mind. It is what has to be done. And, I also save some time, just for myself.
However, there is one weekend chore that falls into both categories. It's a "must do" chore and we love doing it. These days, almost everyone with a sense of guilt or duty, recycles. Our community does curbside recycling of papers, cans, plastics and cardboard. But, if you choose to recycle your glass trash, then it's off to visit the PURPLE BINS. And boy, do we look forward to that visit.
Fortunately, we have a PURPLE BIN, standing next to our closest grocery store. It's very convenient. Every couple of Saturdays, or so, on our way to do the weekly shopping, we load boxes of bottles into the car trunk and drive to the bin. We unload the bottles and throw them two by two (double handed, 'cause we're experts) into the trailer sized bin.
They go BANG, CRASH and POP! Glass spatters inside the bin. It's noisy and fun. The harder you throw, the louder the blast and all of the week's stress and tension just crashes away to nothing!
Good cheap fun and exercise, with a purpose!

Dear Lord and Savior. We try to care of Your planet, but most of the time we are not very good stewards of Your gifts. And, we struggle taking care of our own lives. Guide us on this journey.We need You.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Betsy Ross I'm Not!

Let me preface this post by admitting to every reader this undeniable truth..."For the last 30 or so years, I have used my Singer Sewing machine cabinet for a bedside table." I have not opened that sewing machine, for at least the last twenty years. Okay, exaggerating a little bit. I have used it sew up a couple of ripped pant seams.
Well, this weekend, I sewed. I made a costume, or at least I attempted to create a wearable costume. A group, of which I am a member, frequently wears Regency Costumes. I haven't ever worn one, but I thought it might be appropriate for a particular meeting we are having, next month.
I bought the material, bought a pattern (who knew the price of patterns, like everything else, has quadrupled???), thread, buttons and proceeded to make use of my 1960's era Singer.
A plan was in place. Stored away, in one of my decorative trunks, were a couple of old curtain panels which would, I reckoned, would make a good beginner costume. They did, but due to the fact that Regency Costumes are for flat chested, skinny babes, a few minor adjustments needed to be made. Okay, major adjustments. Empire waistlines were not intended to be worn by old ladies, who wear DD cup bras! What was I thinking?????
It's almost finished. The dress has gussets, seams and added panels that only an experienced seamstress could add. Sewing, it turns out, is like riding a bicycle. You never really forget how to do it. I added a little lace here and a bow there. It will look good, maybe. Anyway, who knows what folks really wore in the late 1780's.

Dear God, we think we can do anything. But, we can't do those anythings without your help. Your steadfast love endures forever. You are my Fortress and my Shield.

Friday, August 17, 2018

"East Side, West Side, all around the Town."

There is concrete (I love a good pun) evidence, that sidewalks were actually built in ancient times. Both Greek and Roman Civilizations incorporated roadside pedestrian footpaths in their city planning. According to author, Loukaitou-Sideris, the Romans called these walkways "semita".
Then, unfortunately, sidewalks disappeared. (Enter the Middle Ages, plagues, sewage in the street, etc.)
After the Great Fire of London, in 1666, sidewalks started re-appearing. But, they didn't really regain popularity until the rebuilding of Paris, more than a century later.
Closer to home, I.H.C. Royce observed that in 1865, only three blocks of sidewalks existed in the whole of Kansas City.
But, by the late nineteenth century, sidewalks were a common feature in most major cities, worldwide.
Why then, do the runners, walkers, baby-stroller pushers and overweight grandpas continue to saunter down the MIDDLE of my neighborhood streets?
Most of the streets in our area have really nice paved sidewalks. In fact, Kansas City passed a major......$700 million dollar bond improve sidewalks, just a little over a year ago. Apparently, it has been money misspent!
Get out of my way, folks. Get out of the street and onto those multi-million dollar sidewalks, that you and I have paid for. You are a danger to others and to yourselves.
I am a senior citizen. I am told daily that I cannot see, cannot hear, cannot drive, and cannot move. like young folks. For the safety of all you careless youngsters out there......get up on the sidewalk and save your life...for now, I'm the Queen of the Road!

Dear Lord. I know that you love us unconditionally. We sometimes do foolish things. Watch over us and protect us from ourselves. We praise your Holy Name.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


I have been hacked by the Russians. I don't know when, why or how, but I am declaring that I have definitely been hacked.
You are aware, of course, that these days you can get lots of attention, by saying you've been hacked, accusing other folks of being hacked, or by just mentioning the word hacked? Hacking is very cool.
So, listen up. I have been hacked.
Who knows what the Russians were looking for? I am not a crook (that sounds familiar) or a spy. Perhaps the Russians are targeting grandmas in their seventies. Maybe they are interested in knowing the thoughts and concerns of aging Americans? Who knows? But, I've been hacked!
I am sticking to my story. Bring on the reporters and the cameras. Tweet about me and put my photo on the nightly news. Send over the Justice Department and the CIA, because I am ready to take full advantage of the publicity. Too bad that I'm not running for re-election, or being hacked might cause me to win by a landslide.
Okay, "I misspoke." The whole story is a fabrication. I have FOMO. That's the Fear Of Missing Out.
I think it may be a legitimate medical condition, and if it's not, I am making it one.

Good and all-knowing God, Why do we have so much trouble accepting the gifts and graces You have given us? Why do we want more? Why do we crave attention? We should be more thankful, more trusting and more obedient than we are. Dear Lord, lying is not what you want us to do.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

There was a farmer had a dog and ........

You're just too serious, folks. Laugh a little more, or at least smile about something. Life is way too short for perpetual grumps, worrying and nay-sayers.
We've been having a bit of trouble with the Bingo players, at work. According to reports made by the staff, there have been incidents of bullying, name calling and a bit of pushing and shoving. Behavior similar to that which you would expect from ill-behaved 8 year olds. And likewise, the players themselves are complaining that the staff  isn't "fair" and they change the rules "all the time."
Well, I'm not allowed to help with Bingo, so I have no say in the matter. Several years ago, I was the designated "caller" at the daily Bingo games. It was such an unpleasant experience that I threatened to "slit my throat in front of the gamers," if I were asked to continue as caller!
I've mellowed a bit, due to forced disassociation with the game, but I would (if they would let me) tell both groups to chill out! Relax. It's a game. There is no "fight to the death" in Bingo. The stakes are only a quarter a card. Fortunes will not be won or lost here.
If playing the game is so upsetting, don't play and go find something else to do. If you like playing, then go ahead and play, but remember it is just a game. Life is full of good sports and bad sports, rule followers and rule breakers. Relax.
Maybe, just maybe, Bingo is a metaphor for life. We are here for such a short time. Enjoy it!

Dear Lord. You never promised us a BINGO. You have promised us your everlasting love and support. We can't win at everything in life. Grant us mercy and the strength to do your will.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Let it!

I am going to paint my kitchen yellow. I don't think it is the current DIY trend. Never the less, I am going with yellow.
Recently, I expounded on redecorating my kitchen. I had just started to strip the old wall paper,
and promptly had three set of guests and an out-of-town trip or two, before I could actually finish my project.
Well, I am finally back at the redo! Here's why I decided on yellow. Yellow is mellow, and it will blend with my blue and white antique dishes. I already have three entire sets of dishes, besides the blue and white ones, and at my age, I don't need to buy another set. I have too many dishes as it is.
In case the mature among you don't realize it yet, your children do not want your stuff! They do not want your china. They do not want your sterling silver, and for Pete's sake, they do not want your books.
I know this, because, I am asked nearly every week, by lovely, cultured, new residents, " Do your want my books? I have wonderful books. Best sellers, every one. My kids don't want them."
200 + residents. 200 +, collections of books.
No one can bring themselves to throw away books. But, we will take them. We will attempt to find a place for therm. Our library is full to the brim, but there are places (and we know where they are) that will accept book donations.
Maybe, just maybe, in the next decade, or so, I can make good use of my  old blue and white dishes. Some will break, others will be lost. But, I am not leaving them to my kids.

Dear Lord. You must see the humor in your children's folly. We collect. We can't take it with us. Our stuff means nothing to anyone but us. Help us to let it go. Your arms are our final destination.We praise Your Holy Name.

Monday, July 16, 2018


My hometown is famous for several things, but mostly it is famous for its dueling chicken restaurants. Chicken Annie's and Chicken Mary's, the two rival establishments, sit, side by side and have done so, since the nineteen thirties.
The actual structures, of the two competitors, have changed drastically over the years.
I can first remember going to "Chicken Annie's" in the late nineteen forties. Dad went in and got our name on a list, and we all waited in the four door Kaiser, until our name was announced on a single loud speaker, (it resembled a horn) that was hung by a nail, on a tree, in the back yard. The food was served, in both places, from their homes.
In those days, my order was always the "fifty-cent dark meat", which consisted of a leg, thigh, slaw and German potato salad. My drink of choice was Grape Nehi. My sister always ordered white meat and Orange Nehi. Our folks meals, larger servings than ours, were priced at one dollar a person.
Upon our last visit to "Chicken Mary's", we noted that the basic batter coating, on the deep fried chicken, hasn't changed one bit in 70 years. There were other options for the sides, but slaw and German potato salad were still on the menu. At least a hundred folks were in the dining room when we arrived and the scurrying movements of the wait staff made our heads spin. The prices, believe it or not, begin at only a dollar. We enjoyed our meal, didn't break our budget and waddled out to our car, in a paved parking lot!
Fried chicken has been and will always spite of the obvious health issues of grease, grease and more grease......a draw for the American masses.

Great and all knowing God. We are thankful for our many memories. We are grateful for our current experiences. We believe that you are with us in the good times and through the rough times. We honor Your Holy Name.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

No Other Way........

There is a limit to my abilities. My common sense tells me, there is a limit. But, my crazy, impulsive self always tells me otherwise.
About two months ago, I decided to revamp my kitchen. My grandiose plan, it seemed pretty simple at the time, was to strip off all of the decades old wallpaper and to repaint the walls and the cabinets. Well, no sooner did the first strips of wallpaper come off, the phone started ringing.
Our daughter announced a surprise, two weekend visit. We were thrilled to have her, but that slowed down my DYI remodel. I didn't get a thing done while she was here, but we sure did have a lot of fun! I got back to work, right after she left.
Next, our son called from New Jersey. They have planned a road trip to Kansas City, in August. That's great because we get to see out latest grandson, for the first time, and of course the rest of the family. (I knew that I had to get busy, fast.)
However, relatives from California are coming for a few days, next week, and we are scheduled to make a quick weekend trip, to Oklahoma, this weekend.
My kitchen looks like a war zone. The walls are stripped naked and dotted with wall patch. The curtains are down and the wall switch plates are gone. I'm in the middle of a big mess.
I have to let this one go. I'll clean the floors and make things as presentable as possible and just tell my company that my kitchen is a work in progress.
Instead of BoHo Chic, the Kincaids have OhOh Chic!

Sweet Jesus, How do we get ourselves into such trouble? Why can't we realize our limits? Your Wisdom is so great and you guidance is available to all of us. Help us to listen to Your Words and Your Will. Help us to "Trust and Obey."

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Conversational English

Conversation #1.
  One morning, I encountered a woman sitting in a wheelchair, awaiting her turn in the hair salon. She looked and acted as if she were quite cold. I took her hands, in mine, and she remarked, "Your hands are so warm!" "Oh," I replied. "Let me hold your hands, in mine, for a bit. Are you chilly?"
She replied, with a big grin, "No, I'm Jackie!"
Conversation #2.
  The woman asked, "Do you have Peroxide, in the convenience store?"
"Well," I replied, "let me check for you, ma'am. (I run in the store and check the shelves. then I return to the counter.) Yes, ma'am, we have Topical Hydrogen Peroxide."
"Tropical Peroxide? Can I put that in my mouth?"
"No, it says, topical. I wouldn't drink it. You're supposed to apply it to wounds, etc. But, the bottle does say that it can be used as a mouth rinse. Just don't swallow it!"
"Great. I have a gum problem. I'll take a bottle."
Conversation #3.
Upon discovering a woman, on the floor, I asked, probably, the dumbest question ever posed.
"Did you fall?"
Her reply was, "No, I didn't fall."
Then I responded with the 2nd dumbest quested ever asked. "Why are you on the floor?"
She said, "I don't know. I'm just sitting down here."

"Nancy," (I am known to talk to myself, quite often), "sometimes, conversations are priceless and way over the top. Sometimes, there is no rhyme or reason. I need to enjoy those moments and cherish the encounters."

God, we are so blessed. Thank you, Lord. We should be particularly thankful for the opportunities that we have to help others. Show us how to do your work.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Thirty Days Hath September........

As I age, it seems to me that time seems to fly by faster and faster. "Only six months until Christmas", announced the radio guy, on my way to work this morning. I'm thinking....what on earth happened to the first half of 2018?
So, here's what I can recall about 2018, six months into the year. Around the middle of January, I gave up on my New Year's Resolutions........ whatever they were. Then, in February we had some really cold weather. In March, St. Patrick's Day came and went. In April, I mailed a lot of IRS Tax returns. May, was pretty busy, but I can't remember anything about what happened, except a very pleasant Mother's Day.
Now here we are in late June. We've already had a pack of 100 degree days, all the summer I need, and Flag Day.
But it all went by, so fast, and before I know it we will be decorating our Christmas Trees.
And, then Happy 2019!

Great and Gracious God. Show us how to slow down and enjoy this short time that we have on this Earth. We are truly blessed.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Going Postal....again.

In the past few months, I have been faced with a new type of demand. Apparently, all delivery agents, in this fair country, have developed a new kind of phone APP, that allows folks to check on the delivery status of their on-line purchases. Well, on the surface, this seems like an excellent idea.
It's not. No, it's not. Lord Almighty, it's not!
Since this electronic light-bulb became readily accessible, my life has taken a whole new turn....for the worse! Residents, their children, their friends and even their lawyers are all demanding of me, the lowly concierge, "Where is my package?"
I look around, everywhere near the postal room. I look on my counter. I look on the counter at the main desk. I look under the counters. Often times, the package is nowhere to be found.
The residents, their children, friends and lawyers all respond, "Well, it says right here (as they menacingly wave their phones at me) the package was delivered today."
I try to explain, although they don't listen, that their APP is wrong. The package may have been delivered to the UPS, USPS, FedEx or Amazon dock, or it may be on a truck, somewhere between God only knows where, and here, but it is not here.
I am the bad guy. The phone isn't wrong, I am.
But, what do you know? In a couple of days, the package shows up. Life is good. Delivery time, like all time, is relative.

Great and all powerful Lord. Patience is a virtue, but patience is sometimes hard to come by. Teach us patience and mercy, for all of God's creatures. We know that we must wait upon the Lord, but show us how to wait on others.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Triple Crown

I grew up in a household of girls. My husband grew up with only brothers. As you can imagine, we played with different toys, as children, due to what was considered "gender appropriate", for the era.
However, one toy that both of our 50's and 60's households shared, was a simple horse racing game.
We both remember that the game was housed in a rather narrow, flat box. There was a metal "spinner" that showed which horse made a move forward. The plastic horses stayed in slots, that ran the length of the box, and each individual player got to chose which horse represented him or her. The winner, of the race, was the horse that reached the end of the box, first. We agreed that both of our families enjoyed playing that simple little game.
One thing, on which we could not agree, were the horse's names. We toyed (bad pun) around with Whirlaway, Man O'War, Citation, Gallant Fox and Native Dancer. But then we remembered Twenty Grand and Sea Biscuit, All great horses, but too many names for the little game. There were, at tops, only four or maybe five horses.
I did a bit of computer research and made an interesting discovery. The original game had a copyright date of 1938. The manufacturer was named Whitman. Over the years, various horse names were added or subtracted. So depending what year your game was made, only the most popular horses, the real life winners, were the racers.
So, maybe the two families had different versions of the game. We will never know.
Nice memories.

Good and Gracious Lord. We thank you for our long lives and for the memories we hold dear. We are so blessed. Your steadfast love endures forever.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Big Things/Small Packages

One of the cleverest Brand Names to ever hit the market, has to be that little package (Do you remember when it cost a nickel?) of flavored drink powder. As a kid, it was my drink of choice. All the moms served it and according to the advertisements, it was "a great source of Vitamin C". I loved making it.....the more sugar the better!
The Kool-Aid name was coined in 1927, by Edwin Perkins, who worked for Kraft Foods. How clever was he? Kool.....because it was served with iced and it kept us cool, and Aid, has to be a play on lemon"ade". Lemonade was such an old-fashioned drink! But, Kool-Aid, was so modern!
Best name ever! "Kool-Aid, Kool-Aid, tastes great. You'll love Kool-Aid, can't wait."
My favorite flavor was Grape. What was your favorite? I haven't had a drink of Kool-Aid, in years. Probably, since that big pitcher became the spokes-thing. However, it may be time to take a little ride to the grocery store. Time for a small package, with the big taste from the past.

Gracious God. Why can't we be more thankful for the small joys that we have in life?. We are always looking for the next big thing. Good things can be very small. Show us how to be more grateful. Slow us down and help us to enjoy the small things in life.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Try it, you'll like it!.......

My husband and I both use electric toothbrushes. The twirling, pulsating brush does a great job cleaning our teeth. Our Dental Hygienist suggested it years ago, and we began using them. We like them, a lot.
Not so much, the water-pick appliance, that we recently purchased. For a change, I read the instructions. I really did. But, the first time I tried to use it, I nearly drowned. I loaded the machine, with water, and put the appliance in my mouth, just like the instructions read, BEFORE turning it on. But, somehow, after flipping the switch, I missed the part about opening my mouth, leaning over the sink, and letting the water run out.
My mouth filled up with water. I started choking. I pulled the appliance out of my mouth and the water started spraying everywhere.
Finally, I got the thing turned off, but not before the mirror and counter were dripping wet.
Not one to be defeated, I tried it again, several days later. This time, I must have tilted it wrong, or upside down or something, because it ran out of water. The tank was still full, but no water came out. It worked on one side of my mouth, but not the other.
I'm not giving up yet. In order to effectively use this appliance, I am going to have to learn a whole new set of skills.
Success is just around the corner. You know, "Practice makes perfect".

Dear Lord. We need Your help. New experiences are a challenge. But, how blessed we are to be able to experience change. We honor your name.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Read me a story.

I'm a reader. I read nearly everything that comes my way. I read the local newspaper, daily.
('The print copy, of course. Not the digital.) The Holy Bible, ads, flyers, and magazines. Currently, I am reading an Agatha Christie novel, on my e-reader and a hard-bound non-fiction story, The Residence, about life in the White House. It is unusual for me not to have a couple of "reads" going, at the same time. And, I re-read books that I really like. I think I have read all of the Jane Austen novels, several times. My favorites are Pride and Prejudice, and Persuasion. Last year, I read Alice in Wonderland and Dickens' Christmas Carol. Great books worthy of a re-read.
My enjoyment of reading is hereditary. Some of my earliest memories are of the Carnegie Library in Pittsburg, Kansas. My mother took us there, regularly. It was probably the cheapest activity, for her two girls, that she could imagine. But, what a gift! My sister continued the practice, when she was old enough, to walk us on summer mornings, to the marvelous stone library, on Fourth Street, where we could check out lots of books and learn all kinds of great stuff.
I had a favorite aunt, who would send my sister and me wonderful books at Christmas. Okay. I liked toys and dolls and things, but the books are the items that I kept. To this day, I still read my copy of Better Homes and Garden Storybook. I can recite most of it from memory.  And, the really cool thing is, my sister sends my grand kids books, on special occasions. Hereditary!!
Reading is a wonderful pastime. It can continue even after your eyesight is gone. I am acquainted with numerous folks who listen to audio books, on a regular basis.
I believe that readers are dreamers. It doesn't matter how old you become. Read on dreamers, read on.

Gracious God, We thank you for the gift of language. Thank you for teachers. Thank you for parents and siblings who care. We are truly blessed, in so many ways. You are good.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

A Tisket a Tasket...a Bloody, Bloody Basket.

Now, I'm a city girl....but, not always. I grew up in a small mid-western town, where we did small town things. Today, I happened to ask a fellow employee, a native of Russia, whether she had ever killed a chicken. It's a long story about how we actually got to the point of discussing killing chickens, but just let me tell you, in brief, it involved wild turkeys doing mating dances and a rogue coyote, in the trash, in New Mexico.
"No", she replied. She had grown up a city girl, in Moscow, and understood nothing about killing chickens.
Well, I knew right then and there, I had to tell her about backyard chicken coops and how, as a preschooler, I participated in the slaughter of numerous fowl, and lived to tell about it.
My grandparents "kept" chickens, in their backyard, behind the garage. I remember feeding them and that they frightened me. "Keeping" chickens also required collecting their eggs and eventually killing some, for our family to eat.
My dad and grandmother were the deed doers. Grandma would grab the chickens, give them a yank and break their necks. But, that didn't kill them. The bodies of the chickens would then be placed, neck out, under a bushel basket and round, little Nancy, would get the job (they must have thought that I liked doing it) of sitting on the down-turned basket.
Dad would then use a small hatchet to lop off the head, while the body continued to flop around and I would have to hang on, to the basket for dear life, until the body stopped moving. It was not fun. I remember it all quite vividly.
My friend was horrified.
However, the experience did not make me non-chicken eater. Fried or baked. Chicken is my favorite meat. But, to this day, I am a wee bit leery of anything in a bushel basket.

Dear Lord. Memories can be a blessing. We learn from the past. Lead us toward a better future. Show us how to become better Christians.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Me, My, Mine!

Once, when one of sons confessed that he actually liked Cole Slaw, another of our boys announced that he had dangerously crossed over to the Dark Side. Now, I have to admit, that I have also made the leap.
I know, from my place of work, that Seniors are, as a rule, very territorial. They speak of MY parking space, MY yard, MY mailbox, MY this and that. Because, their lives have been downsized to an apartment in a communal build, they are very jealous of what they think they possess.
Well, the other day, a resident wandered behind MY desk and made an exorbitant number of copies on MY copier. Boy, was I peeved! Then another resident announced that she had been watering MY cactus plants, because she thought the dirt was dry. Cacti, folks! Egad!
Well, I just had to calm down.
That copier, just like the parking space, is something that I have the use of. I don't OWN it. The desk,  just like an apartment, is something that I am allowed to use. I don't own it.
Just stop and think about it. We are temporary residents of this planet. We need to remember that God is allowing us to live here. We need to appreciate our gifts and open our hearts and share. Sharing is  a wonderful thing.

Great Holy God. Thank you for our many blessings.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Fairy Tales

The first and foremost rule of my job is "never argue with the residents". Today was a perfect example of  the extremes that I must go to, to appease the senior masses.
Friday, was Grocery Store Day. Normally we take people to the local supermarket, twice a week, but this week, due to scheduled vehicle maintenance, we used our shuttle only once. Our driver generally takes one assistant and 8-10 shoppers. But today, 20 seniors were eagerly waiting to board the bus at shopping time. 
Since we have always asked out shoppers to sign up prior to shopping day, the number of prospective shoppers surprised all of the staff. 10 extra shoppers is a big deal!
Now, if one wants to go shopping, one is supposed to sign up, in advance, with the
So, casually I asked, "Why isn't your name on my list? "(to each of the ten shoppers not registered). To a person, they each replied, "Well, I told you I wanted to go."
Okay. Okay. We found room on the bus and took another vehicle to carry the groceries. But, there is no way that I forgot to register 10 people. One or two possibly, but not ten.
I shouldered the blame. It was my fault. My mistake. Everyone got to go shopping and everyone was happy. No one was harmed and no one was offended.
There you go, folks.  I hope you enjoyed the trip.

Great and gracious God. Your people are odd creatures. We want to be in charge. Each and every one of us, but You know that we are not in control. Teach us how to love one another and put ourselves in Your most capable hands.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Small Blessings are Huge

Today, a resident came to my desk and told me that she loved having a mail room available to the residents. She enjoys not having to go outside to pick up her mail. Her mail is always dry and she stays dry, too. She appreciates having a protected mail box, where she knows her deliveries are safe and monitored. Being able to mail letters and packages, without making a special trip to the Post Office, makes her happy.
Her comments made me even more happy! I was the happiest!
As I have written before, mail is a huge thing to the over 80 set. And, I can say with absolute certainty, that her comment was the first positive statement that I have ever heard about the mail delivery at our Retirement Community. Every item, that "my new best friend forever", mentioned about our mail room, is true. We offer a lot of great perks with our superbly managed mail room, but up until now, it has never been enough. In four and one half years, I have heard nothing but complaints!
Until today. What a blessing.

Dear God, Thank you for positive people. Many of us cannot count our blessings, because we are too busy complaining about what we don't have. Keep us focused on the Prize. You!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Rewriting History.....

Currently, there is a heated controversy raging over which of the two statues honoring Missourians, should remain in the U.S. Capitol Building. Each state can only have two, and because wise pundits want to replace one of the statues with a likeness of the only Missouri president, Harry S (no period) Truman, one of the existing ones has to go. Seems like a good enough idea. Then, with Harry in place, we would retain the one statue, honoring the best and most noteworthy man, of the original two.  But, which of the two should be removed?
One of the current honorees, a Mr. Blair, was an avowed racist, but he is credited with founding the Republican Party in Missouri. The other, Thomas Hart Benton (not the artist, but the Senator), owned slaves, and held a seat in the U.S. Senate for 30 years. Uh oh.
In order to meet current purist thought, let's just eliminate all traces of slave holders in U.S. History. That would mean every city, State, building, street, school and park named for George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Then, remember to take down both monuments honoring them on the Capital Mall.
Then, while we are at it, let's destroy all records of any of our own ancestors that were slave holders. That would erase traces of folks all the way back in history, to pre-historic times. Slavery was not invented in the U.S. of A. Many cultures had slavery.
This is all a bit drastic, of course. History, it seems, cannot be re-written. And, furthermore, it should never be erased from our memories! If we don't remember our errors, we are apt to repeat our mistakes.

Dear Lord. We are who we are. We are products of our ancestors and of our own history. Allow us to see our own sins and show us how we can become better children of God.

Friday, April 6, 2018


Rarely, all teachers will tell you, do students read directions. A math teacher can give out a sheet of problems and the students will all start to work them....even if the directions, written right at the top of the page, say "do not work these problems." Teachers try and try, but most students consider directions a waste of time. Children are impatient.
A lifetime passes and you would think that folks would get wiser. Somewhere along the line, people should learn to read directions. But, they don't. I see it every day.
There is a nice big sign, right by my desk. It is hung in front of the mailbox room. It's a sliding sign that either reads "The mail is in" or "the mail is not in." I make sure the sign is changed, every day after the mail is delivered. Yet, without fail, at least five folks, every blessed day, will ask me, "Is the mail here?"
I put signs on everything, mistakenly thinking someone might read them.
My signs often request, "Read this", "Please take one", or more importantly, "this event has been moved" or even "cancelled". No matter. No one reads them! It's just easier to ask the concierge.
I'm used to it. Some things never change.

Dear God. We need you help. Show us how to love and listen. Remind us to care about others.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Daily News, or at least what is left of it!

My husband and I are part of a dying breed. We read the daily newspaper. Anyone can tell you that most people, nowadays, get the news from the Internet, TV and phones. Newspapers these days belong to "the old folks". News, in print form, is going away, rapidly. And, what's more, no one cares!
We grew up in a small town with a population of around 20,000.  Years ago, that town's daily newspaper published two additions, The Morning Sun and the Headlight. There was enough news and print advertisement to make both papers viable and profitable. Now, major cities of millions can't support one edition daily!
The Kansas City Star has shrunk! Of course, we have gone from two daily publications to one. The circulation has dwindled to the point, that the publishers have resorted to begging people to stop their print subscription and read the "paper" on line. But, that is only one way it has gotten smaller. The size of the paper has diminished to sometimes no more than six or eight pages and, on top of that, the overall dimensions, of the copy paper, are much smaller than they once were. We no longer have a daily newspaper, we have a mini-sized newsletter!
We could stop our subscription. People always say that money talks. However, it isn't as if the cancellation of our outrageously over priced delivery would hurt the Star, in any way, shape or form. Major newspapers are supported by advertising dollars, not subscription dollars.
But, older folks are creatures of habit. We will keep taking the sub-standard Kansas City Star, until we die or it dies....whichever comes first. I will keep trying to solve the New York Times Crossword (even if the Star, insists on running the puzzle weeks after the NYT published it!) and my husband will continue to read the daily sports news. At least, the Star continues to publish the names of the teams, along with the scores of the games. When, due to limited space, he starts to read....6 to 8, 10 to 14, or 76 to 84, that will be the final straw.

Great and all knowing Lord, you are aware of our meager lives. You know what pleases us and disturbs us. Remind us that we should, above all, be concerned with what pleases you. Help us to lead better lives. We praise your Holy Name.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Where for art thou, Juliet?

I have always appreciated several verses about change. "Change is growth", is one of my favorites. Or, "The only thing that is constant, is change." Normally, I'm all for change.
However, I have just recently come across some changes, that have me puzzled.
Locally, the natural gas company used to be called, Missouri Gas Energy. Pretty straight forward, don't you think? That company was purchased by Laclede Energy, a St. Louis based company. That name has been in existence for over 100 years, Laclede being one of the founders of St. Louis. Now Laclede has changed to Spire. What does that name have to do with gas service? I am imagining a column of fire, set off by a spark and a gas leak!
Then, my mortgage company changed its name. What was once NationStar, is now Mr. Cooper. This change made no sense to me at all. So, I did a little research and read that this particular choice of company name was made to "connect with individuals". What individuals? Gary Cooper? Tyra Banks? Eddie Money?
Then, my cable company went from Time Warner......two longtime communication Spectrum. What the heck? A spectrum is defined as a fluctuating series of items. I guess that's why customer service with our cable company is always up or down, on or off!
When Shakespeare wrote, " A rose by any other name, would smell as sweet", he was dead wrong.

Holy Lord. Help us to understand what you need for us to do with our lives. Show us how to glorify Your Holy Name.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Say the right thing...please.

People do pay attention to proper English. Right or wrong, every time you open your mouth, someone is judging your knowledge of the English Language. I do not profess to use perfect grammar....written or spoken. But, sometimes when folks speak to me, in a supposedly professional setting, and they use awful English, it hurts.
Take for example, "ain't". It is never acceptable to use the word "ain't". Recently, I was told "if it ain't got our names on it, it "ain't" for us." "Ain't", when it is spoken, (surely no one actually writes the word) is a contraction for the words "is" and "not". Charles Dickens made fun of illiterate people who used the word, in the mid-1800's. "Ain't" has been wrong, for centuries!
"Never say ain't. Say isn't", was one of the first lessons in grammar, that most of us were taught. I do know that folks over the age of 40, have no excuse.
Perhaps, teachers today do not emphasize the use of proper English. Maybe, those same teachers actually use the word "ain't". Maybe their students just aren't listening. Whatever the reason, it is unfortunate that the word continues to be used.
It is such a simple thing, but it is so wrong.

Holy Lord. Help us to do our best for You and others. Our lives are a reflection of your love and care. You do your best for us.

Monday, March 12, 2018

On my honor.......

Can you believe it? I wasn't always as cool as I am now. In high school, long after it was "the thing" to do, Little Nancy remained a Girl Scout.
Today is the anniversary of the founding of the GSA. Juliette Gordon Low, of Savannah, Georgia, is credited with beginning the organization, in 1912. My stint, with scouting, started much later. I became a brownie at age 7, in the early 1950's.
March is the month that Girl Scouts sell their cookies. Salesmanship is not one of my talents. It never has been. I was always a two or three box girl, but one year, the "top salesgirl" in our troop, just happened to be me! John, my step dad-to-be, purchased all of the boxes I could get my hands on. What a great guy, and I don't think he even liked cookies!
My friend Gene, gifted our staff with some cookies, recently. They were much appreciated and were eaten in a flash. Girl Scout Cookies are the best. Memories of long ago Girl Scouting came drifting back. Wonderful times....wonderful guys...wonderful remembrances.

Dear Lord. There are so many great people in this world. Show us how to look for the best in everyone we meet. Give us patience and understanding. Life is a blessing!
We praise your Holy Name.

Sunday, March 11, 2018


In 1952, a brand new tourist destination opened in Afton, Oklahoma. Not too long after the grand opening, no more than a year or two, my family made an afternoon drive, down to see this "new" attraction.
Buffalo Ranch Oklahoma was quite a draw. I remember being awe struck. There were several buildings, including a Western Store, a Dairy Ranch for ice cream treats, and of course lots of penned American Bison, or what we all call buffalo. I think we must have had something cool to eat or drink, because it was Summer and that was long before anyone had even heard of air conditioned cars. I think that I looked all over for Indians, but I don't remember seeing any. I was fascinated by Indians, but because I was always looking for the "painted and feathered kind", I never saw them. There may have been a pony ride concession, too.
Just like many such stops along the famous Route 66, Buffalo Ranch has changed. None of the original structures are standing. In 2002, the last remnants of the Ranch, were torn down, to make room for a typical highway convenience store.
However, the buffalo are still there. Penned up,looking fairly bedraggled and bored. They may be descendents of the same herd that I viewed 65 years ago.
Some things never change.

Dear Lord. Our memories are a part of our present lives. What happened years ago, makes us what we are today. Help us to learn from our past and lead us toward brighter futures.
We praise your Holy Name.

On the Road mistake!

Due to a series of illnesses and accidents, we haven't been out of our own neighborhood, in over a year. However, last weekend, we drove around 300 miles, down to Tulsa, Oklahoma, and back, to participate in a Family Reunion,
Traveling used to come very easy to us and because we have always made it a habit to pre-plan....lots of maps, schedules, brochures, etc...........we almost never vary from our agenda, or get lost.
Well, somehow due to advanced age or our lack of practice, this was a very different journey.
We got to Tulsa, just fine, but the GPS on our fancy phone, wouldn't or couldn't take our destination address correctly. We did arrive safely, thanks to a helpful person at Quik Trip, a teenager of course, who could actually use her phone, successfully.
Then, on the way home, it became apparent to me, the passenger, that we were on our way to Mexico City, instead of Kansas City. It is not easy to reverse course on a Turnpike, but we made it work and found our way home again, safe and sound.

Thank you Lord, for watching over us, Your foolish children. Your steadfast love endures forever.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Slice of Life

Once in a blue moon, something brand new comes along and makes a real difference in our everyday lives. Think about the invention of the automobile or Marconi's invention of the wireless. Where would we be today without Edison's electric light or Bell's simple telephone? In the Dark Ages, perhaps, but certainly not in this current age of instant mass communication and effortless travel.
Well, just recently, I was gifted with such a life changer. I now own a Pineapple Corer/Cutter. It wasn't an expensive item, and apparently several versions of this nifty little thing are available for sale, both in store and on the web. But, I had never seen one, or knew that such a thing existed. I just bought into the idea that, although I love to eat fresh pineapple, I rarely purchased one, because they are so darned difficult to prepare. Way too much trouble, for the result.
Well, this little item, cores and slices the entire pineapple, in just one process. All you need to do is cut off the leafy end and stick the Cutter/Corer in the cut end, and twist. Voila! Perfectly sliced pineapple and a separate core are at your fingertips! No more "eyes" to dig out. No more uneven slices. Beautiful!
So there you go. I'm a happy camper.
No, my slicer/corer won't alter this world, in a huge way, but it has changed mine for the better.

Dear Lord. Help us to celebrate the little things in life.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Yesterday, it was bitter cold. The morning temps were in the early twenties. Tomorrow, it is supposed to reach the mid 60's. Typical February weather for Mid-America. I don't really think so, but we have to deal with it.
Daily weather is a good analogy for life. We know that we will have cold weather in February, but occasionally, we have an unusually warm day...and that surprises us. Our lives go along at the usual pace and then POW....we get hit with a big whoop surprise.
Sometimes, the surprises are personal. They can come in the form of a sudden illness or because some of us are older, a fall. Have you watched a child fall lately? They fall. They bounce right up. As we get older, we can't do that.
Remember how you used to laugh at that old commercial..."I've fallen, and I can't get up! Well, suddenly, it's not funny, anymore. It's us! Falls are a great big deal.
Falls change lives.
Please, be careful out there, folks. Watch your step, whether it's sunny or icy. Walk carefully and deliberately. Stay upright!

Dear Lord. Watch over us. Help us to remember that life is a gift to us.Your grace is a blessing.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Take it off....take it all off!

I'm writing about pounds, of course. Since we are now in the second month of the year, and most of us have already broken our January promises to loose a few pounds, we might as well think about giving up a few things for Lent. Sort of a second shot at doing something good for our bodies. It sounds like a good plan, to me.
Lots of the youngsters at work (Staff, not residents..the residents are all elderly, like me) are following a diet that allows them to eat only fat and protein. They are not allowed to eat sugars or carbohydrates. I've chosen not to follow this regimen (not that they asked me to join them). I just can't see that my slightly elevated blood pressure and high cholesterol numbers are going to improve with stuff like deep-fried pork rinds.
The other diet, that is currently enjoying popularity is very simple. It is "not eating anything after seven p.m." I like this one, although I don't think it is going to help me much. I hardly ever eat anything after seven p.m., anyway!
Another one is the "Cut out French Fries and Soda Diet." My friend is doing that and has lost 9 pounds in two weeks. That's amazing, but the trouble is.....I not a regular soda drinker (maybe once a month) and fries don't agree with me. Fried food give me a tummy ache.
What's a girl to do?
I will cheer on the dieters and I will not offer to share any chocolate that comes my way, on February 14th.

Dear Lord. Help us to respect our bodies and our souls. You have given us many great things and we are thankful for our blessings.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Whatever happened to..........?

Common Courtesy!!!! I am beginning to think that the words "thank you" and "please" are disappearing from the English Language. Life is so much more pleasant, when folks couch their "asks" with a kind word like please or thank you.
Lately, I have been dealing with what we call.....Drive-by demands, drive-by complaints and drive-by snipers. Here's what I have been hearing, most recently. "Sign me up for Wal-Mart!" and " I didn't like my lunch. ( Not enough meat, or potatoes or liquid......just something wasn't right, and I want you to fix it.) and " I guess the mail isn't here yet. When are you going to do something about that?" And, all of these comments are barked at me while the speakers are on the move, from one end of my desk to the other. They don't stop, they just keep on moving. Then they are gone.
I stand there listening and await an AK-47 barrage, from their rolling-walker bags, as they pass my desk. Yap, Yap, Ya-da-ya-da......Rat-a tat-tat! Splat. She's down...... we got her!!
I think it is worth noting, however, that none of these jibes and barbs, actually require a response from me, the target. The demanders, complainers and snipers don't really want an answer or comment. They are just interested in having their comments heard.
Well, I hear you, loud and clear, of course, thank you for your concerns. You are so very welcome for sharing.

Dear God, Give me patience. Remind me that many of the comments are not aimed directly at me. Remind me that all of Your children are special in Your eyes. Keep my mind and heart focused on what you want me to do.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

I'm not sayin'............

Recently, I attended a memorial service, in honor of an old friend. The service was well planned and as is customary these days, the family had a chance to speak about their love for their relative. The music was nice. There were an appropriate number of folks in attendance. All in all, it was a fitting tribute to a long-lived, well-remembered member of the community.
There was one glaring problem. The deceased, who had long been a member of the church, where the service was held, was elderly. She had been unable to attend the church for several years, due to mobility issues.
The pastor, who no doubt is a fine preacher and gentleman, did not know the deceased. He did the best he could with the information given to him, by the family. But, he mispronounced her given name, throughout the entire service. Well, as you can imagine, that detracted quite a bit from what was otherwise a fine funeral.
I shouldn't have let it bother me. After all, the deceased had a name that could have been pronounced in the way the pastor said. Only, he was wrong....dead wrong. And, everyone knew! It was cringe worthy.
Please remember, that when my time comes, and I realize my soul will not be there to hear it, that my name is NAN-SEE.

Holy Lord. You know us by many other ways than just our given names. You know each of us by our thoughts and our work. Remember us, as we remember Your loving and all powerful ways. Jesus, let me live for You and die for You.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Reality Check

Too many folks, refuse to look at who and where they are right now. Too many seniors focus on what they once were, and bemoan everything they have lost.
Why can't seniors look forward? We are wasting what is left of our time on earth,  by living our lives in fear of what is coming "down" the road.
I think we would all find ourselves in a much better frame of mind, if we accept where we are right the present.....and look forward to what lies "up" the road, toward the best part of our lives.
For example, at my age, I am never going to look and move the way I did in my 40's. I've missed my chance to look great in a bikini, and wear 4 inch heels! There isn't a marathon in my future.
I will never be a young, busy mom again. Other women are doing that, thank goodness.
But, if we want to enjoy the rest of our lives, we need to accept who and where we are right now. We can't go back. We need to maximize the things that we can do and not worry about what we can no longer do.
Above all, we must be grateful for the small things that make our lives worth living. And, find a way to love and help others.

Lord, help me to look "upward" Help me to focus on the positive. I have far more blessings than I have aches and pains. I want to live for you.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A New One

Happy New Year. ....and I hope it is the best one, ever.
Last year wasn't the best for many folks. Our home town had a few downs during 2017. We don't want to repeat them. The Kansas City Royals didn't win the Major League Pennant. Murders were nearly at an all-time high, and a lot of them remain unsolved. Traffic deaths were astronomical. The Kansas City Chiefs football team started out with winning all of their games, lost several in a row, and finished just so so. A lot of folks were just downright mean to each other.
On the home front, we had some medical issues. My husband Scott is still recovering from a broken leg and all of the surgery, rehab and transportation issues that go with that.
I cried a lot.
So, I look forward to a much better year. I have some goals this year that will keep us, at least me and my family, on the straight and narrow.
* I intend to laugh more and "let it go" more often.
* I intend to love more and judge less.
* I intend to pray more.....not for good stuff, but for acceptance and peace.
* I intend to say "thank you and please" any time I get a chance.
* I intend to love more and appreciate all of my blessings.

There you go.

Dear God, Thank you for this brand new year. I am sincerely grateful.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...